18 Benefits of Prayer

And seek help in patience and As-Salat... ... more

The Levels of Tawakkul: Trust and Reliance on Allah

{If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.} [Al-’Imran 3:160] ... more

What after Ramadan?

What is distressing and causes grief about the conditions of the people of Islam is their failure to understand this religion, and their willingness to give it up but only on occasions. When the occasion ends, obligations are abandoned and the mosques are forsaken, and the forbidden is committed and the Quran is deserted. ... more

Ramadan & Fearing (Observing) Allah

One of the evidences of righteousness and piety is the fear of Allah in secret and in public. This is the degree of Al-Ihsân... ... more

Ramadan and Repentance

The slave needs to repent all the time, because he makes mistakes all the time, he may feel his mistake and he may not feel it, so it is necessary to commit to repentance all his hours and days. ... more

Ramadan and the Quran

In Ramadan, many people embark upon the Book of Allah Almighty in reciting and memorizing, and sometimes in interpretation and pondering. That is only because Ramadan is the season of goodness, when acts of worship vary and people become active after the devils are chained, gates of paradise are opened and gates of fire are closed. ... more

The Virtues of the Seal of the Prophets

"How ugly for the Muslims to fail to know of the virtues of their Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. It is a shame that they do not know what Allah, Glorified and Exalted, has singled him out from the miracles and honors in this worldly life and the Hereafter." ... more

Give glad tidings to the patient

Since patience constitutes half of belief, a good manner in a person and a leader that leads the self to the obedience of Allah and repels from disobeying Him; it is necessary to elaborate on its essence, excellence, kinds, levels and the status of people ... more

Weakness of Faith phenomenon

The phenomenon of weakness of belief had been spread among Muslims. Many Muslims complain the hardness of their hearts and say: “I feel hardness in my heart,” “I do not feel the sweetness of performing the acts of worship,” “I feel that my belief had gotten down to the lowest level,” “I do not feel touched by the Holy Qur’an” or “I easily commit sins.” Moreover, the symptoms of this disease clearly appear on many people. Actually this disease is the origin of each disaster and the reason of all defaults and hardships. ... more

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