Tag: ramadaan

I’tikaaf: A Spiritual Retreat

I’tikaaf can solidify your Ramadan and set you upon a path of good deeds, purification, and devotion for the rest of the year – will you take the challenge? Is ten days too much to ask in exchange for eternal reward bi’ithnillah? ... more

Ramadan Goals

Many Muslims, Ramadan approaches them and leaves without setting goals on their part they take heed of accomplishing. That's why they don't reckon their selves on such goals; did they accomplish any or did they not? What is the reason behind such failure ... more

Our state after Ramadan

slaves of Allah! Fear Allah. O you who performed good deeds in Ramadan, how can you leave them after the month passed! ... more

Ten stops for women in Ramadan

These are some concise words and precious calls which we give as a present to the Muslim women and the believing young women on the occasion of the coming of the month of Ramadan. ... more

Suggested program for the Muslim during Ramadan

There follows a suggested program for the Muslim during this blessed month... ... more

Make Ramadan a special month

Ramadan has come and Allah gave you the boon of living its days and nights, so you should praise Allah almighty for that. And in order to gain the joy of Ramadan and seek Allah's bounties in it, I provide to you some quick tips. May Allah almighty help us ... more

I am a fasting person

Ramadan strengthens your will… by your free will you have given up food… you have stopped drinking (permissible drinks)… no one tied you by ropes… no guardian watched you…So determine to finish reading the Quran several times in Ramadan… and accomplish it…Determine to perform the optional night acts of worship in all of Ramadan… and accomplish it… ... more

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