Muhammad Al-Fatih: about whom the Prophet gave glad tidings

Every Muslim commander wanted to be the conqueror praised in the narration in which the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: "You will conquer Constantinople. Its commander is the best and its army (that will conquer it) is the best." ... more

Umm Sabrin Our New Sister

Umm Sabrin joined IslamWay Sisters On 20 July 2003, she wrote her first post at the Non Muslim Forum in our discussion board saying:

"Dear sisters I have been studying Islam and reading Quran for over a year I understand Islam, the meaning and the Quran I have read several times (although I ... Continue Reading

Abu-Bakr As-Siddîq (the Man of Truth)

He is a man who has spent all his money for the cause of Allah, upon which it was said to him, “What have you left for your family? He said the words of the confident of his Lord, “I left for them Allah and His Messenger.” It is Abu Bakr As-Siddîq, may Allah be pleased with him. ... more

The reality of belief in the angels

Q: What does belief in the angels mean?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The angels form an unseen world; they were created by Allaah from light and they obey the commands of Allaah:
"who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are commanded" ...

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The status of the imams of the Ithna 'Ashari Shi'ah

Q: What is the position on the 12 Imams of the Shia, especiallt the later ones?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The Raafidis, Imamis or Ithna 'Asharis ("Twelvers") are one of the branches of Shi'ism. They are called Raafidis because they rejected (rafada) most of the Sahaabah and they ...

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II. Zionists Reject Uganda

When Herzl's attempts to obtain a charter to grant the Jews a home in Palestine failed because of Sultan Abd al-Hamid's complete rejection of the idea, he organized the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Two hundred Jewish delegates attended from all over the world. The conference ...

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