Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (2)

Since 2015-02-19

Second Image: Prophet’s, peace and blessing be upon him, stance regarding killing Mu‘aahideen (i.e. those who have a treaty with the Muslims) and their properties

Second Image: Prophet’s, peace and blessing be upon him, stance regarding killing Mu‘aahideen (i.e. those who have a treaty with the Muslims) and their properties:

- It was narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr, may Allaah be pleased with him, that that the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, said: «Whoever killed a Mu‘aahid (one who has a treaty with the Muslims) will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, although its fragrance may be detected from a distance of forty years’ travel» (Reported by Al-Bukhaari).

- It was narrated that Khaalid ibn Al-Waleed, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “I went with the Messenger of Allaah, peace and blessing be upon him, to fight at the battle of Khaybar, and the Jews came and complained that the people had hastened to take their protected property (as a booty), so the Messenger of Allaah, peace and blessing be upon him, said: «The property of those who have been given a mules, every fanged beast of prey, and every bird with a talon are forbidden for you» (Reported by Abu Daawood with a Hasan (good) Sanad (chain of narrators)).


By: Dr. Muhammad ibn ‘Adnaan As-Sammaan

Source: Allsunnah Net
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