In The Name of Allah

Since 2003-12-16

By Reem Khan (Australia - 18 yr old muslimah)

In the name of Allah

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,

Praise be to Allah, who gave the Quran to mankind.

Its verses so pure, its context so divine,

As it purifies our souls, our hearts and our mind.

Glorified is He, who chose one noble man,

From amongst those living in the Arabian land.

Ya-nabee-Allah! May Allah's blessings be upon thee,

For thou art the one who set an example for me.

Thine lips revealed pure verses from the Holy Quran,

True revelations from the Divine, the Rahman,

To teach mankind the humblest way to live,

Thine divine messages shall with me forever live.

So true, gracious, and chaste was thine heart,

Which, filled with Allah's nur, does lustre impart.

Ya-Rasool-Allah! May Allah's blessings be upon thee,

For thou showed miracles for the world to see.

Thou art the example all Muslims wish to be,

No other has been as noblest as thee,

Ya-Habib-Allah! May Allah's blessings be upon thee,

On thine soul Jannah been promised for eternity.

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,

Praise be to Allah, Who gave Islam to mankind.

Ya Allah! For Thee my life I shall live!

Ya Allah! For Thee my soul I shall give!

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