Qur’an Recitation:The Greatest Treasure

Qur’an Recitation:The Greatest Treasure
Indeed, the Holy Qur’an is the most precious guidance to every Muslim and Recitation of the Holy Qur’an is the greatest treasure  which drives us to make full advantage of time t ... more

Attending the funeral of a non-Muslim relative


Attending the funeral of a non-Muslim relative in the church


I am a new muslim and my parents and relatives are muslim. One of my relative has dies recently and i was very close to her. I like to know if i can attend her funeral in church? I won’t say any words during prayer ...
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The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah

The prophet (peace be upon him) said "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Zul-Hijjah). ... more

I am a fasting person

Ramadan strengthens your will… by your free will you have given up food… you have stopped drinking (permissible drinks)… no one tied you by ropes… no guardian watched you…So determine to finish reading the Quran several times in Ramadan… and accomplish it…Determine to perform the optional night acts of worship in all of Ramadan… and accomplish it… ... more

Description of wudoo’

please oh brothers could you please tell me how a woman could perform wudu for my wife and also could you please tell me how to say ayat al kursi in arabic words but english text as iam yearning to learn the beautiful ayat which the almighty has mentioned so much about him self.please please could you answer this one asmy heart is yearning for it. may allah bless our beloved prophet and his family and his companions.
Praise be to Allaah.  Firstly we praise Allaah for having guided you and opened your heart. We ask Allaah to make us and you steadfast in obeying Him. We appreciate your efforts to learn about your religion and we advise you to strive to acquire knowledge so that your worship will be correct. ... Continue Reading

Sexual Drive

Islam does not look down upon sexual drive as some people may think or call for shunning it. There is no monasticism in Islam. Rather, Islam views the sexual drive as a natural human instinct but sets etiquettes and limits for it in a manner that guarantees its purity and consistency. Thus, the society of the Message (Islam) and Da’wah (calling to Islam) remains pure and clean. ... more

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