With Iman

Since 2004-10-28

By Asma Nayeem

With Iman comes knowledge
of the meaning of existence,
With Iman comes belief
in reward and punishment!

With Iman comes awareness
of the right and the wrong,
With Iman comes the journey
to Kabah where people throng!

With Iman comes gratitude
for the mercy & blessings,
With Iman comes contentment
with little, or nothing!

With Iman come acceptance
of the highs & lows,
With Iman comes patience
in life's ups and downs !

With Iman comes the difference
of the good and the bad,
With Iman comes respect
for the young and the old!

With Iman comes fear
of the day of judgement,
With Iman comes repentance
and steadfastness in prayer!

With Iman comes obedience
to the ordainment of Allah,
With Iman comes surrender
to the decree of the hour!

With Iman comes judgement
between the evil and the good,
With Iman comes adaptability
to the everchanging livelihood!

With Iman comes humility
of the soul from within,
With Iman comes kindness
to fellow humans & kith & kin!

With Iman comes appreciation
of creation and beauty,
With Iman comes the strife
to attain levels of purity!

With Iman comes love
of Allah the supreme,
With Iman comes following
Rasul's (SAW) preaching!

With Iman comes lodging
of this life so temporary,
With Iman comes desire
for heaven as final dwelling!

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