Can the foetus be aborted if the mother reads Soorat az-Zalzalah?

One of the women is saying that if a pregnant woman reads Soorat az-Zalzalah, the foetus will be miscarried because of reading this soorah. She also says that if she goes for ruqyah as prescribed in Islam, she had to tell the raaqi that she is pregnant so that he can avoid reciting Soorat az-Zalzalah over her, so that the foetus will not be miscarried. Is this true? May Allah reward you with the best of rewards and benefit the ummah by means of you.

Praise be to Allah. The Muslim should not believe that any harm may be caused by reciting some soorahs of the Qur’an; this notion is contrary to the words of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted (interpretation of the meaning): “Say: It is for those who believe, a guide and a ... Continue Reading

He masturbated during the day in Ramadan in order to provide a sample of semen for testing in the case of infertility; what are the consequences of that action?

He masturbated during the day in Ramadan in order to provide a sample of semen for testing in the case of infertility; what are the consequences of that action?

Praise be to AllahIn the answer to question no. 2571, we stated that it is prohibited to masturbate during the day in Ramadan, and if a person masturbates and emits maniy, then his fast is invalidated. You should have delayed that until nighttime – if possible – so that you would ... Continue Reading

Hadeeths that differentiate between the scholars and the martyrs`

How sound is this hadeeth: “The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  The hadeeths which state that the scholars are superior to the martyrs, or that the ink of the scholar is superior to the blood of the martyr, were narrated from a number of the Sahaabah, but they have weak and flimsy, or fabricated isnaads, which we ... Continue Reading

He said to his wife, “I am sorry that I am a Muslim”; has he apostatised by doing that and what is the ruling on his marriage?

I am a muslim by birth and I recently got married to a girl who had reverted to Islam. i am from india and many muslims here are very backward in their practices etc.. She was continously asking me questions about my relatives and why muslims are so backward etc.. I lost my temper and I am ashamed to say that in my anger I told her that I was sorry that I was a muslim. I immediately realised my mistake but I said what I said. I am terribly ashamed of myself for saying such a thing. Does this make me a apostate (kafir). I am a muslim and i truly believe in islam in all its glory. I am ashamed and sorry for what I said. Am i a kafir. Do i have to say the shahadah again? Is my nikah nullified as she is still a muslim. Do i have to do the nikah again. Please answer at the earliest. I am really sorry for beingsuch a bad muslim.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  The Muslims are not backward; rather the one who is backward is the one who worships idols, cows and rats. The one who is backward is the one who does not worship Allah, the One, the Almighty, and worships his own whims and desires, thus turning from a ... Continue Reading

Can he sell computer programs even though he is afraid that they may be used for haraam purposes?

Is it permissible to sell computer programs although I am afraid that they will use them for sinful purposes and that I may incur a burden of sin as a result of that, or am I not responsible for what the purchaser does after he has bought it from me?

Praise be to Allah. With regard to programs and computers that may be used for good or bad purposes, it is permissible to sell them and trade in them, unless it is known that the purchaser is going to use them for haraam purposes. In that case it is not permissible to sell them to him. The same ... Continue Reading

A woman should not travel except with a mahram, even if it is a short trip

I know that a woman is not permitted to travel without a mahram with her. I would like to know what is meant by (traveling) exactly. Where should we start measuring the distance, from the beginning (a place in the desert), or from where?
My father has a farm on Misr-Ismailia way, and he likes us to visit him every so often, this farm is about 75 minutes maximum from home. Is this considered traveling?
Considering that there are many new cities, schools, companies, and farms along the way.

Praise be to Allaah. The saheeh Sunnah indicates that it is not permissible for a woman to travel except with a mahram. This travelling is not defined by a specific distance, as is the case with shortening the prayers or breaking the fast, rather everything that is called travelling, whether ... Continue Reading

Does being in debt mean that zakaah is no longer due? Can he delay zakaah because he has no cash available?

In our country we have been affected by war and we were expelled from our land 23 years ago. Praise be to Allah, my father and I are settled now and we have a business. We borrowed money in order to settle and start a business, the value of which was 1 million. When we worked out the value of zakaah that we owe on the property and trade goods that we have in our possession, it was estimated to be 7 million, and the trade goods on which zakaah is due are worth 5 or 6 million. 
My questions are: 
1. Are we required to pay zakaah, as we have not paid it all these years because we were not able to pay off the debt of 1 million? Was it correct for us not to pay zakaah?
2. We do not have any cash now, if we are required to pay zakaah. We helped a brother of ours to pay off a debt he owed, so that he could pay off the borrowed amount without paying the interest that had been agreed upon. Is it possible for us to waive this debt and thus pay off the zakaah that we owe?
3. We own some property in the country where the war was, that we took possession of after the war ended, and we are planning to sell this property in order to pay off debts and so that we can buy a house in the place where we live now. Is this property subject to zakaah?.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  Zakaah is due on trade goods according to the correct scholarly opinion. Whatever has been prepared for trade is subject to zakaah if it reaches the nisaab or minimum threshold and one hijri year has passed since the capital was ... Continue Reading

When making up missed fasts, it is essential to form the intention the night before, as is required in the case of the original fast

I wasnt aware that ramadan fasts missed due to menstruation had to be made up before nafl ones and I started keeping some nafl ones so is it possible for me to change the intention of the previous nafl ones I have kept or to change the intention of fast during the day? Because the one I kept today for example I started off with the intention of keeping a nafl fast but can I now change this to the intention of making up the ones I missed in ramadan?

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  It is not valid to change the intention of observing the voluntary fast that one has completed in order to make it a fast to make up for a day of Ramadan which one did not fast, because when making up missed fasts, it is essential to form the intention ... Continue Reading

The difference between love and a haraam relationship

I am a 24 years old girl. I fell in love, no dates, no meetings involved, pure love to a pure religious person. He promised to marry me and asked me to wait for him as his circumstances are difficult. I do not remember that he called me more than once. I asked him not to call me; because I feel this is wrong, although I love him. I felt that our love started going in the direction, he agreed to this feeling, and respected my opinion. He just sends me E-mails every so often via internet, so that I know his news. We have been in this love relationship for one year. I know this person and his family, and they know us well as well. I love him for Allah’s sake and sure he loves me as well. The problem is that I started receiving proposals, about 8 so far. Every time I refuse because I promised to wait for him. Now I am confused, is what I am doing halal or haram? I pray, Alhamdulillah, all obligatory and optional prayers, and pray qiyaam in the night as well; I fear I lose my good deeds because of what I am doing. Is a pure chaste love haram? Is my love to him halal or haram?.

Praise be to Allaah. First of all I ask Allaah to guide you and grant you happiness, and I ask Him to increase the numbers of girls like you who are keen to maintain chastity and purity and adhere to the sacred limits of Allaah in their affairs, among the most important of which are emotional ... Continue Reading

Has she broken her oath?

A Muslim woman swore that she would not speak to another Muslim woman because of a dispute that had arisen between them. Then the other woman sent her several text messages, repeatedly, so the first woman responded by a text message. Now the first woman is asking: do I have to offer expiation for breaking an oath or not? What should I do if I want to talk to her again?.

Praise be to Allaah. If a person swears that he will not speak to someone, then writes a message to him, there is a difference of opinion among the fuqaha’ as to whether he has broken his oath. The Hanafis and Shaafa‘is say that he has not broken his oath.  The Maalikis ... Continue Reading

Impermissible to help a non-Muslim deal in Riba (Usury/interest)

Salam Alaykum shaykh. I have a friend who have accepted Islam not long ago. He asks if it is allowed for him that his father who is not a Muslim, buys a house With a loan based on ribaa (usury/interest). And then my friend will buy the house from his father by monthly installment, without ribaa (usury/interest)?
  All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him), is His Slave and Messenger.   It is not permissible for your friend to urge his father or to help him ... Continue Reading

Description of ‘Umrah

I want to know about ‘Umrah in detail.

Praise be to Allaah.   An act of worship cannot be accepted unless it meets two conditions:  1 – Sincerity towards Allaah alone, i.e., it is done to seek the Countenance of Allaah and the Hereafter, and is not done to show off, to enhance one’s reputation or for ... Continue Reading
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23 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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