This is Our Aqeedah

Since 2014-01-15

Hamad ar-Rayyis


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists, and in Him we seek help. And may Allah send blessings and peace upon the Last of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions and whoever follows his guidance until the Day of Judgement.

To proceed: Verily, the essence of this religion is the correction of the 'Aqidah (creed) that our Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) came with, and with which he brought the slaves [of Allah] from darkness to light, and from blindness to guidance, and from the worship of the slaves to the worship of the Lord of the slaves. So whoever disputes regarding it or deviates from it, then he has gone astray from the Right Path and worshipped his desires instead of Allah.

And this 'Aqidah remained pure and free from any defects until the innovations and deviations from the correct way appeared at the hands of the misguided sects that attribute themselves to Islam. However, Allah decreed that there would be those who would protect it and defend it upon the light of the Book and the Sunnah, from among the working 'Ulama' (scholars) and the sincere preachers.

One of the most unfortunate things that is occurring in this time are the continued assaults aimed at loosening the ties of Islam, causing doubt in its fundamentals, demolishing its structure, defaming the 'Ulama' of the 'Aqidah, tarnishing their honour, accusing them of making Takfeer (declaring a person to be an infidel) of those who do not deserve it, attributing to them harshness and going to extremes in judging others, and other things, we ask Allah for safety and forgiveness.

And if only this campaign had come from the ignorant people; but unfortunately these things are uttered by some of those who attribute themselves to knowledge, so they have come to belittle the 'Ulama' of the Da'wah at times, and then to refute their sayings at other times, saying that some of their views are incompatible with the current age, seeking by that to protect their political positions and their worldly interests, basing their rulings on the opinions that predominate in the environments in which they live. So they change and replace the Ayat and the Ahadeeth and the rulings of the Shari'ah in order to suit the needs of the times, acting in accordance with the dictates of man-made laws.

What a disappointment for those on the Day that they will be brought out before Allah ('azza wa-jall), in which the one followed will disassociate himself from the follower, and they will be thrown into the Hell-fire, saying:

"Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way."

I will now present to you, my brother, some of the fundamentals of the 'Aqidah that must be taken note of, which have been neglected by many of the people of our time, and I ask Allah ('azza wa-jall) to extend to me His aid and to inspire me to what is correct in saying and action:

The first fundamental: Whoever does not declare the Mushrikeen as Kuffar, or doubts their Kufr, or believes that their way is correct, then he himself is a Kafir.

The 'Ulama' have unanimously agreed that the one who does not declare the Mushrikeen (polytheists) as Kuffar (infidels), or doubts their Kufr, or believes that their way is correct, then he himself is a Kafir.

However, we see in this time those who oppose this rule, explaining it away by saying that the current age in which they live is different to the situation of the Ummah in the past, because of the changes of the times and the civilisational advancements. So they have made that a way to distort the 'Aqidah by using methods of self-humiliation and defeatism in front of the enemies of Islam, adopting various paths of interaction with them, without taking care of their [own] religion and their 'Aqidah. So you see them announcing the tolerance of Islam and its similarity to the other religions, indeed its being equal to them! So they are all religions of fairness and equality!

Thereby they throw the Book and the Sunnah against the wall, legislating laws for people in accordance with their desires and seeking the pleasure of the Tawagheet (false deities, rulers, judges) of mankind, as if they had not read His Saying ('azza wa-jall):

"This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."

And His Saying (ta'ala):

"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers."

And He said ('azza man qa'il):

"Verily, this Qur'an guides to that which is most just and right and gives glad tidings to the believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a great reward. And that those who believe not in the Hereafter, for them We have prepared a painful torment."

And the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said:

"By He in Whose Hand is my life, there is none from those who hear about me from among this Ummah, whether Jew nor Christian, and then dies without believing in me, except that he will be from the people of the Hell-fire." [Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu 'anhu).]

Do these people, who have forged a great lie against Allah, not know that they have altered and changed the religion of Allah without any authority from Allah? It is encumbent upon all of those whose belief is such to repent to Allah from this corrupt belief, which either agrees with the religion of the Mushrikeen which was abrogated by Islam, or doubts their Kufr, or declares their infidel way to be correct.

And whoever falls into any of these matters that we have mentioned, then we do not doubt that he is a Kafir, according to the Ijma' (consensus) of the Ummah on that matter, unless he openly announces his repentance and his complete Wala' (allegiance) to Allah, the Lord of all that exists. For verily, the Muslim always keeps himself very far away from loving the Kuffar, from declaring their way to be correct, and from praising their religions, because his religion dictates that to him. Indeed, it orders him to hate them and show enmity towards them, and to never fear, for the sake of Allah, the blame of the blamers, as He (ta'ala) said:

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred..."

And from them is he who wishes for their kingdom to last forever, and prays for their continued prosperity and success, as if he is addressing his brothers in the religion and 'Aqidah, and views it correct to participate in their legislative councils and infidel parliaments, thus opposing Allah's Saying (ta'ala):

"So be not sorrowful over the people who disbelieve."

And His Saying (subhanahu) in regard to Nuh ('alayhis-salam):

"And Nuh said: "My Lord! Leave not one of the infidels on the earth! If You leave them, they will mislead Your slaves, and they will beget none but wicked infidels."

And pretending to be ignorant of the Allah's (subhanahu) cursing of the Kafireen, as He ('azza wa-jall) said:

"Verily, Allah has cursed the infidels, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire, wherein they will abide forever, and they will find neither a protector nor a helper."

And He (subhanahu) said, describing the people of the Book:

"They are those whom Allah has cursed, and he whom Allah curses, you will not find for him any helper."

And He (subhanahu) said:

"Verily, those who disbelieve, and die as infidels, it is they on whom is the Curse of Allah and of the angels and of mankind, all together."

So it is obligatory for those who pray for mercy for the enemies of Islam to fear Allah, and to say nothing but the truth, before a Day comes on which there will be no escape from Allah.

And you see, unfortunately, people who doubt their Kufr, under the pretext of not knowing what they are upon, or not believing that [i.e. not believing that such people actually hold such views], without distinguishing in this matter between the one who is outwardly a Kafir and the one who is outwardly a Muslim.

And when you consider their sayings, [they imply that] you cannot judge a person to be a Kafir for his Kufr, or to be an apostate for his apostasy, as if the texts of the Shari'ah relating to these matters are but empty, inapplicable words, and that there is no way to understand them except by knowing what is in the hearts, as they claim.

So, according to their claim, the one who says that the Maseeh (i.e. 'Isa, 'alayhis-salam) is the son of Allah, or that Allah is the third of a trinity, or that 'Uzayr is the son of Allah, is not considered a Mushrik, and likewise the one who performs Tawaf (circumambulation) around the graves, or prostrates to the idols, or calls upon other than Allah, or asks help from the dead and seeks from them benefit and protection from harm, is not considered a Mushrik. So we seek Allah's protection from the following of desires and from the blindness of the heart.

So let all of those people be warned of falling into that which necessitates Kufr in Allah by failing to make Takfeer of the Mushrikeen, or doubting their Kufr, or declaring their way to be correct.

Shaykhul-Islam Muhammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab (rahimahullah) said, in regard to the meaning of rejecting at-Taghut and believing in Allah: "It is to disassociate yourself from all that is believed in [i.e. taken as a deity] other than Allah, whether it is a Jinni, or a human, or a tree, or a rock, or other than that; and to bear witness to the Kufr and misguidance [of whoever takes them as deities], and to hate him, even if he is your father or your brother. As for the one who says: "I worship none but Allah, but I will not oppose the Sadah (the deceased pious people) and the domes built over the graves," or the like of that, then he is a liar in his saying "laa ilaha illallah," and he has not believed in Allah, nor has he rejected at-Taghut." [Ad-Durar, 1/96]

So consider his saying: "and to bear witness to the Kufr and misguidance [of whoever takes them as deities], and to hate him, even if he is your father or your brother..." How he (rahimahullah) demonstrated the necessity of bearing witness of Kufr and the necessity of hating these Kuffar and those objects of worship besides Allah ('azza wa-jall).

Then, consider his saying in regard to the one who says: "I worship none but Allah, but I will not oppose the Sadah (the deceased pious people) and the domes built over the graves..." That he is a liar in his saying "laa ilaha illallah," and that he has neither believed in Allah nor has he rejected at-Taghut.

Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman ibn Hasan [Ad-Durar, 1/93] said: "There is Ijma' (consensus) among the 'Ulama' of the Salaf (early generations) as well as the Khalaf (later generations) from the Sahabah, the Tabi'een, the A'immah (plural of Imam) and all of the Ahlus-Sunnah, that a person cannot be a Muslim without the avoidance of the major Shirk and disassociation from it and those who commit it, and hatred and enmity towards them as much as he is able, and the sincerity of all of his actions to Allah, as in the Hadith of Mu'adh in the Saheehayn: "Verily, the right of Allah over His slaves is that they should worship Him and not associate anything as a partner with Him."

And Husayn and 'Abdullah, the sons of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab (rahimahumullah) said: "Verily, a man is not a Muslim until he understands at-Tawhid, submits to it, acts upon its implications, affirms what the Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) has informed, obeys him in regard to what he has prohibited and what he has ordered, and believes in what he brought. So whoever says: "I will not have enmity for the Mushrikeen," or has enmity for them but does not make Takfeer of them, or says: "I will not oppose the people of laa ilaha illallah, even if they commit Kufr and Shirk and fight against the religion of Allah," or says: "I will not oppose the domes [over the graves, at which Shirk is committed]," then such a one is not a Muslim, rather he is one of those about whom Allah said:

"They say: "We believe in some but reject others," and wish to adopt a way in between. They are in truth the infidels."

And Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) has obligated enmity towards the Mushrikeen, and opposition to them and Takfeer of them. He said:

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger..."

And He said (ta'ala):

"O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the Truth, and have driven out the Messenger and your own selves..."

And Allah knows better." [End of quote.]


The second fundamental: Al-Wala' wal-Bara'

Neglect of the 'Aqidah of al-Wala' wal-Bara' (allegiance with the believers and disassociation from the infidels), which is one of the most important bases of the religion, and the distinguishing factor between the believers and the infidels. The texts of the Shari'ah make very clear this 'Aqidah, and along with that there is the Ijma' of the Ummah, both the Salaf and the Khalaf, regarding its obligation.

For He (ta'ala) has said:

"Indeed, there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: "Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you hostility and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allah alone."

Ibn Kathir said in his Tafseer of this Ayah: "Allah (ta'ala) says to His believing slaves, whom He has commanded to fight the infidels and show hostility, enmity and disassociation from them: "Indeed, there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him" i.e. his followers who believed with him "when they said to their people: "Verily, we are free from you" i.e. we have disassociated ourselves from you "and whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you" i.e. your religion and your way "and there has started between us and you hostility and hatred for ever" meaning that hostility and hatred have begun from now between us and you as long as you remain on your Kufr; so we will always disassociate ourselves from you and hate you "until you believe in Allah alone" i.e. until you make Tawheed of Allah, worshipping Him alone without associating any partners with Him, and abandon your worshipping of partners and idols along with Him."

And the Ayat proving the obligation of allegiance to the believers and disassociation from the Mushrikeen are very many. Among them are:

His Saying (ta'ala):

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred..."

And His Saying ('azza wa-jall):

"O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies as friends, showing affection towards them..."

And He said (subhanahu):

"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians as Awliya' (allies, friends, helpers, protectors), they are but Awliyaa' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliya') then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Dhalimeen (unjust, wrong-doers, polytheists)."

And in the Hadith from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), he said:

"The most firm of the ties of al-Iman (faith) is allegiance for Allah's sake and enmity for Allah's sake, and love for Allah's sake and hatred for Allah's sake."

And Ibn 'Abbas (radiyallahu 'anhuma) said: "Whoever loves for Allah and hates for Allah and has allegiance for Allah and has enmity for Allah, then he will thereby reach the stage of Allah's Wilayah (protection, allegiance). And a Muslim slave [of Allah] will never taste the sweetness of al-Iman, even if he has an abundance of Salah and fasting, until he is like that. Indeed, the friendship of the majority of people has come to be based on worldly affairs, and that does not benefit its people." [Narrated by Ibn Jareer.]

And from 'Ali (radiyallahu 'anhu) Marfu'an:

"A man does not love a people except that he will be resurrected with them."

And the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said:

"Seek Allah's nearness by hating the people of disobedience, and meet them with harsh faces. And seek Allah's pleasure by being angry with them, and seek Allah's nearness by keeping far away from them."

And 'Isa ('alayhis-salam) said:

"Seek Allah's love by hating the people of disobedience, and seek Allah's nearness by keeping far away from them, and seek Allah's pleasure by being angry with them."

And from 'A'ishah (radiyallahu 'anha) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said:

"Whoever seeks Allah's pleasure by angering the people, Allah will be pleased with him and He will make the people pleased with him, and whoever seeks the pleasure of the people by angering Allah, Allah will be angry with him and He will make the people angry with him." [Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh.]

And from Samurah ibn Jundub, who said: "The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said:

"Whoever associates himself closely with a Mushrik or lives with him, then he is like him."

And the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) took an oath from some of his companions that:

"Your fires should not be visible from theirs, except in the case of war against them."

And Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) has distinguished the Kaafireen from the believers and the believers from the Kaafireen in His Saying (ta'ala):

"And those who disbelieve are allies of one another."

And He said:

"The believers, men and women, are Awliya' (allies, helpers, friends, protectors) of each other."

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-'Uthaymeen (rahimahullah) said, in regard to this matter: "Al-Muwalah (mutual allegiance) with the Kuffar, by having love for them, aiding them, or taking them as advisers and consultants, is Haram and prohibited by the text of the Noble Qur'an. Allah (ta'ala) said:

"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger..."

And He said (ta'ala):

"O you who believe! Take not as Awliya' (protectors and helpers) those who take your religion as a mockery and fun from among those who received the Scripture before you (i.e. the Jews and Christians), and nor from the (other) infidels, and fear Allah if you indeed are true believers."

And He said (ta'ala):

"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians as Awliya' (allies, friends, helpers, protectors), they are but Awliya' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliya') then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Dhalimeen (unjust, wrong-doers, polytheists)."

And He said (ta'ala):

"O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (polytheists, Jews, Christians, hypocrites etc.), since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you."

And He informed that if the believers are not Awliya' of each other, and if the Kaafireen are not Awliya' of each other, and thus the two groups being distinguished from each other, then there will be Fitnah (trials, disbelief, polytheism) in the land and great corruption. And it is never befitting for any believer to place his trust and confidence in one who is not a believer, no matter how much love and sincerity he may appear to display, for verily Allah (ta'ala) says regarding them:

"They wish that you reject Faith as they have rejected Faith, and thus that you all become equal (like one another)."

And He (subhanahu) says to His Prophet:

"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their religion."

And it is Wajib (obligatory) upon the believer to depend on Allah and seek strength from Him in regard to implementing His Law, and to not fear the blame of the blamers, and to not fear his enemies, for Allah (ta'ala) has said:

"It is only Shaytan that suggests to you the fear of his Awliya' (allies, i.e. the polytheists and infidels), so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are true believers."

And He said (ta'ala):

"And you see those in whose hearts there is a disease (of hypocrisy) hurrying to their friendship, saying: "We fear lest some disaster befall us." Perhaps Allah may bring a victory or a decision according to His Will. Then they will become regretful for what they have been keeping as a secret in themselves."

And He said (subhanahu):

"O you who believe! Verily, the Mushrikeen are Najas (impure). So let them not come near al-Masjid al-Haram after this year. And if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you if He wills, out of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." [End of quote.]

And Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: "He (subhanahu) has judged – and there is none better than Him in judgement – that whoever allies himself with the Jews and the Christians, then he is one of them:

"And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliya') then surely, he is one of them."

So if their Awliya' are from them according to the text of the Qur'an, then they fall under the same Hukm (ruling, judgement) as them."

And Ibn 'Abbas said: "Do not incline to them with love and nice speech."

And Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "There is no believer who loves a Kafir. Whoever loves a Kafir is not a believer."

And Shaykh Hamd ibn 'Ateeq said: "The Qur'an and the Sunnah prove that if a Muslim displays allegiance to the people of Shirk, and submission and obedience to them, then he has thereby apostasised from his religion."

And Ibn Hazm said: "What is correct is that His Saying (ta'ala): "And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliyaa') then surely, he is one of them" means exactly that, i.e. that he is nothing but a Kafir from amongst the generality of the Kuffar. And this is a reality about which no two Muslims disagree.

With all of these texts and sayings of the 'Ulama', clear and unambiguous, you would be amazed at people [today] who attribute themselves to Islam, yet they fight this 'Aqidah with their tongues and their pens, may Allah guide us and them to His Straight Path.

So there are those among them who view that the 'Aqidah of al-Wala' wal-Bara' is extremism and outdatedness, a thing of the past that is no longer compatible with the age of advancement and civilisation and openness!

And from them are those who view it as a bygone heritage of hostility and violence that is unacceptable for the civilisation of the people of today!

And we have no doubt that whoever says this is a Kafir, by the Ijma' of the people of knowledge.

Likewise, there are those who claim that Islam does not differ from the other religions or their adherents, and that there is nothing in it that indicates enmity and hostility towards the Kuffar, but rather that it encourages love for them and kindness towards them! Tremendously Exalted is Allah above what they say!

So, O you people, from where have you taken this speech of yours? And from what source have you learnt your 'Aqidah? I ask you by Allah, how will you face Allah ('azza wa-jall) when you have glorified a forged lie, and fled from that which will save you?

We ask Allah for safety, for us and for you. So announce your repentance before the descent of Allah's Torment and the severity of His Punishment, and before the people of the Hell-fire are flung into it, saying:

"Oh, would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger. Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way."

So, O you people, if Allah has made clear the obligation of enmity and hostility towards the Kafireen, both secretly and openly, then what is your excuse while you are strutting about with this kind of speech?

Indeed, the companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) used to hate whomever Allah and His Messenger hated, and they would oppose them and show the greatest enmity to them, as you have seen from what we have mentioned from the narrations.

And Abud-Darda' (radiyallahu 'anhu) said: "We shake hands with people (i.e. the Kuffar), yet our hearts curse them."

And in this is a decisive proof regarding the obligation of enmity and hostility towards the Kafir, even if he is a Mu'ahid (i.e. under a truce with the Muslims) and paying the Jizyah.

And the Hadith mentioning: "When you meet the Jews and the Christians in the street, force them to its side," and taking the Jizyah from their hands while they are humiliated, and the prohibition of them openly displaying their religion, and [other] restrictions on them, is a decisive proof of the obligation of showing enmity towards them and not respecting or honouring them, much less showing allegiance and love towards them.

And Allah is the guide to the Right Way.


Thirdly: Supporting the Kuffar and helping them to fight against the Muslims

Supporting the Kuffar and helping them to fight against the Muslims is Kufr which takes one outside the Millah (religion), because it is one of the ten factors which nullify one's Islam which the people of knowledge have agreed upon, deducing that from what has come in the Book and the Sunnah regarding the obligation of enmity and hatred towards the Kuffar, and refraining from aiding them against the Muslims, even in the smallest way. Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) has prohibited inclining towards them, and has made the Hell-fire the recompense of the one who does so, as He said (ta'ala):

"And incline not toward those who do wrong (i.e. the infidels), lest the Fire should touch you, and you would have no protectors other than Allah, nor would you then be helped."

And He said, addressing His Prophet:

"And had We not made you stand firm, you would have nearly inclined towards them a little. In that case We would have made you taste a double portion (of punishment) in this life, and a double portion (of punishment) after death. And then you would have found none to help you against Us."

So look at this severe threat to His Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), that if he had inclined towards them, if only a little, and you will know that inclining towards them is disobedience to Allah, opposition to Him, and glorification of His enemies.

At-Tabari said in explanation of Allah's Saying (ta'ala): "And incline not toward those who do wrong (i.e. the infidels), lest the Fire should touch you...":"He says, may His mention be exalted: "Do not incline, O people, to the saying of those who have disbelieved in Allah, accepting them and being pleased with them, lest the Hell-fire should touch you due to this action of yours, and there would be no-one to help you against Allah and no-one to protect you." "Nor would you then be helped." He says: "For verily, if you do that, Allah would not help you, rather He would deprive you of His help and allow your enemy to have power over you."

And Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said in regard to Allah's Saying (ta'ala): "And had We not made you stand firm...etc.": "That is, if We had not granted you firmness, you would have inclined towards them in part of the matter, and if you had done so, We would have made you taste a double portion in life and after death, i.e. We would have doubled your punishment in this life and in the Hereafter."

So if this is what Allah has threatened those who incline only partly towards His enemies, even if it may be no more than the inclination of the heart towards them, then what do you think of the one who takes them as Awliya' or friends instead of the believers, and aids them (i.e. the Kuffar) against them (i.e. the believers)?

And just as Allah ('azza wa-jall) has prohibited His Prophet from inclining towards them, likewise He has also prohibited him from being a helper to the Kafireen. He said (ta'ala), in reference to the saying of Musa ('alayhis-salam):

"I will never more be a helper of the Mujrimeen (criminals, infidels, polytheists, sinners)."

And helping the Kuffar, even in the slightest manner, is Dhulm (injustice, wrong-doing, oppression), transgression, and opposition to Allah and to His Messenger and to the believers.

'Ata' (rahimahullah) said: "So it is not lawful for anyone to aid an oppressor, or to write down anything for him, or to accompany him. And if he does any of that, he has become a helper to the oppressors)."

And in the Hadith:

"A caller will call on the Day of Resurrection: "Where are the oppressors, and those like the oppressors, and the helpers of the oppressors, even the one who filled an inkwell for them or prepared a pen for them?" So they will be gathered together in a box of iron and flung into Jahannam."

Ath-Thawri said: "Whoever filled an inkwell or prepared a pen or handed them a sheet of paper is included in this."

And it is narrated from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) that he said:

"Whoever walks with an oppressed person in order to help him have his right restored to him, Allah will make his feet firm on the Sirat (bridge over the Hell-fire) on the Day of Resurrection, the Day when the feet will slip off it. And whoever walks with an oppressor in order to aid him in his oppression, Allah will cause his feet to slip off the Siraat, on the Day when the feet will fall off it."

At-Tabari said in His Tafseer [3/140]: "As for aiding the Kuffar against the Muslims, what is meant by that is to be helpers and supporters and aides to the Kuffar against the Muslims, attaching themselves to the Kuffar, protecting them with their wealth, their weapons, and their statements; and this is Kufr that nullifies al-Iman."

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Aziz ibn Baz (rahimahullah) said: "The 'Ulama' of Islam have agreed that whoever aids the Kuffar against the Muslims and provides any manner of help to them against the Muslims, then he is a Kafir just like them, as He said (subhanahu):

"O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians as Awliya' (allies, friends, helpers, protectors), they are but Awliya' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliya') then surely, he is one of them."

And Shaykh 'Abdullah ibn 'Abdil-Latif Al ash-Shaykh (rahimahullah) said: "At-Tawalli (help and protection) [towards the Kuffar] is Kufr that takes one out of the Millah, and it is like defending them and helping them with one's wealth, body, and views." [Ad-Durar, 7/201]

And Shaykh 'Abdul-'Aziz ibn Muhammad al-'Abdul-Latif (hafidhahullah) said in his book Nawaqidhul-Iman (The Nullifiers of al-Iman) [page 382]: "The important thing is that aiding the Kuffar, helping them and protecting them nullifies al-Iman, regardless of whether it is called at-Tawalli (help, protection) or al-Muwalah (mutual allegiance).

Verily, helping the Kuffar against the Muslims is treachery towards Allah (ta'ala) and His Messenger (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) and the believers. Allah (ta'ala) said:

"You see many of them taking the infidels as Awliya' (protectors and helpers). Evil indeed is that which their own selves have set forward before them; for that reason Allah's Wrath fell upon them, and in torment they will abide. And had they believed in Allah, and in the Prophet, and in what has been revealed to him, never would they have taken them (i.e. the infidels) as Awliya'; but many of them are Fasiqeen (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)."

So taking the Kuffar as Awliya' is a means of obligating Allah's Wrath and abiding eternally in His Torment. And had their Mutawalli (i.e. the one who takes them as Awliya') been a believer, he would never have done that." [End of quote.]

So when this is clear to you, then know that the situation of the Islamic Ummah today is warning of a severe danger at the hands of the Jews and Christians and those who have allied themselves with them from the Munafiqeen (hypocrites) who attribute themselves to Islam, providing help and protection to them in many different ways. And the one who has any understanding of the current state of affairs in the Ummah knows that very well.

So their establishment in the lands of the Muslims, opening the way for them, the deceit of the people of knowledge regarding their plots, condemning the Mujahideen as mischief makers and imprisoning them, and making compromises in the religion of Allah in order to please the objectives of the Kuffar, all of this is a clear proof of aiding and helping them against Allah's Awliya' (allies) and His Hizb (party).

So it is upon those to whom belong these characteristics, and those who remain quiet about clarifying the truth, which has been all but wiped out and obscured, to await the recompense that Allah has threatened them with in His Book where He says:

"Do then those who devise evil plots feel secure that Allah will not sink them into the earth, or that the torment will not seize them from directions they perceive not? Or that He may catch them in the midst of their going to and fro (in their jobs), so that there be no escape for them (from Allah's punishment)? Or that He may catch them with gradual wasting (of their wealth and health)? Truly, your Lord is indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful."

And He said (ta'ala):

"Did the people of the towns then feel secure against the coming of Our punishment by night while they were asleep? Or did the people of the towns then feel secure against the coming of Our punishment in the forenoon while they were playing? Did they then feel secure against the Plan of Allah? None feels secure against the Plan of Allah except the people who are the losers."

And this is the Sunnah of Allah, that does not change and is not replaced, in destroying the oppressive nations who abandon the guidance of their Lord and that which the Messengers brought. So beware, beware of going astray in regard to the truth and disregarding the religion of Allah for the enemies of Allah and His Messenger.


And I will close this treatise with the following messages, as sincere advice to the Ummah, and in order to discharge my responsibility in front of Allah ('azza wa-jall), even though it is befitting that we clarify the truth further, however for fear of undue length we have summarised it in brief.

The first message: To the rulers of the Muslims

So the first of these messages I present to the rulers of the Muslims in every place, reminding them of the Du'a' of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) in which he said:

"O Allah, whoever is placed in charge of my Ummah in any matter and he inflicts difficulty upon them, then inflict difficulty upon him."

And the Hadith:

"Whoever is granted authority by Allah over a people and he cheats them, then he will meet Allah and Allah will be angry with him."

So beware of Allah's torment and His penalty and His painful punishment, and be gentle with your people, and do not submit them to your enemies, who hate you no matter how much you try to please them and be kind to them, for they hate every Muslim because of his Islam, indeed they hate every Arab for his origin.

And verily, what is occurring today at your hands of tyranny, ruthlessness, oppression and ironhandedness towards your own people is enough cause for your enemies to be granted power over you, because a person only receives according to what he himself gives, and recompense occurs like for like. Calamity does not occur except due to sin, and it is not lifted except by repentance. Allah (ta'ala) said:

"And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned."

And He said (ta'ala):

"And whatever of evil befalls you, it is from yourself."

Will you not take a lesson, O rulers, from those who passed before you? Verily, they enjoyed power and rule, but when they became tyrannical and oppressive, Allah destroyed them with different forms of punishment, so that they would be a lesson to those after them.

So reflect on the Book of Allah, if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day, and read the history of the past nations, for in both of these are admonitions and lessons for people of understanding.

One of them is the story of the People of the Elephant, whom Allah ('azza wa-jall) destroyed when they intended to demolish the Ka'bah, the focal point for the believers in every place. And no human hand played any role in their destruction and their terrible defeat.

And do not forget the Saying of al-Jabbar, the All-Powerful (subhanahu):

"And Allah puts forward the example of a township (Makkah) that dwelt secure and well-content, its provision coming to it in abundance from every place, but it (i.e. its people) denied the Favours of Allah. So Allah made it taste extreme hunger and fear, because of that which they used to do."

And His Saying (ta'ala):

"So We punished each (of them) for his sins. Of them were some on whom We sent showers of stones, and of them were some who were overtaken by as-Sayhah (the awful cry), and of them were some whom We caused the earth to swallow, and of them were some whom We drowned. It was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wronged themselves."

And He said (ta'ala):

"And when We decide to destroy a town (population), We send a definite order to those among them who lead a life of luxury. Then, they transgress therein, and thus the word (of torment) against it. Then We destroy it with complete destruction."

And, by Allah, you will never escape the grip of Allah and His punishment while you are in this state, making war against Allah with your actions by pleasing your enemies, and fighting Allah's Awliyaa' – those whom Allah has announced that He will defend, and that He will fight against those who fight them. He said (ta'ala):

"Truly, Allah defends those who believe. Verily, Allah likes not any treacherous ingrate to Allah."

And He said (ta'ala):

"And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear (on themselves) the crime of slander and plain sin."

And in the Hadith Qudsi, Allah ('azza wa-jall) says:

"Whoever shows enmity to a Wali (ally) of Mine, then I have declared war on him."

So your association with the enemies will not save you from Allah's Wrath, either in this life or the Hereafter. And your oppression and tyranny will not save your position and your authority. And do not be deceived by those who make your deeds seem good to you, from the 'Ulama' of evil and the corrupt advisers, for they will not be able to avail you anything in front of Allah.

Here are the warnings of calamity and destruction flickering on the horizon, so if you desire salvation then return to Allah and repent to Him. And if you do not, then be warned of war from Allah, Who may destroy you in the morning or in the evening, and your regret will not benefit you then.

"And you will remember what I am telling you, and I leave my affair to Allah. Verily, Allah is the All-Seer of His slaves."


The second message: To the 'Ulama' and the preachers

To the 'Ulama' in every place and the preachers and reformers, I ask you by Allah ('azza wa-jall) to be sincere to Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their general public. And fear Allah as He should be feared, before you are made to stand before Him (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) and He will ask you regarding your knowledge: did you act according to it?

Verily, one of the greatest threats to the foundations of the Ummah is the association of some of the 'Ulama' with the rulers, giving Fatawa (verdicts) for them which conform with their interests, and not basing them on the Book and the Sunnah, with the excuse of averting harms or attaining benefits. Thus, this principle has become but a means by which worldly and personal interests are sought, even if it were to lead to apostasy from Islam by taking the Kuffaar as brothers and aiding them against the Muslims.

Ana along with this, they (i.e. those 'Ulama') know very well that whoever assists the Kuffar, even if it is by preparing a pen for them or handing them a sheet of paper in order for them to write down what they intend of injustice, oppression, and ruthlessness against the Muslims, is equivalent to such (i.e. helping the Kuffar against the Muslims). Likewise, they know that inclining towards the Kuffar, even if it were with the heart only, is a necessary cause of the torment of the Hell-fire.

So benefits and harms are not excuses by which personal interests may be taken.

And you also know that taking the sayings of the creation instead of the Creator and ruling by them instead of ruling by the Laws of Allah is apostasy from Islam, and it is a form of helping the oppressors against the Awliya' of Allah.

So when will these ['Ulama'] realise what they have fallen into, and [when will they] retract from this course of action which leads to the destruction of the Ummah and the descent of calamities upon it?

And it is upon the judges who should be ruling by what Allah has sent down to beware of injustice and oppression against the accused. For indeed, many of those who have been unjustly imprisoned and are living under torture and punishment, out of oppression and injustice, have only been placed there due to the verdict of a judge.

So if only these [judges] would bring themselves to account before they are disgraced in front of Allah on a Day when no person will have power to do anything for another. He said (ta'ala):

"And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid with what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly."

And it is not allowed that anyone speak regarding Allah that which He did not say, and it is befitting for you, O 'Ulama', that instead of catering to the desires [of the rulers] under the excuse of gaining benefit or averting harms, that you should clearly explain the 'Aqidah of al-Wala' wal-Bara', which is the Millah of our Prophet Ibrahim ('alayhis-salam), and that you should warn the rulers of that which necessitates Kufr in Allah ('azza wa-jall), and that you order the good and forbid the evil, which is the very essence of the security of this Ummah and the protection of its foundations.

[You should do all of this] without catering to the motives of others in this regard, and you should clearly explain the importance of Jihad in the Way of Allah, which is the honour and dignity of this Ummah, and you should guard yourselves from imitating your enemies by accusing the believers of extremism and fundamentalism, and accusing the Mujahideen of lack of understanding and knowledge, and of rebelling against the leaders and disobeying them, and describing them – as the Crusaders describe them – as terrorists, in feigned ignorance of Allah's Saying (ta'ala):

"Verily, you are more fearful in their breasts than Allah."

And His Saying ('azza wa-jall):

"And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemy of Allah and your enemy."

And you know very well that the meaning of al-I'dad (preparation) in this Ayah refers to preparation for Jihad. And that al-Quwwah (power) here means shooting. And what is intended by that is by striking fear and terror into them. For verily Allah has granted His Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) victory by fear, so that his enemies fear him and are terrified of him. So it is upon all who understand this to guard their tongues and their pens from engaging in falsehood and agreeing with the sayings and actions of the enemies of the religion.

And in order to complete the benefit I will quote for you, O assembly of 'Ulama' in particular and for everyone who seeks benefit in general, a number of matters mentioned by Shaykhul-Islam Muhammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab (rahimahullah), in order to remind the forgetful, notify the unaware, and educate the ignorant, regarding the terrible dangers and great calamities that result from taking the enemies of Islam as allies.

He said (rahimahullah): "Verily, He (subhanahu) has strongly prohibited taking the Kuffar as allies, and He has informed that whoever takes them as allies, then he is one of them. And likewise, in the Ahadeeth of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam), the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) has informed that whoever loves a people will be resurrected with them.

From what we have mentioned from the Book and the Sunnah and the narrations of the Salaf, we may deduce a number of matters that bring whomever commits any of them into the group of those mentioned in these Ayat, and that expose him to the threat of the Hell-fire; we seek Allah's protection from that which brings about His Wrath and His painful punishment.

[1] At-Tawalli (taking the Kuffar as allies) in general terms.

[2] Love and affection for them in particular.

[3] Inclining even slightly towards them. He said (ta'ala):

"And incline not toward those who do wrong (i.e. the infidels), lest the Fire should touch you, and you would have no protectors other than Allah, nor would you then be helped."

So if this address was to the best of creation (salatullahi wa-salamuhu 'alayhi), then what of those other than him?

[4] Compromise with them and being soft with them. He said (ta'ala):

"They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so they (too) would compromise with you."

[5] Obeying them in that which they say and order, as He said (ta'ala):

"And obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance, and who follows his own lusts, and whose affair (deeds) have been lost."

And He said (ta'ala):

"And obey not every Hallafin Maheen (one who swears much and is a liar or worthless)."

[6] Their closeness in councils, and their involvement with the Muslim leaders.

[7] Seeking their advice in [important] matters.

[8] Utilising them in any matter concerning the Muslims whatsoever, whether it is placing them in charge, or giving them responsibilities, or using them as clerks, and so on.

[9] Taking them as advisers instead of the believers.

[10] Sitting with them, visiting them, and entering upon them.

[11] Honouring them in general.

[12] Granting them protection while Allah has declared them treacherous.

[13] Helping them in their affairs, no matter how minor, such as preparing a pen or bringing an inkpot for them to write down their oppression.

[14] Giving sincere advice to them.

[15] Following their desires.

[16] Accompanying them and associating closely with them.

[17] Being pleased with their actions, imitating them, and adopting their outward appearance.

[18] Praising or elevating them by calling them by elevated titles and ranks, as it is said to the Tawagheet: "As-Sayyid (sir or mister) so-and-so," or as it is said to the one who claims knowledge of medicine: "Al-Hakeem (the wise)," or the like.

[19] Residing with them in their lands, as the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said:

"Whoever associates closely with the Mushrikeen and resides with them, then he is like them." [Narrated by Abu Dawud.]

The third message: To the Muslims in general

O Muslims! Verily, what you are witnessing today of the approaches of the enemies and the gathering of their armies is a warning of a great evil hovering over the Ummah, and there is no way out of it except by truly returning to Allah ('azza wa-jall).

And I would like to point out here that which is befitting for the Muslims to do regarding these events, for the purpose of helping to righteousness and piety, and the Muslim's love for his brothers, so I say, seeking Allah's help:

[1] Correction of the 'Aqidah, by having al-Iman (faith) in its fundamentals, and acting in accordance with the implications of that Iman by making Takfeer of those whom Allah has declared Kuffar, and by not doubting their Kufr, and by rejecting and disassociating from all false religions and their people. And verily, helping the Kuffar against the Muslims is Kufr that takes one out of the Millah.

And all of these matters, along with all of the other matters that make one into a Kaafir, are from the requirements of laa ilaha illallah, because it is obligatory upon the one who says it to fulfill all of its implications and conditions, and whoever does not do so is a Kafir, whose blood and wealth is lawful to take. For it is authentically narrated from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) that he said:

"Whoever says that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and rejects all that is worshipped besides Allah, his property and wealth are protected."

And that Takfeer does not differentiate between the one who is near and the one who is far, or the one who is noble and the one who is lowly. For the Truth is not judged by men, rather it is they who are judged by the Truth. And know that there is no religion for a person, even if he has an abundance of fasting, Salah, Hajj, and Zakah, unless his 'Aqidah is correct, for which the Books were sent down, and for which the Messengers were sent, and for which the swords were unsheathed. He said (ta'ala):

"And verily, We have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah (alone), and avoid at-Taghut (all false deities, rulers, judges)."

[2] It is obligatory to return to Allah ('azza wa-jall), and to discard desires and the obedience to the Shaytan by declaring what is Halal as Halal and declaring what is Haram as Haram, rejecting evil, helping each other to righteousness and piety, and discarding differences and all that creates hatred and division, for these things lead to the infliction of punishment by Allah ('azza wa-jall).

For verily, sins and disobedience are the causes of the descent of calamities and being overpowered by the enemies. And what the Ummah is suffering today from the alliance of its enemies, is only due to the actions of the slaves [of Allah], and these calamities and trials will never be lifted until the Muslims hold fast to the Rope of Allah (i.e. the Qur'an), grasp the Firmest Handhold (i.e. Laa ilaha illallah), and judge by the Book and the Sunnah in the manner that Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) is pleased with.

He said (ta'ala):

"O you who believe! If you obey a group of those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians), they would indeed render you infidels after you had believed! And how would you disbelieve, while unto you are recited the Ayat of Allah, and among you is His Messenger? And whoever holds firmly to Allah, then he is indeed guided to the Right Path."

[3] Preparation to face the enemies of Islam by firstly turning to Allah and repenting to Him, and then acting on Allah's Saying ('azza wa-jall):

"And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemy of Allah and your enemy."

And it is authentically narrated from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) that he said:

"Verily, al-Quwwah (power) is shooting,"

and he repeated it three times.

And with great sorrow we note that the great majority of Muslims, especially in this time, do not know this Ayah and its meaning. Therefore, you see them very far from understanding the means of Jihad, such as shooting, tactics of battle, and other matters that it is imperative for every Muslim to know. Because Jihad is one of the obligations of the religion, indeed it is its highest peak.

And we ask Allah by His Grace and Generosity to improve the situation of the Muslims, and to grant victory to the Mujahideen in His Way, and to defeat the enemies of the religion. Verily, He is Capable of that.

And may Allah send blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions, and grant them peace.

Source: Islamic Awakening

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