Can we Celebrate the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad?

There is nothing in the Qur'aan to say that we should celebrate the Mawlid or birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his ... Continue Reading

Hajj - Pagan Worship of a Black Stone or Moon-god?

How do I answer these questions (LIES) about worship in ISLAM? ... more

‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, the Fifth Caliph

The speech today will be about a new page among the pages of the Guided Caliphs. The owner of this page is the just Imam, the scholar, the God-fearing worshipper, the magnificent master and the Prince of the Believers. He is Abû Hafs ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ibn Marawân the Qurashi (from the tribe of Quraish)... ... more

Weakness of Faith phenomenon

The phenomenon of weakness of belief had been spread among Muslims. Many Muslims complain the hardness of their hearts and say: “I feel hardness in my heart,” “I do not feel the sweetness of performing the acts of worship,” “I feel that my belief had gotten down to the lowest level,” “I do not feel touched by the Holy Qur’an” or “I easily commit sins.” Moreover, the symptoms of this disease clearly appear on many people. Actually this disease is the origin of each disaster and the reason of all defaults and hardships. ... more

Uthman Ibn Affan (part 1 of 2)

Generous and Pious

Uthman ibn Affan was the third of Prophet Muhammad's successors. He was known as the leader of the faithful and ruled for approximately 12 years. The first six years were times of relative tranquillity and peace, however the last years of his reign were marred by internal ...

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Status of Eid prayer in Islam

Status of Eid prayer in Islam

The Eid Prayer is wajib (obligatory) according to the majority of scholars. The Prophet (peace be upon him) performed it consistently and commanded all the people to go out for it.

He (peace be upon him) even specifically commanded all of the women to attend; Umm ...
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Ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis [shia]

Ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis [shia] and the sacrifices which are offered on these occasions

What is the ruling on the Husseiniyahs of the Raafidis and the things that are done there such as slapping and scratching the cheeks, wailing, rending one's garments and beating ...
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Troy Bagnall, Ex-Christian, USA

My name is Troy Bagnall. I'm a 22-year-old (soon to be 23) college student at Arizona State University (ASU) from Phoenix, Arizona in the US. I'm in a film & media studies program at ASU too.

I accepted Islam this past February for a multitude of reasons. I had been interested in Islam for ...

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Biological Evolution - An Islamic Perspective

Many people wonder about the theory of biological evolution - the theory that living species on Earth today are descended from others in the past, and that the present diversity of living species we see is a result of descent with modification over the course of numerous generations.

Muslims ...

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Gathering on New Year's Eve to remember Allah!

Is it permissible for us to gather on New Year's Eve to remember Allah, offer supplication (du'aa') and read Qur'aan?

This is a message that I have seen a lot on the Internet, but in fact I have not sent it to anyone because I am not sure if it is an innovation (bid'ah) or not. Is it ...

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Nichole Arel, Ex-Christian, USA

Often I find myself reflecting upon how blessed I am. The life that I lead now is a world away from the one I expected to lead just a year ago: my first thoughts upon waking in the morning, my imagined path in life, and especially my heart and soul. I would never have dreamt that in less than a ...

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Who Was Jesus?

Who Was Jesus?

Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest ...
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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