Islam Erases the Sins that Came Before it

A brother of ours has recently become Muslim. During his days of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance – i.e., before he became Muslim), he earned a lot of money by dealing in drugs. He brought this money with him and opened a big bookstore and got married using this money. Recently he has been told that it is not permissible for him to give this money in charity, because Allaah is Good and only accepts that which is good, Our question is, what should he do with this money, and how sound is what he has been told?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:Praise be to Allaah Who has guided him to Islam. We ask Allaah to make him steadfast and to guide him to that which is good for him in this world and in the Hereafter. Secondly:By His grace and mercy, Allaah has caused Islam to destroy the sins that came ... Continue Reading

Things that make ghusl obligatory

What are the things that make ghusl obligatory?.

Praise be to Allaah.The things that make ghusl obligatory are six things. If one of them happens then the Muslim has to do ghusl. 1- Emission of maniy (semen) from its exit in the male or female, which happens either when one is awake or when one is asleep. If it is emitted when one is awake, ... Continue Reading

He has been guided recently, and his family and friends mock him. What should he do?

I used to be very sinful, my most beloved hobby was to sin. I used to take drugs (hashish, pills, and wine) and I used also to commit adultry.
By Allah’s grace, I repented from the sin of adultry before marriage but the sin of taking drugs remained. It was because of the bad companions I had. Then one of my cousins died, he was of similar age to me. But he was not married, I thought about my situationand that someone who is younger than me has passed away, and we were comitting the same sin togeather, taking drugs.  
Allah has guided me by His grace, so I gave up all sins, I even broke the satellite dish. My life has changed 180 degrees. I became charitable, pray, call people for good and denounce evil, distribute tapes and booklets and attend lectures.
The problem:

I face criticism, starting from family, mother and sisters, that I am strict. They want to listen to songs and watch series on television. If I advise them and say that what they are doing is haram they say: “why is istighfaar (seeking Allah’s forgiveness) prescribed?, If you do not want to listen to songs and watch television then leave, we want to watch and listen” the same problem happens at work as well, I have left home more than one time, my wife stays with them, I take her with me when I leave, but they ask me to let her stay with them. I refuse and my wife feels embarrassed and fears her situation causes any problems. But when I leave her with them, she sits far from TV and from where they sit.  Sometimes I hear my mother making du’aa against me saying: “I wish Allah did not guide you, you made us restless” I seek refuge with Allah from what she says.


My problem at work is, that I work in a military sector, all colleagues are bad, the religious ones are only three, there are six bearded brothers. They get over so many things, the rest of them take hashish and drugs, flirt women and majority are of course smokers.

They all agreed on insulting me, whenever I sit with them, they remind me of my past. They mock the bearded brothers, slander them and describe them as (liers and terrorists) and I feel jealous for them and say: “you are slandering your brothers, they are muslims, you should not mock the beard because it is sunnah to keep it”. Sheikh, they gave me bad reputaion, they always critisize the bearded brothers, they never mention anything good about them.

Is letting my beard grow, abiding by sharia, enjoining good and denouncing evil in this time a crime that I have to pay for, or become immoral like them?
Even my boss, he says: “you bearded men, I will put you under the misoscope, I will not forgive any mistake you do”

I have tried some solutions:
Firstly: I asked to move to another administration, but my request will take some time.
Secondly: I cut my relationship with everyone insulted me by a word or an action. This helped limit the problem. But I do not like this way, as people became careful when they deal with me and fear that anything they say may be disliked by me. So they dislike me and make others dislike me as well.
I wish you provide me with the suitable solution for my problem because I became really tired of it.

Praise be to Allaah.Congratulations on your repentance, O slave of Allaah. Congratulations on turning back to your Lord. Praise be to Allaah Who has saved you from the path of misguidance and temptation, and has brought you back to the path of repentance and guidance. May Allaah increase you in ... Continue Reading

Is it necessary to do wudoo’ before doing ghusl for making oneself pure (tahaarah)

I would like to know if it's okay if i didn't make wudu after taking a bath???

Praise be to Allaah.If you are referring to the ritual bath of ghusl, then the answer is as follows:(Al-Bukhaari reported in [al-Saheeh 248]) from ‘Aa’ishah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did ghusl to purify himself from janaabah (impurity following ... Continue Reading

Does the one who takes a shower to cool down have to do wudoo’ for prayer?

Is it Correct to pray without wadoo immedietly after coming from a normal bath.

Praise be to Allaah. It is mustahabb for a Muslim to do wudoo’ before ghusl, following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). If ghusl is done in cases of major impurity such as janaabah (impurity following sexual activity) and menstruation, and the ... Continue Reading

Description of how to do ghusl for major impurity

How is major ablution done? There are differences of opinion in a number of madhhabs, so who should I follow?
How did the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) to minor and major ablution?.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:You do not have to follow a particular madhhab; rather you have to ask a scholar whom you trust, one who is famous among the people for his knowledge and virtue, then follow the religious rulings that he explains to you. It does not matter if there are differences ... Continue Reading

Description of wudoo’

please oh brothers could you please tell me how a woman could perform wudu for my wife and also could you please tell me how to say ayat al kursi in arabic words but english text as iam yearning to learn the beautiful ayat which the almighty has mentioned so much about him self.please please could you answer this one asmy heart is yearning for it.
may allah bless our beloved prophet and his family and his companions.

Praise be to Allaah.Firstly we praise Allaah for having guided you and opened your heart. We ask Allaah to make us and you steadfast in obeying Him. We appreciate your efforts to learn about your religion and we advise you to strive to acquire knowledge so that your worship will be correct. Try to ... Continue Reading

Cleaning oneself after relieving oneself

I am usually out at school most of the day and I have to use the bathroom, I can't just go home to make Istinjah. Should I make Wudu and pray or should I miss the prayer and make it up later?.

Praise be to Allaah.When a person relieves himself, he must cleanse himself of impurities either with water - which is best and most perfect - or with something other than water which will remove the impurities, such as toilet paper, fabric, stones or something else.Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen ... Continue Reading

How to do ghusl from janaabah

How does one do ghusl (full ablution) to cleans oneself of janaabah (impurity following sexual activity)?


Praise be to Allaah.There are two kinds of ghusl from janaabah – sufficient and complete. Sufficient ghusl means that you rinse your mouth and nose, then you wash your entire body with water, even if that means plunging yourself into deep water in one go. Complete ghusl means ... Continue Reading

Talking after Iqamah

Is it allowed to open unnecessary talk after prayer's Iqamat before the Imam begins to pray?

By Rabee' Al-AwwalPraise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.If this talk is within what is permissible then there is no harm in it but it is more appropriate to avoid it.The evidence of this is ... Continue Reading

The concept of monotheism in Islam

I am doing research on the concept of monotheism in the world's five major religions. Could you please explain to me the concept of monotheism in Islam?

The Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-TurayrîMonotheism is the message that all of the Prophets came with. People then deviated from the truth. Then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came as the final Messenger and restored true monotheism to ... Continue Reading

Speaking to 'spirits'

I would like to ask you about my friends who claim they can call spirits. Is it possibly true? If it is, what is really going on?

Sheikh Rashîd al-Hasan, professor at King Khâlid University   If they are speaking the truth, then they are communicating with Jinn and invoking them. This is what practitioners of magic do. They rely on Jinn to fulfill their needs and to bring benefit or harm to others. In ... Continue Reading
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25 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445
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