The Fitrah of Children

The Fitrah of Children
The Fitrah is sometimes explained as Islam and sometimes more generally explained as the natural inclination to Islam. However it’s explained, it remains clear that the Words and Guidelines of A ... more

Food For Thought

Food For Thought
I’M walking in a park in Saudia and a mother is sitting with her toddler on a bench coaxing her to drink a juice with some chips. The toddler is coughing a painful, choking cough. Yet the moth ... more

Bangladesh; Travesty of Justice

Bangladesh; Travesty of Justice
The secular anti Islamic government of the Awami League headed by Shaikh Hasina is carrying out a political campaign of eliminating its opponents under the slogan of national justice. The Awami Leag ... more

The Muslim in Ramadaan

The Muslim in Ramadaan
Q: What should we say to the Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadaan?. Read more (The Muslim in Ramadaan) The Meaning Of Ramadan ... more

Description of wudoo'

Description of wudoo'
 Being Muslim, being of sound mind, having reached the age of discernment and having the intention of doing wudoo'. Wudoo' is not valid on the part of a kaafir, an insane person, a smal ... more

Christmas - For Muslims??

Christmas - For Muslims??
What is this - Christmas?The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or "Christ's Mass". Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian relig ... more

Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's Day!!!
Valentine's Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was se ... more

Hasten to Hajj!

Hasten to Hajj!
Abu Sa'ied Al-Khudry (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Allah Glory be to Him the Exalted says: the servant whom I gave ... more

The prayers, as taught by the prophet

The prayers, as taught by the prophet
Prayer (Salat) is the second pillar of islam... it is a relation between the Muslim & his God without any mediator...This is a Series discribing the prayer step by step as taught by the prophet pe ... more

Shiites, Shiism, and Islam

Shiites, Shiism, and Islam
One of the most perplexing scenarios to non-Muslims and new Muslims alike is the division they may see between Shiites and Sunni Muslims. Some tend to become confused when they see that each group cl ... more

Son Of Who?!

Son Of Who?!
Does the belief in Jesus, peace be upon him, as a 'son of God' really make sense? What exactly does 'son of God' mean? Can true salvation from God, be the punishment of someone else who is innocent ... more

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak
Islamway Website Wishes The Muslims around the world a happy & blessed Eid.. Read: Etiquette of Eid ... more
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00:00:00 Time to
26 Rabi' al-awwal 1446
Fajr 00:00 Dhuhr 00:00 Asr 00:00 Maghrib 00:00 Isha 00:00

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