Sunshine Follows the Rain

With this the Night Journey and Ascension were over. Muhammad returned to Makkah the next morning and narrated all that had happened to him. ... more

The Reason Why Mankind Was Created

This article clarifies the wisdom of Allah to create mankind. ... more

Other misconceptions about women in Islam – II

Part One: Misconceptions about women in Islam - I



Islam considers marriage a basis for the Islamic family, since it develops bonds of love and caring and a secure atmosphere for the growth and progress of the human race. This, in turn, produces a sound society. This is why the Prophet, ...

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Some misconceptions about women in Islam - I

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated. Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misconception. People who say so, may have read about it in a magazine or seen it on TV. A quick ...

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Deterring people from backbiting (Gheebah)

Definition of Gheebah:

When the Prophet  was asked about backbiting, he answered: «To mention your brother in a manner which he dislikes». Then he  was asked, “What if my brother actually has (this failing) that I made mention of?” The Prophet said: «If (that failing) is actually found in your ...

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A Unique Journey

{Limitless in His glory is He Who transported His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque [in Makkah] to Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]-the environs of which We have blessed-so that We might show him some of Our signs. Indeed He alone is the One Who hears all and sees all} [Al-Israa’:1]. ... more

The Night Journey: Shift in Spiritual Authority

The message was explicit that the office of leadership would be reinstituted by the Messenger of Allah ... more

Account yourselves before you are taken to account

Benefits from take themselves into account before they are taken into account. ... more

Traps of Satan for New Muslims!

Some new converts fall into the traps of Satan and end up getting weak or leaving the religion for one reason or another. Let us take a look together. ... more

Be Patient in Learning Islam

We must be adamant in our learning process, as Islam is a way of life, not just a belief we hold and then neglect implementing it into our lives. ... more

Episode 16: A Spotlight on the Way to the Battle of the Trench

Sheikh Zaid AlQuroon: After prophet peace be upon  him banished Bani Nadir Jews to Khaiber and Allah glory be to him blessed Muslims  with the dominance of the region, the Jews started to plot against Muslims to weaken them.

Sheikh Alareefy: They haven’t stopped their plotting. They would cause ...

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