How should we observe Laylat al-Qadr and when is it?

Laylat al-Qadr

How should we observe Laylat al-Qadr? Is it by praying, or by reading Qur'aan and the Prophet's Seerah, listening to lectures and lessons and by celebrating it in the mosque?.

Praise be to Allaah.


The Messenger of Allaah (peace and ... Continue Reading

What can you do in one minute?

Praise be to Allaah.

Time is of the essence, it is too precious to be wasted or neglected. The wise person is the one who pays attention to his time and does not treat it as a vessel to be filled with cheap things and vain talk. Instead, he limits it to worthy efforts and righteous deeds that ... Continue Reading

The Importance of Tajweed

The Importance of Tajweed

By Sister Fatima Barakatullah

Listening to the Qur'an being recited correctly is enough to soften even the hardest of hearts and Muslims and non-Muslims alike find it a deeply moving experience even if they do not understand what is being said. We feel this even ... Continue Reading

Send This Letter To 13 Friends!

Send this Letter to 13 Friends!

Shaikh Salman Al-`Awdah

One year the people were looking for the new crescent of Ramadhan and did not see it. A man came to the town's judge and said, "In my dream I saw the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - and he informed me ...

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Herbert George Wells' Testimony

"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which ... Continue Reading


           The words that are spoken when one becomes a Muslim, are few but so significant. With the utterance of these words, a person acknowledges Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of all, and the messengership of His Prophet (peace be upon him). With these words, which come from the heart, ... Continue Reading


Contributed by : Fareheen Chowdhury, Canada

Every time I close my eyes,
I can not leave what I see.
All I see is the son, who dies,
And the world that lets it be.


I see a father holding on,
I cannot feel his fear,
I see the blast from the gun,
As Allah saw their tears.


I ...

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Shadiyah Bey telling us how did she convert to Islam

As Salaamu Alaikum,

I wanted to share my story of when I became muslim again..... When I was about 10 years old I would go to church every Sunday so that I could sing. I just loved to sing, this was the year of 1971. 

When the time came for the preacher to give his sermon I was not very ...

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Our Creed

Our creed is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books,His Messengers, the Day of Judgment, and Fate whether good or bad. Belief in Allah's Lordship, Oneness, and Attributes:

We believe in Allah's divinity; that is he is the Lord, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Manager of all affairs.
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Being part of the society in which we are existing, the expression/thought of modesty and righteousness may appear to be outmoded. Today's woman, though modern, cultured and unshackled, is more oppressed than any woman in the most culturally oppressive village in Afghanistan. ...

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Description of Hajj

Hajj is one of the best acts of worship. It is one of the pillars of Islam with which Allaah sent Muhammad and without which a person's religious commitment is incomplete. 

Worship cannot bring a person closer to Allaah and cannot be accepted unless it meets two conditions: 

1 - Sincerity ...

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Reaping the benefits of Ramadan

Ali Al-Timimi
Adopted from a lecture

In the month of Ramadaan it is very important that we spent a few moments to understand some of the wisdoms and lessons that we can learn from this month of fasting.

Unfortunately, many Muslims come in to this month and they are as a companion of the ...

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3 Muharram 1446
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