The First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

The same way Allah (azza wajal) created the months, he chose out of them Ramadan to give extra reward to his servants. By the same token, when he created the days, he chose the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah to be the best days.

This season of worship brings many benefits, ...

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Ramadan and Fasting

A concise highlight written by Dr. M. Amir Ali,Ph.D ... more

Episode 18: A Spotlight on the Incident of the Slander

Sheikh Ali Paqees: The invasion of Banu Al-Mustaliq that the prophet lead himself started when news were reported to him صلى الله عليه وسلم to the effect that the chief of Bani Al-Mustaliq, Al-Harith bin Dirar had mobilized his men, along with some Arabs, to attack Medina.

Sheikh ...

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Economy and technical progress

Doctrinal reflections on technical progress are undoubtedly due to much earlier Aristotle, who was very attentive to the machine's characteristics. As for the progress itself, it fills the entire history of humanity, and there is even a temptation to say that it goes back to before that date itself. ... more

The economic dimension(effects) of the war

War and its readiness are detrimental to development, squandering scarce resources and undermining international confidence that is necessary to promote development, ... ... more

Insulting scholars and pursuing their defects are blameworthy

Abdullah ibn Al Mubarak, the master of the science of Hadith who died in 181 AH, was asked: Who are the best among people?

He said: Scholars.

It was asked: Who are the best among kings?

He said: The ascetics.

Somebody asked: Who are the low people[1]?

He said: Those who replace religion with the ...

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A Too-Narrow View of Religiousness

Religiousness is not with appearance, rather its more than that, it covers all aspects of your life. ... more

The Credit Crunch: An Islamic Perspective

The current crisis has caused many people to question the very principles upon which conventional banking is based... ... more

Fasting the Month of Ramadan

The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon. ... more

Don’t Miss Ramadan’s First Night

Many people, unfortunately, ignore and don’t prepare themselves for the first night of Ramadan. Some people busy themselves with the day-to-day affairs and live it as the other nights of the year. ... more

Reaping the Benefits of Ramadan


Adapted from a lecture

In the month of Ramadan it is very important that we spent a few moments to understand some of the wisdoms and lessons that we can learn from this month of fasting.

Unfortunately, many Muslims come in ...
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Eid Prayer

Eid prayer is wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory). It consists of two Rakaat (units) with six or thirteen additional Takbirs. It must be offered in congregation. The prayer is followed by the Khutbah. ... more
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00:00:00 Time to
27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
Fajr 00:00 Dhuhr 00:00 Asr 00:00 Maghrib 00:00 Isha 00:00

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