Reviving our sense of Gheerah

Reviving our sense of Gheerah

by Sister Fatima Barakatullah

We live in societies in which most men and women have lost their sense of modesty, women are obsessed with their appearances and wear clothes to be seen by others and to attract the attention of other men even if they are married! ... Continue Reading

Directions to Giving Naseeha

Directions to Giving Naseehah (Good Advice)

Kamil Mufti
Al Jumuah Magazine

"The religion is naseehah."The people asked, "To whom?" The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) replied, "To Allah and to His Book and to His Messenger and to the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk."

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By Sheikh: Aa'ed Al Karny


Deep at night, I had this dialogue with Satan. Shortly, I heard the Fajr prayer call. I wanted to go to the mosque.

  •  He said: "The night is still long, so take a nap."
  •  I said: "I'm afraid I'll miss my obligatory prayer!"
  •  He said: "There is much time to go ...
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A complete code of life

              Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of religion. The western connotation of the term "religion" is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels.

Islam organizes your ...

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If the Prophet Muhammad visited you


If the Prophet Muhammad visited you 
just for a day or two; 
If he came unexpectedly 
I wonder what you'd do.  Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room 
to such an honored guest; 
And all the food you'd serve to him 
would be the very best; 
And you would keep assuring ...

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How did Jesus' people know him?

If the followers of Jesus (peace be upon him) considered God to be their "Father,"

Then how did they regard Jesus?

To answer this let us read together:

  • "And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet" [Matthew 14:5 (compare with ...
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The Truth Seeker : Salman Al-Farisi

                This is a story of a seeker of Truth, the story of Salman the Persian, gleaned, to begin with, from his own words:

I grew up in the town of Isfahan in Persia in the village of Jayyan. My father was the Dihqan or chief of the village. He was the richest person there and had ...

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On Religious Tolerance

            While on his deathbed, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah bless him, dictated a long Will consisting of instructions for the next Khalifah (Muslim President). Here is the last sentence of that historic document: "I instruct you on behalf of the people who have been given protection in ... Continue Reading

What is Zakah ?

        Zakah is the third obligation of Islam, every Muslim whose finances are above a certain specified minimum must pay 2.5 per cent of his cash balance annually to a deserving fellow-being, a new convert to Islam, a traveler or a person with debts. This is the minimum. The more you pay, ... Continue Reading

Why do they hate America?

     By: Tariq Colvin* - A glimpse of the horror that took place Tuesday morning. A day of fear, loss, grief and anger. A tragedy for our entire community Muslim and non-Muslim.

We found ourselves trying to understand, to reason, to come to grips with sights and sounds coming in over the ... Continue Reading

The Right of Allah (Glory be to Him) (2)

The Unification of Worship (1) ... more
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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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