God, the Creator

Proof of the Existence of God Almighty: His Oneness, His Supreme Attributes and Actions, and His Absolute Power ... more

The Key to Understanding Islam

This book, The Key to Understanding Islam , states from the outset that the Qur’an is not a book of science. However, Islam respects science and scientists, giving them high status in Islamic society, and tells its followers to afford scientists the respect they deserve. The author informs his readers that he has no intention to relate the Qur’an to modern scientific discoveries. He only cites Qur’anic verses that refer to such discoveries as science have made in our present time. ... more

A Brief Introduction to Islam

This book includes the basic definition of and the fundamental pillars of Islam. This book is prepared by Islamic University of Madinah Munawarah in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ... more
Books Since 2015-05-07

Understanding the Evil of Innovation

By: Abu Muntasir Ibn Mohar Ali ... more
Books Since 2015-05-13


By: Abdur-Rhaman ben Hasan Al-Ash-Sheikh ... more

Signs and Miracles of the Messenger

A Messenger would challenge his own people to perform the like of the miracles that he had achieved and that human beings could not do, whereupon they would surrender to the Signs and Miracles of the Messenger and learn that he was a Messenger from their Creator. ... more

A Comparison between Islam, Christianity and Judaism and the Choice between Them

Say "O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims." ... more

A Letter from the Adherents of the Sunnah of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad to Shia

{Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do.} ... more

Every Religious Innovation

It is unjust and unreasonable for Islam to be assessed or evaluated based on any individuals’ behavior and attitudes, with the exception of the Prophet Muhammad who is the example and role-model. ... more
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2 Muharram 1446
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