The thoughtful talk of all Tableeghi Ulema/brothers is the outcome of that practical Islamic-life which is the result of life-changing/brain-washing activities exercised during that period of that
life-time when they, to get sincerely prepared for hereafter & in search of salvation, had been wandering with their devoted Tableeghi brothers for the sake of pleasing Allah-SWT alone and thus is bestowed by Allah-SWT a fikr (thought) equipping with which this Ummat is known as : … كنتم خير امة (you are the best Ummat …) as only this very fikr can ultimately ignite an ummaty think and get others thinked the way Allah-SWT wish; hence, regardless of opponents/fools criticism/hostility, well-wishers of the Ummah must endeavor pursuing ignorant masses to convince them sparing some time go out in the path of Allah-SWT to closely/practically watch/exercise the activities Tableeghi brothers do share/enjoy the 'SYSTEM' and return back their homes with CHANGED/SHINING life-style (with hearts beating like spring-peaks), the very very much imitation of all ours IDEAL Hadhrat MUHAMMAD Mustafa SAW ... guaranteed ... In-sha-Allah-u-Ta'alaa - من زحزح عن النار وادخل الجنة فقد فاز (one who is saved from hell-fires and entered into the paradise, is indeed successful) - والسلام على من التبع الهدى – !!! ...more