The Janaaza Prayer (part 2)

About Janaaza prayer and Dua' for the dead ... more

18 Benefits of Prayer

And seek help in patience and As-Salat... ... more

Hajj - Pagan Worship of a Black Stone or Moon-god?

How do I answer these questions (LIES) about worship in ISLAM? ... more

True Signs of the Hour

In these few pages we'll talk about some of The Minor Signs of the Last Day, which the Prophet told his nation of.... ... more

Voluntary fasting and its merits

" Every (good) deed of the son of Adam would be multiplied, a good deed receiving a tenfold to seven hundredfold reward. Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, has said: With the exception of fasting, for it is done for Me and I will give a reward for it, for one abandons his passion and food for My sake. " [Reported by Muslim] ... more

Trade: Regulations and Etiquettes

Trade is one of the important things in life; people’s life cannot be easy without trade. In life, the man needs many things; such as food, drink, clothes, houses, furniture, vehicles …etc. ... more

How many gods do you worship?

Verily, Allah is One, Self-Sufficient Master, never accepts having a rival. ... more

How Did it Happen?

Would you believe a man if he tells you that there is a store which is running smoothly but has no salesman, storekeeper or someone to look after it?!, Or would you believe him if he told you that chair infront of you assumed its present all by self?! ... more

A Detailed self-evaluation guide

Thinking before Planning: a detailed self-evaluation guide. ... more

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