Tag: suhur
Dr. Ragheb El-Sergany
Revival of Sunnah
Since 2014-10-15
#11 Delaying Suhur
Delaying Suhur (meal before dawn)
Delaying Sahour is a very merciful Sunnah, it gives the Muslim strength for fasting and the ability to tolerate the burden of thirst and hunger. Zaid bin Thabit said; "We took Sahur with the Messenger of Allah then we went to pray." I asked the Prophet (ﷺ):"How ...
Since 2014-06-26
The Prophet In Ramadan
Ramadan is a month of contemplating the Grace and Bounty of God Almighty, of returning to our Guardian Lord in repentance. ... more
Since 2012-12-23
Beating Bad Breath during Ramadan
Bad breath seems to be more potent when fasting due to the dryness of the mouth. To reduce this it would be recommended to drink plenty of fluids during the evening and suhur time. ... more
Since 2012-11-29
Excerpts about Ramadan
It was established in the agreed upon Hadith that the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has said: “eat the meal of the Suhûr (the last light meal before dawn), surely there is a blessing in Suhûr.” ... more
Since 2012-11-22
Suhur (Pre-Dawn Meal)
The Prophet -peace and blessings be upon him- made it an incumbent to eat Suhur, warned from leaving it, and mentioned many merits and benefits. ... more
Since 2012-11-22
The Reward of Fasters
We thank God who made fasting Ramadan compulsory, opened to us the doors of heaven during it and locked the doors of hell. Prayers and peace be upon our chosen prophet and his family and company till the Day of Judgment. ... more