Al-Hasad (Destructive Envy)

This is the fourth treatise from the series of “Rasâ`il At-Tawbah (Treatises of Repentance from)”. It discusses the topic of Al-Hasad (destructive envy); the disease that many believe that it began to penetrate the rows of Muslims. ... more

As you are to the servants of Allah

You will harvest what you cultivate. Allah deals with His servant as the servant deals with His servants; therefore, you should deal with the servants of Allah as you like to be dealt with by Allah: {But if you pardon (them) and overlook, and forgive (their faults), then verily Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful} [Surat At-Taghâbun 64:14] ... more

Dangers in the Home

This discussion expands upon some forbidden or evil matters that have already been mentioned in brief in my book The Muslim Home - 40 Recommendations. ... more

Invocation for When Rain Increases and one Fears it

Rain may be more beneficial to a place than to another, in a time than in another, in a situation than in another. ... more

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