Muadh ibn Jabal

Muadh ibn Jabal was a young man growing up in Yathrib as the light of guidance and truth began to spread over the Arabian peninsula. He was a handsome and imposing character with black eyes and curly hair and immediately impressed whoever he met. He was already distinguished for the sharpness ... Continue Reading

Directions to Giving Naseeha

Directions to Giving Naseehah (Good Advice)

Kamil Mufti
Al Jumuah Magazine

"The religion is naseehah."The people asked, "To whom?" The Prophet (sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) replied, "To Allah and to His Book and to His Messenger and to the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk."

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The Right of Allah (Glory be to Him) (2)

The Unification of Worship (1) ... more

The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity

Indeed, Muslims are in the shadow of their charities... ... more

A complete code of life

              Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of religion. The western connotation of the term "religion" is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels.

Islam organizes your ...

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If the Prophet Muhammad visited you


If the Prophet Muhammad visited you 
just for a day or two; 
If he came unexpectedly 
I wonder what you'd do.  Oh! I know you'd give your nicest room 
to such an honored guest; 
And all the food you'd serve to him 
would be the very best; 
And you would keep assuring ...

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The Truth Seeker : Salman Al-Farisi

                This is a story of a seeker of Truth, the story of Salman the Persian, gleaned, to begin with, from his own words:

I grew up in the town of Isfahan in Persia in the village of Jayyan. My father was the Dihqan or chief of the village. He was the richest person there and had ...

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On Religious Tolerance

            While on his deathbed, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah bless him, dictated a long Will consisting of instructions for the next Khalifah (Muslim President). Here is the last sentence of that historic document: "I instruct you on behalf of the people who have been given protection in ... Continue Reading

The Tree !

Please someone find me

I want to find the light

but no one is there to guide me

Open the door someone give me it's key
My eyes were closed but now i can see

Please guide me there i want to be free

I want to be under the shade of that tree

That tree seems to give ease

It was always ...
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Manners related to answering the call of nature

When a Muslim wants to answer the call of nature there are certain manners one must observe. ... more

Amazing Interview with a 14 years old new Muslimah !

The way she speaks is really impressive .. after my conversation with her .. I thought that I must tell her the fact that she is very mature .. please read her words .. and distribute it .. read the story now !
Dear Sister .. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allah sister , first ... Continue Reading

Story of Zayd ibn Al-Arqam with the hypocrite ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Ubayy

Maliciousness, wickedness and plots of the hypocrites against Islam and Muslims. ... more
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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