Join Islamway Team

Since 2013-09-30
Join Islamway Team

In the name of Allah we open the signup for volunteers to become part of the Islamway team.

At Islamway we strive to work together in accordance with the words of Allah where He says: And cooperate in righteousness and piety

We spend our time and effort for the sake of Allah, to spread good and serve Islam and Muslims.

To all volunteers are you up for the challenge? Can you take on the responsibility and appointment from Allah to serve Muslims, spread good, knowledge and benefit to all Muslims on this planet. Are you willing to always be amongst the forerunners doing good for the nation of Muhammad? 

If you can commit to all of this then by the will of Allah you will be an outstanding addition to the Islamway team.

We ask Allah that this effort be heavy on your scale of good deeds, and that your contribution be a continuous means of success for you in this world and the hereafter.

Signing up for the volunteer program will be opened till ‘Eid Al-Adha. Following that a training program for all new volunteers to enable you to be ready to join the Islamway team.

To signup, please fill in this application then this questionnaire>

Note: the applicant must be good in Arabic.

May Allah give you success.

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