Our Children After Ramadan

The month of the Quran and competition in good deeds has passed, but you must nevertheless teach your children that Ramadan is not the only month of worship that comes and leaves with its worship. No, rather, Ramadan is the month of change... ... more

Rights of the Husband

Allah The Almighty enjoined obligations and duties, clarified rights and responsibilities, and then ordered the believing men and women to carry them out and made them a Sharee‘ah (Law) for all His slaves. There will be no happiness for a believer except by carrying out and fulfilling these obligations and duties properly, so that he would be entitled to gain the pleasure of Allah The Almighty. ... more

History of Islam in Tanzania

The earliest concrete evidence of Muslim presence in East Africa is the foundation of a mosque in Shanga on Pate Island where gold, silver and copper coins dated AD 830 were found during an excavation in the 1980's. The oldest intact building in East Africa is a functioning mosque at Kizimkazi ... Continue Reading

The most liked deeds to Allah

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful

Praise be only to Allah, and peace and blessings on the last Prophet, and so:

From the most liked deeds to Allah the Exalted:

1- The generous Hanifia (Islam): according to the Prophet's (pbuh) speech: "The most loved religion to Allah is the ...

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Islam Cracks The Code

Islam Cracks The Code

Bible Scholars say, "Its Changed" ~ But Do Muslims Have the Answers?
What Does the Real "Word of God" Say?
The "Bible" for Muslims?
What Do Muslims Believe About the Old and New Testament?

First it was the Da Vinci Code controversy - It was everywhere!, Dan Brown's ...
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Ibn Taymiyyah & The Shia'

Poetic Justice: IbnTaymiyyah's Poem

Ejaz Taj

This poem and its simple yet enduring message is the intended purpose of the writing of this short article. From it we derive the very methodology by which we live our lives and view this blessed religion of ours."

We find that for every ...

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The lesser and greater signs of the Day of Resurrection

Q: What are the lesser and greater signs of the Day of Resurrection?.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

The signs and portents of the Day of Resurrection are the things that will happen before the Resurrection takes place and will indicate that it is close at hand. They have been divided into lesser ...

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Saying "Yaa Rasool Allaah"

Q: I want to know that can we say Ya Rasool-Allah or not.

A: Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible to call upon anyone other than Allaah, whether at times of ease or times of hardship, no matter how great the status of the one who is called upon, even if he is a Prophet who is close to ...

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The Story of Joseph (part 2 of 7)

Treachery and Deception

{And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.} [Quran 12:21]

{وَاللَّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَىٰ أَمْرِهِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ} [يوسف:٢١]

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All praise is due to Allah, Who has guided us to the straightest path, Whom we ask to provide us with relentless non wearisome determination, avert despair from our hearts, and strengthen hope within our souls. Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the one supported with the ...

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Respecting our differences

"Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one!"

by Muhammad Alshareef

Imam Malik one day entered the Masjid after Asr. Towards the front of Masjid An-Nabawee he drew closer and sat down. Rasul Allah had commanded that anyone who enters the Masjid should not sit until he first ... Continue Reading

We Believe In JESUS

2We Believe In JESUSWe are presenting this not to placate you out of policy or diplomacy. We are only articulating what our Creator had commanded us in the Noble Qur’an (Which is translated as follows); "Say (O Muslim), "We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which ...

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3 Muharram 1446
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