Rulings on Ramadan for Women

This is an extract of the rulings related to Ramadan for women from Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih Aal ‘Uthaymeen’s rulings on female bleeding entitled Ithnaani wa Khamsoona Su’aalan ‘an Ahkaam il-Hayd (Fifty-Two Questions on the ...
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Trees in Paradise

Trees in Paradise
The most important objective of every Muslim is to increase his rewards in Paradise. One of the most precious deeds is Dhikr (Supplication) which in return will be a cause to gain trees in Paradise. I ... more

The Story of Prophet Saleh

The way God chose to speak to the people of Thamud was through the story of a camel! ... more

The People Of The Ditch (Soorat al-Burooj)

In numerous places in the Qur'aan, Allah speaks about incidents about people who lived in ancient times. One such people are a group commonly known as 'The People of the Ditch'. They are referred to in the following aayaat of the Qur'aan, in Sooratul-Burooj: ... more

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