The First 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah

The First 10 Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah have been singled out especially for great merits and excellences like no other days in the Islamic calendar. Allah in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has chosen to dis ... more

Islam in Concept

This book explaines (in general) the concept of Islam in simple phrases especially for non -muslims. Also explains the concept of some terms related to Islam like, Almighty Allah, God, Quran, Muhammad, Jesus, life after death, moral system in Islam, worship in Islam, prophethood, Human rights in Islam, Status of woman in Islam, Prayer, fasting, Pilgrimage and much more ... ... more

The Message of Islam

This book, The Message of Islam, begins by asserting the important fact that the faith of Islam, its worship, rules governing people’s transactions and all its teachings have remained the same as they were taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over fourteen hundred years ago. No change or alteration has ever been introduced into them and any deviations from the message that have arisen are because it is Muslims themselves who have changed. Therefore, when individual Muslims commit deeds that Islam prohibits their actions do not reflect Islam. ... more

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