Does diarrhoea make it permissible for the fasting person to break his fast?
Does diarrhoea make it permissible for the fasting person to break his fast?
What does self confidence mean for the Muslim, and is that contrary to his need for his Lord, may He be exalted?
How can a muslim who is really lacking self confidence become a more confident person? He has tried so many things but has yet to overcome his nervousness when talking to people. May Allah reward you with good for your effort.
Asking the Muslim about the state of his heart and his faith
Is it permissible to ask the Muslims -when meeting with them- about the state of their faith or their hearts? One of them said to me that this is a matter of the unseen and that it is not appropriate to ask about it.
Sometimes he feels too lazy to pray– what is the remedy?
I am a young Muslim man who believes in Allah and His Messengers and His Books, praise be to Allah. But sometimes I feel too lazy to pray. I am looking for a solution and a way to make me not be so lazy. Please note that this is what I want but the tricks of the Shaytaan are too strong.
Should he respond to non-Muslims when they wish him a Happy New Year?
Is it permissible for me to say to non-Muslims "And the same to you" when they wish me a Happy New Year or say Best Wishes?
Declaring shahaadah and performing salaat for a new non-Arabic speaking Muslim
I have read the many pages of your web site that instructs a non-believer. I believe that there is only Allah (one God). Ibelieve that Muhammed is the seal of the prophets. History bears this out. My question is: How do I declare this (shahadah) if I do not speak arabic? How do I perform the five daily prayers (salah) without understanding arabic? Finally would I have to change my name?
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Mother and child's rights over each other
I have a few questions concerning parents
1-What right does my Mother have over me?
2-What right do I have over my mother?
Da’wah – calling others to Islam
How should we call people to Islam?
Sleeping though Fajr Prayer
If a person slept through Fajr prayer, will Allaah reward him for the remainder of the prayers on that day, or not? And if he prays it after he wakes up, will it be accepted from him?
Who do Muslims worship?
Who do Muslims worship?
Ruling on saying “We are the children of Allaah”
What is the rulling on, when a Muslim say "We believe we are all children of Allah" Basing it on the weak Hadeeth (All creations are sustained by Allah). Please provide details of the ruling.
The discharge which is passed continuously by a woman does not have any effect on the fast
Please tell me if a transparent fluid like water is excreted which becomes white coloured after drying is our fast and prayer valid? is ghusl farz on us or not.please please tell me because i pass this thing alot and find it on my underwear and i do ghusl 2 or 3 times a day to make my fast and prayer valid.plz tell me whatis this and what should i do.
Fajr 00:00 | Dhuhr 00:00 | Asr 00:00 | Maghrib 00:00 | Isha 00:00 |