The Glory of Two Words

The Glory of Two Words
Praise due to Allah the Almighty, Blessings and Peace of Allah the Almighty be upon the Prophet Muhammad, His Family and His Companions. There are two words in Islam which have great glory that should ... more

How He Treated Them (Bookmarked)

An Example for HumanityHow the Prophet of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, dealt with his family, relatives and those around himHow the Prophet of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ... more

XI. Zionist Terrorist Guerrillas exerting Massacres

During the heydays of yishuv (settlements) around 1935, a more radical Zionist terrorist group emerged. It was called the National Military Organization (Irgun Zvai Leumi). Its major aim was to advocate the establishment of the Jewish State on both sides of the Jordan River. This group was ...

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Women in Islam: Oppression or Liberation?

For centuries, Muslim women in all corners of the world have been aware of the liberation that is achieved by adhering to the concept of hijab. Current world events have once again brought the issue of women's liberation in Islam to the forefront of people's minds.

Can a Woman Who Adheres to ...

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Bible Compared to Quran

Based on transcripts of vairous lectures given by Yusuf Estes & Dr. Gary Miller

Introduction by Yusuf Estes
It should be stated at the outset of this work, that Muslims do not seek to put down or desecrete the Holy Bible. It is a matter critical matter of faith for Muslims to believe in ...

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The aqtaab and abdaal in Sufi thought

Q: I have heard and read about what are known as abdaal and aqtaab etc. Do they really exist amongst us? Is the hadeeth, "Do not revile the people of Syria, for there are abdaal among them" saheeh or not?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

According to Ahl al-Sunnah, the wali (in the sense of ...

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Extravagant Sufism 2/3

The Sufis' Belief in Fire and Paradise

Their belief in the Fire and Paradise: It is unbecoming of the Sufis to seek Paradise, as this is a sign of weak Imaan (Faith), so they claim!;ABakr Al-Kalabathi said in his book, At-Ta'arruf li Mathahib Ahl At-Tasawwuf (Gaining Knowledge in the Schools ...
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Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hi-jjah

Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hi-jjah

Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid

How do the first ten days of the Month of Dhul Hijjah differ from other days of the year?

Praise be to Allaah Who has created Time and has made some times better than others, some months and days and nights ...

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Melissa Riter, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised in a sadly dysfunctional family. My father was anti-religion (all religions) and my mother was a non-practicing Southern Baptist. On my father's side of the family, religion was something to ridicule while one was "straight" and to adopt when one was drunk or high. On my mother's ...

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Today, most of the Muslims' lives have become dyed with the same color of the western civilization and lifestyles in the way of thinking, visions, beliefs, education, teaching, culture, policy, governing systems, economy and in all other different means of life.

Currently, we observe that ...

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