The danger of Facebook

This is in reality a website for scandals, spying and exposing peoples' privacies... ... more

How can we prepare for the arrival of Ramadan?

How can we prepare for Ramadan? What are the best deeds in this blessed month? ... more

The Real Obstacle

The intent behind this topic is to elaborate on some of the fundamental conditions that are necessary for the Muslim Ummah to achieve what Allaah has made them responsible to achieve in this life. ... more

Rights of Allah

Above mentioned are the duties of Allah's slaves towards Him. They are not difficult to perform. The reward outweighs the requirements by far. The reward is "And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. Th ... more

Abu-Bakr As-Siddîq (the Man of Truth)

He is a man who has spent all his money for the cause of Allah, upon which it was said to him, “What have you left for your family? He said the words of the confident of his Lord, “I left for them Allah and His Messenger.” It is Abu Bakr As-Siddîq, may Allah be pleased with him. ... more

What is Zinah?

There are two types of Zina; hidden and open ... more

Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb: Its Definition and Significance

by :Ahmed Khalil


In his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington says:

People are always tempted to divide people into us and them, the in-group and the other, our civilization and those barbarians. Scholars have analyzed the world ...
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Episode 15: A Spotlight on the Battle of Uhud

Sheikh Zaid Al-Qoroo:  After Quraish had exerted a great effort to be able to meet Muslim’s attacks, they felt weakness and broke down, while Muslims fought heroically until Quraish’s strength was defeated.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy:  and the features of the Muslims' victory started to appear as ...

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Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

Nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. It protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that disturb his peace of mind and exhaust the body. ... more

What Does Islam Say About Mother’s Day?

Celebrating Mother’s Day is an innovated matter which the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, and his companions did not do. It is also an imitation of the kuffaar from whom we have been commanded to differ. ... more

#9 Saying Tashahud after Wudu

#9 Saying Tashahud after wudu (ablution)

A few words can open all eight doors of Jannah for you, and you may enter from any gate you wish! It’s the beautiful easy Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ) which only takes seconds! Simply say Shahada after perfecting your ablution!

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: ...

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The Journey Has Just Begun

Let us leave this Ramadan with determination ... more
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24 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445
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