Economy and technical progress

Since 2020-09-07

Doctrinal reflections on technical progress are undoubtedly due to much earlier Aristotle, who was very attentive to the machine's characteristics. As for the progress itself, it fills the entire history of humanity, and there is even a temptation to say that it goes back to before that date itself.

Author: Arnold Hertgeh


Doctrinal reflections on technical progress are undoubtedly due to much earlier Aristotle, who was very attentive to the machine's characteristics. As for the progress itself, it fills the entire history of humanity, and there is even a temptation to say that it goes back to before that date itself.



Arnold Hertgeh says in his book Economics and Technical Progress: “While the discovery of fire or haste has touched people's own lives, facilitating them at various points, the process of technology confuses our economic service. At every moment, new issues are brought up, and new ones are quickly replaced by new ones, even before they are resolved, if they are well examined”.



It would be useful, at the very least, to growing up above this subject and to examine the course of things and ideas.



Then hartigeh adds : In a century, from 1750 to 1850, the century of the great rush, the technology made a great leap, inevitably destroying it. If livelihoods have improved, livelihoods, on the other hand, have often been destroyed, hence tragedies and storms on the ground and in arguments.



After 1850, the machine did not stop crushing human beings from time to time, but its principle was no longer under consideration. The unions remained watchful, but they did not find any other disagreement in delaying the machine's work without ever succeeding in stopping it.



Economists, on the delicate issues, particularly in the contemporary period, are afraid of confronting a harsh and idealistic public opinion, and in particular, with trade unions that vigorously defend workers' interests. Totally.



Not only are these poor economists still far from occupying, like the doctors of the human body, an undisputed authority, but, when they risk proposing the drugs suggested by their research, They are violently stigmatized as technocratic.



Hertgeh's book is dedicated to the technical and progressive aspects of economic literature. "However, our research will be one-sided, considering that we will only examine the economic aspects of technical progress," says Hertge. Within these same limits, our research will impose new limitations resulting from the impossibility of addressing the faculty of economic literature, while the significance of technical progress is included in every economic phenomenon. It is therefore necessary to set the limits of our field of competence. Technical progress directly affects, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the tensions between shortages or needs and the means used to meet them. It was only recently that a deep study of the direct link between scarcity and technical progress had been attempted, even if some elements of this analysis had always contributed to the economic controversy.



Hertgeh confirms: “The same time, our analysis addresses the results of technical progress and the factors that govern it, economists are constantly adjusting their response to the issue, which explains the major differences that arise on certain points, such as the causes of technical progress and its consequences and the role it do or must do it in daily life.



Economists have cared in sharp exchanges of views to determine whether the adoption of new techniques removes the worker from the production process once and for all: some respond negatively because those who lose their jobs soon.



They themselves find a new job, while others respond positively because technical capital does not increase rapidly enough to secure new business for all those who have made the use of labor saving techniques their presence is not important. Technical unemployment is a subject that is often echoed in economic literature - moreover, specialists are gladly searching it.



Since one of the main objectives of this book is to write a history of the well-paid economic theories, the chosen method of research is mostly time. This method explains the diversity in which the main themes recovered have been studied several times and provides a deeper glimpse into them. Moreover, thanks to this method, the various relationships that are often closely intertwined and complex will not call us at once.

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