15 things for a Family to do in Ramadan

Since 2012-11-11

Fellow parent, have you ever had this feeling that the bond between your own family members is not strengthened? If this was the case while approaching Ramadan, your chances are better. In the following points we demonstrate 15 ways that nourishes nd tightens family bonds.

All Praise is due to Allah, and Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon His Messenger.

Fellow parent, have you ever had this feeling that the bond between your own family members is not strengthened?

If this was the case while approaching Ramadan, your chances are better. In the following points we demonstrate 15 ways that nourishes and tightens family bonds.

1- The Qur’an banquet
Establish with your children a daily gathering during the holy month, specified to recite a part of the thirty parts of the Qur’an. No group of people gather for a banquet more blessed and beneficiary than the Qur’an banquet.

2- Family trip
Accompany your children in a daily trip after Iftar (Fast breaking meal) to the Masjid to perform Al-Tarawih Prayer and Qyiam. That way, you will habituate them on praying this beloved prayer in congregation. It has been established scientifically the great benefits of such act, moreover its psychological effect.

3- Interpretation hour
One of the things that help us structure our youth is learning the meaning that the verses of the Qur’an carry, reason behind its revelation, and other many benefits from reading a tafseer in group especially if it was from an easy book like ‘Aysar Al Tafaseer written by Shaikh Abu Bakr Al-Jaza’iry.

4- Diverse dishes and cooperation
Arrange, with the help of your wife, a schedule to give turns to family members, every family member take turns to prepare the breakfast and Suhur meal courses. Don’t forget to diversify the dishes which gives a sense of variation.

5- Knowledge lessons
Be keen fellow parent to specify a short time to explain one of the rulings of fasting. It could take the form of correcting a wrong act made by a fasting family member and elaborating on it, or basically use a book as reference.

6- Family guy
Give priority in this month to share the Iftar Meal with your family, let it be the month for family not month for friends. This does not mean depriving from the reward of feeding a fasting person; on the contrary, there are a number of ways to do that.

7- Neighbours right
Ramadan is the month of goodness and mercy, one of the things that leave a long lasting impression, is to remember your neighbour with an exquisite dish, especially if you know that he likes a specific dish. The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him, said: «Gift each other as it spreads love amongst you»
[Sahih Al-Jame']

«تهادوا تحابوا»
صحيح الجامع

8- Joyful ideas
Motivate your children to be creative, fun in a family atmosphere full of joy and happiness.

9- Charity
Habituate them to do good in Ramadan, the season of blessings. Direct them towards giving alms to the poor daily, or for the Palestinian cause or others with special needs.

10- Memorize Qur’an
Grasp the opportunity of your children’s clear mind with fasting and let them memorize some verses from the Holy Qur’an every day after Fajr or before Maghrib. Tell them that their rank in Paradise will be according to the quantity they learned from the Qur’an.

11- Kinship bond
Accompany your children after Al Tarawih prayer everyday for a short visit to one of the relatives and its okay to teach them the importance of strengthening kinship bonds, leading to more blessing, sustenance, and longer life.

12- Hour of acceptance
Allah likes to hear the Du’a’ (supplicating) of his servant, and one of the times that Allah accepts a supplication of his servant is the moment of fast breaking. This supplication is not rejected, so everyone must supplicate for his brother.

13- Brotherhood
Remind your children - if one of them complains from hunger or thirst – that there are other Muslims in many countries deprived of the many blessings like the warmth of family and parents care, so they would remember them in their supplication on Breakfast.

14- Preparations
Gather your children to cooperate in the last days of the holy month of Ramadan to carry out a cleaning and decorating campaign in the house to be ready to receive Eid.

15- Eid clothes
Be keen on taking your children to outings in the shops to buy some Eid clothes and gifts, this is the Joy of the fasting person and the reward of Allah to His servants for their fasting and Praying at night.

And Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon His Prophet, and upon all his family and companions.

Prepared by: Dar Al-Qasim

Translated by Wathakker.net website



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