Directions to Giving Naseeha

Directions to Giving Naseehah (Good Advice)

Kamil Mufti
Al Jumuah Magazine

"The religion is naseehah."The people asked, "To whom?" The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) replied, "To Allah and to His Book and to His Messenger and to the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk."

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The Virtues of Allah's sacred month of Muharram and Fasting on 'Aashooraa'

What are the virtues of the month of Muharram and fasting 'Aashooraa'?

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Chief of the Messengers, and upon all his family and companions. Allah's sacred month of ...

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Episode 16: A Spotlight on the Way to the Battle of the Trench

Sheikh Zaid AlQuroon: After prophet peace be upon  him banished Bani Nadir Jews to Khaiber and Allah glory be to him blessed Muslims  with the dominance of the region, the Jews started to plot against Muslims to weaken them.

Sheikh Alareefy: They haven’t stopped their plotting. They would cause ...

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Arafah and the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah the Exalted says (interpretation of the meaning)
{By the dawn. By the ten nights} [Al-Fajr 89:1-2]. Many scholars have said
that this refers to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, and the fact that
Allah swears by them means that they are indeed significant and worth ...

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Posted by a sister at

What do you see when you look at me
Do you see someone limited, or someone free?

All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair.

Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited ...

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A complete code of life

              Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of religion. The western connotation of the term "religion" is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels.

Islam organizes your ...

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If the Prophet Muhammad visited you


If the Prophet Muhammad visited you 
just for a day or two; 
If he came unexpectedly 
I wonder what you'd do.  Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room 
to such an honored guest; 
And all the food you'd serve to him 
would be the very best; 
And you would keep assuring ...

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On Religious Tolerance

            While on his deathbed, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah bless him, dictated a long Will consisting of instructions for the next Khalifah (Muslim President). Here is the last sentence of that historic document: "I instruct you on behalf of the people who have been given protection in ... Continue Reading

This Message is to You O Concealed Jewel, O Protected Rose !

It is to you, the Cultivator of Generations, Producer or Great Men.

I will point out in it some of what Islam requires of the individual and the society concerning the rights of women .....

1. Have you seen the Jewel? Why is it that the people love it while it is simply a piece of stone? It ...

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Contributed by : Fareheen Chowdhury, Canada

Every time I close my eyes,
I can not leave what I see.
All I see is the son, who dies,
And the world that lets it be.


I see a father holding on,
I cannot feel his fear,
I see the blast from the gun,
As Allah saw their tears.


I ...

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Praying Fajr reflects how much you love Allah the Almighty

The happiness of that guy was tremendous when a well-known company accepted him to work for it. He was over the moon as he was the only accepted candidate.

He signed the contract that implies that he should agree on respecting the company working hours, delivering weekly reports about his ... Continue Reading

The Simple Garment

Poem written by : Nargis Rahman (England)
I am a Muslim,

A proud Muslim,

A lady with strong beliefs,

Why should I hide that fact?


The comments, the looks, the sniggering,

Don't care what people think,

I will still hold my head high,

I will still walk with ...

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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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