Umrah as Narrated in the Sunnah - Basic Guide!
Here are the major essentials to do during the umrah. This Umrah guide will tell you somehow about performing umrah and what are the major essentials to do in this holy journey.
Get Started with Ihraam
Ihraam means having the intention to begin the rituals of Hajj or 'Umrah. The umrah travel agency guide will help you to get started with Ihram.
When the pilgrim wants to enter ihram, he should change his clothes and perform ghusl like that done to purify himself from janaabah (impurity after sexual activity). Then he should use any available perfume – musk, or whatever – on his head and beard. It does not matter whether traces of that perfume will remain after he enters ihraam.
Doing ghusl when entering ihraam is Sunnah for both men and women, even women who are bleeding after childbirth or menstruating, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded Asma’ bint ‘Umays, when she was bleeding after childbirth, to do ghusl when she entered ihraam, and to bandage her private parts and enter ihram. Narrated by Muslim, 1209.
Then, after doing ghusl and putting on perfume, the pilgrim should put on the clothes of ihram and – except for women who are bleeding after childbirth or menstruating – should offer the obligatory prayer, if that is at the time of an obligatory prayer. Otherwise, he should pray two rak’ahs with the intention of the Sunnah prayer of wudu’. When the prayerer has completed praying, they should face towards Qiblah. He may delay ihraam until he has boarded his means of transport and is ready to depart, but he must enter ihram before leaving the miqat for Makkah.
Then he should say, Labbaik Allahumma bi 'Umrah (Here I am, O Allah, for 'Umrah).
Then he should recite the Talbiyah as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did: “Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaika la sharika laka labbaik. Inna al-hamd wa’l-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, laa sharika lak.
The Talbiyah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also included the words: “Labbaika ilaah al-haqq (Here I am, O God of truth).”
Men should raise their voices when they say it, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Jibreel came to me and told me to tell my companions and those who are with me to raise their voices when they recite the Talbiyah.” Classified as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1599.
The woman should recite it in such a way that those standing next to her can hear her, unless there is a man standing next to her who is not one of her maharim, in which case she should recite it silently.
If the person who is entering ihram fears some obstacle that may prevent him from completing his pilgrimage (such as sickness, an enemy, being prevented from proceeding, etc.), then he should stipulate a condition when entering ihram by saying: “If I am prevented, then my exit from ihraam is where I am prevented” – that is, if something prevents me from completing my pilgrimage, such as sickness or being late, etc., then I will exit my ihraam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered Dubaa’ah bint al-Zubayr, when she wanted to enter ihram but was sick, to stipulate such a condition, and he said: “Your condition is valid with your Lord.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5089) and Muslim (1207).
If he stipulates this condition and something happens to prevent him from completing his pilgrimage, then he may exit his ihraam and does not need to do anything (i.e., offer a sacrifice in compensation).
But the one who does not fear that any obstacle may prevent him from completing his pilgrimage does not need to stipulate any conditions, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not stipulate conditions nor did he order everyone to do so. Rather, he told Dubaa’ah bint al-Zubayr to do so because she was ill.
The muhrim (a person who has entered ihraam) should recite the Talbiyah a lot, especially when circumstances and times change, such as when you go to a high place or go down to a low place, or when night or day begins. After that, he should ask Allah for His favors and Paradise, and seek refuge from the Fire in His Mercy.
Talbiyah is prescribed in ‘Umrah from the time one enters ihraam until he begins Tawaaf. When the muhrim begins Tawaaf he should stop reciting Talbiyah.
Tawaf is Compulsory
Every time he passes by the Black Stone, he should face it and say ‘Allahu akbar’, and for the rest of his tawaaf he should recite whatever he likes from dhikr, dua’ and Quran, because tawaf around the Ka’bah was established for the remembrance of Allah.
In Tawaaf men must do two things:
1 – Uncover the right shoulder (ittibaa’) from the beginning of tawaaf until the end. This is done by placing the middle of the rida’ (upper garment) below the right armpit and the ends of the rida’ over the left shoulder. When the pilgrim finishes tawaaf, he should put his rida’ back on as before tawaf, because the time to wear it with one shoulder uncovered is only in tawaf.
2 - Raml on the first three circuits only. Raml means walking quickly with short steps. On the last four circuits there is no raml, the pilgrim must walk normally.
When the pilgrim completes seven circuits of tawaaf, he should cover his right shoulder and then go to the Station of Ibrahim (Maqam Ibrahim) and recite the words (interpretation of the meaning):
"Take the Maqam of Abraham as a place of prayer [or the stone on which Ibrahim (Abraham) stood while building the Ka'bah] (for some of your prayers, i.e. two rakat after the Tawaaf of the Kaaba in Makkah)."
[al-Baqarah 2:125]
Then he should pray two rak’ahs behind the Station; in the first rak’ah after reciting al-Fatihah he should recite Ya ayyuhal-kaafiroon (Surah al-Kaafiroon 109) and in the second Qul Huwa Allahu ahad (Surat al-Ikhlas 112). Then when he has finished this prayer, he should go to the Black Stone and touch it if he is able. It is prescribed at this time to touch it only; if he is unable to do that, then he should go away and not point to it.
Then he should go out to Mas'aa (place for saa'i) and when he comes near as-Safa' he should recite (interpretation of the meaning):
“Indeed, As-Safa and Al Marwah are among the sacred places of Allah.”
[al-Baqarah 2:158]
And he should say: "Nabda'u bima bada'a Allah bihi (We begin with that with which Allah began)."
He should repeat this three times, and in between make du'a. He should recite this dhikr, then make du’aa’, then recite it again and make du'a’, and recite it a third time, then go down to al-Marwah, and not make du'a’ after the third time.
The verse (interpretation of the meaning):
“Indeed, As-Safan and Al Marwah (two mountains in Makkah) are among the sacred places of Allah.
[al-Baqarah 2:158]
It should be recited by the pilgrim who wants to perform saa’i when he approaches as-Safa at the beginning of the saa’i only. It is not mustahab to repeat it every time he approaches as-Safa, as some people do.
Shave your head or cut your hair
When he completes the seven circuits (of saa’i), he should shave his head if he is a man, or cut off some of his hair. If he shaves his head, he should shave all of it, and if he cuts his hair, he should cut it off his entire head. Shaving is better than cutting because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made dua’ three times for those who shaved their heads and once for those who cut their hair. Narrated by Muslim, 1303.
Women should cut their hair to fingertip length.
With these actions, ‘Umrah is complete. Then it consists of ihram, tawaaf, saa’i and shaving the head or cutting the hair. The best way to choose umrah packages from a local agency who can guide you very well A to Z about the Umrah holy journey and its initials.
We ask Allah to help us do righteous deeds and to accept them from us, for He is Always Near and answers our prayers.
See Manaasik al-Hajj wal-'Umrah by al-Albaani [available in English as The Rites of Hajj and 'Umrah, published by the International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh]; Sifat al-Hajj wal-'Umrah and al-Manhaj li Murid al-'Umrah wa'l-Hajj by Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on them all). ...more
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Since 2024-11-21
Umrah as Narrated in the Sunnah - Basic Guide! Here are the major essentials to do during the ...
Umrah as Narrated in the Sunnah - Basic Guide!
Here are the major essentials to do during the umrah. This Umrah guide will tell you somehow about performing umrah and what are the major essentials ...more
Here are the major essentials to do during the umrah. This Umrah guide will tell you somehow about performing umrah and what are the major essentials ...more