Category: Muslim Women's Issues

The Muslim Woman and Her Husband

The ideal Muslim woman and her relationship with her husband. ... more

Respect For Our Daughters

Sheikh Salman al-Oadah

A person's need to feel import is something perfectly natural, something instilled in human nature. It may well be that this feeling is behind many of humanity's greatest inventions, achievements, and noble acts.

This is why Allah mentions to us that Abraham (peace be ...

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Women's Position in Islam

By Ayman Samy

Praise be to God and may God bless Mohammad His messenger (peace be upon him).

God created both females and males from one origin, and one soul. {It is He Who created you from a single person and made his mate of like nature in order that he might dwell with her (in love)} ...

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Reviving our sense of Gheerah

Reviving our sense of Gheerah

by Sister Fatima Barakatullah

We live in societies in which most men and women have lost their sense of modesty, women are obsessed with their appearances and wear clothes to be seen by others and to attract the attention of other men even if they are married! ... Continue Reading

Ten ways to increase happiness in marriage!

The young and excited bride-and-groom-to-be; ecstatic about the upcoming wedding and marriage and the joy that it will bring. Three to six months later, reality has set in and both spouses realize that marriage is no easy task, but one that takes a great deal of effort and patience. The ... Continue Reading

When Does a Woman Become More Beautiful?

One day, Myself - forever forbidding me from good, and enticing me into evil - asked me, "When does a woman become more beautiful in your eyes?"

I asked, "Why do you want to know?"

Myself said, "If I tell you, will you answer my question? "

I said, "Yes!"

Myself said, "Satan - our grand ...

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Who is Valentine's Day for?

By Khaled ibn Abdul-Rahman Al-Shayi'

People naturally like occasions of happiness and pleasure, whether private or public, including eids (feasts or days of celebration). For the sake of this inclination, the Shari'a came with the legitimacy of the Fitr and Adha Eids: Two valid eids in ...

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Being Good to your Parents

In today's rapid-paced life, we often tend to get so busy that we forget our parents' rights.  Family values have significantly dropped in our lives, and our friends often become more important to us than our own relatives. What better can emphasize the good treatment of our parents than the ... Continue Reading

A Small House

How many of us, long before even getting married start planning on what kind of house we want to live in? We all have an idea of the perfect little cottage that we'll insha'Allah own one day. We mentally design and decorate our house .. Once that dream is achieve, don't we take care of it? 

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[10 Tips] How to be a Successful Husband

Prepared by : Muhammad AlShareef

1. Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good.When was the last time us men went shopping for designer pajamas? Just like the husband wants his wife to look nice for him, she also wants her husband to dress up for her too. Remember that Rasul Allah - ... Continue Reading

The Phoenix will once again rise from the ashes

Contributed by : Ahmad Shams
" I am a Muslim man who was born and raised in the United States by parents who are natives of Egypt. I have seen the way Muslim immigrants in this country teach their children about Islam, and I must say that I disagree with it ..... " I hold firm belief that the ... Continue Reading

How to make your Wife happy ?

The following is a summary of the book "How to make your wife happy by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed. Beautiful Reception

After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you:

  • Begin with a good greeting.
  • Start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum and a smile. Salam is a ...
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