Episode 22: A Spotlight on Miscellaneous Expeditions

Sheikh Zaid al-Qoroon: Amongst the expeditions the prophet dispatched was that of Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf was the most resentful Jew at Islam and the Muslims, the keenest on inflicting harm on the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the most ...

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Last Breath

Duration: 4:00

(1) The Prophet's Birth

After the birth of Muhammad, Amina sent someone to inform his grandfather. He came, looked at the baby lovingly and took him to the Ka’bah ... more

What is the Purpose of Life?

Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? One of the first questions that comes to mind when considering our purpose of life is, “where did we come from?” Are we here based on random natural coincidences or is there a higher intelligent being, a creator? Acknowledging the existence of a creator is the first step in understanding our true purpose in life. There are many logical and rational reasons for believing in a creator. Three reasons are briefly mentioned below. ... more
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