Save lives through your good words and actions

This life is full of incidents that will hurt or challenge your personality. As I was thinking I realised that you will come across some people who won't watch what they say or do to others and continue to cause pain to them , this verse has came to my mind... ... more

The House During Ramadan

One of the favors that Allah could bestow upon a Muslim is to prolong his life until he reaches the month of Ramadan and then enables him to fast it and pray the optional night prayers during it. Rewards for good deeds in this month are multiplied; ranks are elevated; and Allah frees many people from the Hellfire. ... more

Mourning The Dead

Mourning over the dead is allowed in Islam, but there is a great difference between what is allowed Islamically and the practice of some Muslims at the present time. ... more

What Does Islam Say About Mother’s Day?

Celebrating Mother’s Day is an innovated matter which the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, and his companions did not do. It is also an imitation of the kuffaar from whom we have been commanded to differ. ... more

10 Reasons Why Islam is the Religion of Truth

When Islam started in Mecca, it was the prophet Mohammed by himself. A one man religion. He was exposed to punishments and oppression. The people who first entered Islam were weak and also were oppressed and tortured by the pagans of Mecca (their relatives). Forward 23 years later to see the transformation of these uneducated powerless individuals to the most powerful ones and to control the world. ... more

#8 Saying Bismillah before eating

#8 Saying Bismillah before eating

Saying "Bismillah" before eating (Basmallah) is a Sunnah according to the following hadith, Umar ibn Abi Salamah said: "I was under the care of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and as my hand used to roam about in the dish he said to me: «Boy, mention the name of Allah, ...

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Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her)

An example for those who believe; the righteous woman; the wife of Pharaoh; she is Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her). ... more

A Unique Journey

{Limitless in His glory is He Who transported His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque [in Makkah] to Al-Aqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]-the environs of which We have blessed-so that We might show him some of Our signs. Indeed He alone is the One Who hears all and sees all} [Al-Israa’:1]. ... more

The Story of Prophet Saleh

The way God chose to speak to the people of Thamud was through the story of a camel! ... more

The Story of Nuh (Noah) - Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir

He was Noah ibn Lamik ibn Mitoshilkh ibn Enoch ibn Yard ibn Mahlabil ibn Qinan ibn Anoush ibn Seth ibn 'Adam, the Father of Mankind 'alayhis-salam.

According to the history of the People of the Book (this refers to the Jews, and Christians, so called by Allah because they ...

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Ashura (10th of Muharram): A Day of Joy or Grief?

In this short article, I hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding this day and explain the position of Ahl as-Sunnah with regards to the above two practices. ... more

Principles of Fiqh: Its Meanings & Benefits

The science of Usul al-Fiqh elucidates that some ahadith are general and others are specific, some ahadith abrogate, while other ahadith have been abrogated and are no longer referred to as conclusive proof for the establishment of ahkam. The science also explains the exact meanings of certain language usages and styles, the context of certain verses and ahadith, as well as how the Qur’an relates to the Sunnah. All of this helps us to truly understand the Quran and Sunnah ... more
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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