Faith has a Language

By Muhammad Al-Shareef

While attending a month long Dawah course when I was a teenager, one of our Islamic studies instructors, Dr. Mahmood Ghaazi, from Islamabad, Pakistan, told us about an official trip he had taken to the Vatican. His delegation met with a group of high priests. Dr. Ghazi ... Continue Reading

Remaining Steadfast After Ramadan

The servant is obligated, after having eemaan in Allah, to persevere and be steadfast upon obeying Him by performing the obligatory acts and avoiding the prohibited ones. ... more

Eid Prayer

Eid prayer is wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory). It consists of two Rakaat (units) with six or thirteen additional Takbirs. It must be offered in congregation. The prayer is followed by the Khutbah. ... more

Ar-Rifâ'i was again summoned for investigation

Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini: the loyalty of a Muslim is for his religion, first and foremost.


Ar-Rifâ'i was again summoned for investigation in the public prosecutor's office.


After finishing the investigation, Sheikh Sayyid Fu'âd ibn Sayyid Abdurrahman Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini, the ...

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Support the people of Syria with Qunut

I previously stated that the way many Western Muslims have responded to atrocities taking place in Syria is heart breaking and fails to reflect a real sense of brotherhood and what it entails. The Prophet said, “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he does not betray him or forsake him.” ... more

Stand Up & Take ACTION for Syria

My plea to you brothers and sisters is to take action and stand up for justice in Syria, here’s how we can take action... ... more

End of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr Islamic Holiday

The end of Ramadan is marked by all Muslims going to Morning Prayer services and then the Islamic Holiday Eid Al-Fitr begins... ... more

Ramadan: The Month of Deeds

“On the first night of Ramadan, the devils and rebellious jinn are bound in chains; the gates of hell are closed, none of them remains open and the gates of Paradise are opened until not a single gate remains closed.” ... more

The Constitution Day

Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini: the source of our legislation is only the Noble Quran and the honored Sunnah. ... more

Plotting of the Kuffaar Against Islam and the Muslims

This has occurred since the beginning of Islam until now, the kuffaar with their different religions and beliefs have always plotted against Islam. ... more

Boycott & Muslim interests

No doubt that there are various means to help and support Palestine and its people. These means differ from one Muslim to another. ... more

Liberalism and Secularism: One and the Same

The liberal order does not extinguish religions; it just eviscerates them, unless they are the religions that display the same respect for the public-private distinction that liberalism depends on and enforces. ... more
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00:00:00 Time to
27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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