Ali bin Jaber
Views: 84,460
Ali bin Jaber
Since 2018-03-06
Because of You, Allah: Journey to the Seventh Heaven
PrefaceAs-Samad (The Eternal Refuge)Al-Hafiz (The Ever-Preserving)Al-LateefAsh-Shafi (The Healer)Al Waki'l "The Trustee"Ash-Shakour (The Most Thankful)Al Jabbaar (The Compellor, The Rest ... more
Ali bin Jaber
Since 2005-03-19
الشيخ علي بن عبد الله جابر إماماً للتراويح بالحرم المكي
لمشاهدة المقطع المرئي قم بتنزيل الملف أولاً ثم فتحه عبر برنامج RealPlayer