How many will enter Paradise?

In Sahih Bukhari, it is mentioned that ...70,000 of all mankind will enter paradise(!!!)
The first three generations of muslims alone probably amounts to 70,000.
Is there another explanation to this hadith?

Praise be to Allah.Perhaps you are referring to the Hadeeth about the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without being brought to account, which was reported by the two Shaykhs (al-Bukhaari and Muslim), Ahmad and others from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). If you ... Continue Reading

What is the ruling on paying membership fees to Islamic societies and centres in Western countries?

I want to join an islamic society in europe. This society includes a mosque and dars.
The shura demands a membership fee. Is this halal?

Praise be to Allah. If the situation is as described, there is nothing wrong with paying the fees demanded by the society and this is their right. If the one who pays the fee intends, in addition to benefiting from the activities, that what he pays is to support that society, then he will be ... Continue Reading

He is asking about al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah?

What is al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah? What is it about?

Praise be to Allaah. al-‘Aqeedah al-Tahhaawiyyah is a book dealing with ‘aqeedah (basic tenets of faith) which was written by Imam al-Tahhaawi and named after him. Discussing this ‘aqeedah means that we must look at it from a number of ... Continue Reading

What does self confidence mean for the Muslim, and is that contrary to his need for his Lord, may He be exalted?

How can a muslim who is really lacking self confidence become a more confident person? He has tried so many things but has yet to overcome his nervousness when talking to people. May Allah reward you with good for your effort.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: Self-confidence is an acquired characteristic that the Muslim needs to know how to acquire so that he will be one of those who have self-confidence. But first of all he has to differentiate between self-confidence and arrogance. Self-confidence means being aware of ... Continue Reading

Ruling on having a Christmas tree without celebrating Christmas

I don't celebrate Christmas in any way, but my 11 year old daughter loves the beauty of a Christmas tree when decorated. Is it permissible for me to have one in my house throughout the year?

Praise be to Allah. The Christmas tree is one of the symbols of the Christian festival and celebration; this is why it is named for Christmas. It is said that it was first officially used as a symbol in this manner in the sixteenth century in Germany, in the Cathedral of Strasbourg in 1539 ... Continue Reading

A Catholic woman promised Allah that she would not get married if Allah forgave her sins, then she became Muslim

I must say that I'm a revert, Alhamdullila, that I was raised as a catholic and that I was very ungrateful to my Rabb before Islam. Since I was a little kid I was mischievous and often committed sin. After one particularly grave sin, and I asked Allah Subhana wa ta'ala (even thought I was a kaaffir I prayed to Allah azza wa jalla and not Jesus, peace be upon him) to have mercy on me, and I promised Him not to marry if He forgave me. Now that I'm Muslim, Alhamdulillah, I protect my chastity. I know the importance of marriage and the protection it offers a sister, and I wish I could get married in the future to a righteous brother (insha'Allah) so I could learn from him and also to be a comfort for him. But I don't know if I'm excused of not fulfilling my promise to Allah in this matter or if a woman who used to be so wicked could aspire to marry a righteous man.

Praise be to Allah. The best thing we can do is start by focusing on the last part of your question in this brief answer. That is where you wonder whether a woman like you who had committed various kinds of sins and now wants to marry a righteous man can do so. This is according to what you ... Continue Reading

Wishing for death because of intense distress

I have great problems in my work and in my social life. Is it permissible for me to wish for death?
Praise be to Allaah. Your state is like that described by the poet:“If death were for sale I would buy it.This life is something in which there is nothing good.” This is wrong. It is not permissible for the believer to wish for death. If he has to say something, then let him ... Continue Reading

A menstruating woman entered ihram for ‘umrah and did sa‘i, then she did tawaaf after she purified herself

When I went to do ‘umrah, I was menstruating, so I did sa‘i and cut my hair, and I exited ihram and put on niqab. I waited until I became pure, then I did tawaaf at the Ka‘bah. I did this based on the ruling on Hajj, which says that the menstruating woman should do everything except tawaaf. Please note that I am not married. What is your opinion, may Allah bless you?

Praise be to Allah You did the right thing by entering ihram at the miqaat when you were menstruating. The evidence that it is correct to enter ihram when menstruating or bleeding following childbirth is the report which says that Asma’ bint ‘Umays (may Allah be pleased with her) ... Continue Reading

One who lives among people who commit shirk

A man lives within a community that commits shirk (polytheism) by appealing for help from other than Allah. Is he allowed to pray with them with their leading the prayer? Is it obligatory to abandon them? Is their Shirk considered shirk al-akbar (great and serious act of disbelief by associating other beings with Allah's supremacy)? Is alliance with them treated the same as alliance with true non-believers?

If the condition of those with whom you live is as you mentioned, appealing for help from other than Allah, such as appealing for help from the dead and the non-living or the trees or stones or planets and the like, then they are committing the greatest shirk which causes expulsion from ... Continue Reading

Colorful clothing for women

Can you tell me the ruling on women wearing a red or yellow `abâyah? Does she have to wear black?

Answer from Sheikh Riyâd al-Musaymîrî, professor at al-Imâm University in Riyadh There are no restrictions in Islamic Law regarding the colors and patterns of women’s clothing. A woman should only avoid colors that are unusual or bizarre and that consequently ... Continue Reading

‘Umrah is mustahabb at any time in Ramadaan

Is ‘Umrah mustahabb during the last ten days of Ramadaan?.
Praise be to Allaah.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged us to perform ‘Umrah in the month of Ramadaan. Al-Bukhaari (1782) and Muslim (1256) narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ... Continue Reading

Dealing With Children Who are Heedless About Prayer

I want to make my children keen to pray, because they will pray once then forget about prayer many times. I always advise them and pray to Allah to guide them. How can I encourage them and make them love prayer?.

Praise be to Allah.Firstly: There is no doubt that prayer is very important and is the most important matter in Islam, as it is the  foundation of religion, the means of success and a sign of piety (taqwa). It is the first thing for which a person will be brought to account on the Day of ... Continue Reading
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18 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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