Know your prophet

Since 2012-11-25

This article points only to hints in the biography of the chosen prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, to be as an introduction to the Muslim boys and girls and to let them have deeper studies in this eternal prophetic biography.


Know your prophet (Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him)
All praise is due to Allah Who made the right path clear to us and relieved our foresight from the darkness of whims. Prayers and Peace be upon the chosen prophet and messenger who had been sent as mercy to the realms and as guide to whoever looks for the right path, and peace be upon his family, companion and whoever follows them till the Day of Judgment.
O Muslims; among the best ways of spending times is to study the prophetic redolent biography and know the eternal Muhammadan days, because it makes the Muslim feel the great events that the early Muslims faced; moreover, it might enable the recent Muslim to imagine himself as one of those Honorable and obedient Muslims who erected the buildings of glory and the sense of heroism.
During the study of the biography of the prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) the Muslim gets to know numerous aspects from the character of the last prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him), the way of his living and his call during peace and war.
Moreover, it enables the Muslim to know the points of strength and weakness, the reasons of victory and defeat, and the way of dealing with the events regardless of the level of its importance.
By studying the prophetic biography, Muslims could restore their self-confidence and be sure that Allah would be on their side and would help them to gain victory if they obeyed Him and followed the rules of His Shar’iah. Allah Almighty says: {If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you, and make your foothold firm} [Muhammad 47:7],
{إِن تَنصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ} سورة محمد: 7
Transliteration: in tansuroo Allaha yansurkum wayuthabbit aqdamakum
and He says: {Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) in this world’s life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection) -} [Ghafir 40:51],
{إِنَّا لَنَنصُرُ رُسُلَنَا وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْأَشْهَادُ} سورة غافر: 51


Transliteration: Inna lanansuru rusulana waallatheenaamanoo fee alhayati alddunya wayawma yaqoomu alashhadu




and He says: {Verily, Allâh will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, Allâh is All-Strong, All-Mighty} [Al-Hajj 22:40].
{وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ} سورة الحج: 40


Transliteration: walayansuranna Allahu man yansuruhu inna Allaha laqawiyyun AAazeezun




This article points only to hints in the biography of the chosen prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, to be as an introduction to the Muslim boys and girls and to let them have deeper studies in this eternal prophetic biography. Allah Almighty says: {Muhammad (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) is the messenger of Allah} [Al-Fath 48:29]
{مُّحَمَّدٌ رَّسُولُ اللَّهِ} سورة الفتح: 29
Transliteration: Muhammadun rasoolu Allahi 
The lineage of the prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him: he is Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdel-Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd-Manaf Ibn Qusay Ibn Kilab Ibn Murrah Ibn Ka’b Ibn Lu’ay Ibn Ghalib Ibn Fahr Ibn Abd-Malik Ibn An-Nadr Ibn Kinanah Ibn Khozayma Ibn Madrakah Ibn Elias Ibn Mudar Ibn Nizar Ibn Ma’d Ibn Adnan. This is what scholars had agreed upon concerning the lineage of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him; also, they agreed that Adnan is one of Ism’ail’s (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) children.
The names of the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him:
Jubair Ibn Mut’am said that he heard Allah's Apostle saying: “I have several names: I am Muhammad and I am Ahmad, and I am Al-Mahi with whom Allah obliterates Kufr (disbelief), and I am Al-Hashir (gatherer) at whose feet (i.e. behind whom) the people will be gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), and I am Al-‘Aqib with no messenger after after him (i.e. who succeeds the other prophets in bringing about good).” [Agreed upon]
«إن لي أسماء، وأنا محمد، وأنا أحمد، وأنا الماحي الذي يمحو الله بي الكفر، وأنا الحاشر الذي يحشر الناس على قدميَّ، وأنا العاقب الذي ليس بعده أحد» متفق عليه
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that Allah's Messenger, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, mentioned many names of his and said: “I am Muhammad, Ahmad, Muqaffi (the last in succession), al-Hashir, the Prophet of repentance, and the Prophet of Mercy.” [Reported by Muslim]
«وعن أبي موسى الأشعري قال: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يسمي لنا نفسه أسماء فقال: أنا محمد، وأحمد، والمقفي، والحاشر، ونبي التوبة، ونبي الرحمة» رواه مسلم
The purity of the lineage of the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him: You must know, may Allah mercy us all, that Allah has protected the parents of our chosen Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) from committing illegal sexual intercourse. He (the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) had been born after sound marriage. Wathila Ibn al-Asqa' reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) as saying: “Verily Allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of Isma'il and he granted eminence to the Quraish amongst Kinana and he granted eminence to Quraish amongst Banu Hashim and he granted me eminence from the tribe of Banu Hashim.” [Reported by Muslim]
«إن الله اصطفى كنانة من ولد إسماعيل. واصطفى قريشا من كنانة. واصطفى من قريش بني هاشم. واصطفاني من بني هاشم» رواه مسلم
When Heraclius asked Abu Sufyan Ibn Harb about the status of the Prophet’s family among their respective people, Abu Sufyan said: “He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us.” So, Heraclius said: “In fact all the Apostles come from noble families amongst their respective people.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]
«كيف نسب هذا الرجل فيكم؟.......وكذلك الرسل تبعث في نسب قومها .....» رواه البخاري
The birth of the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him:
The prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him was born on Monday in the month of Rabi’ the first. It has been said that it was in the second day of the month, others said it was in the eighth day, others said it was on the tenth day, and others said it was on the twelfth day. Ibn kathir said: “The most sound opinion is that that he had been born on the year of the elephant. This had been said by Ibrahim Ibn Al-Munthir Al-Hizamy (the sheikhof Al-Bukhari) and Khalifa Ibn Khayyat and others unanimously.”
The scholars who recorded the biography of the Prophet Reported that Amina (the Prophet’s mother) said: “When I conceived him, I did not feel his weight, and when he had been delivered; he came with a light illuminating every corner between the east and the west.”
Al-‘Erbadd Ibn sariyah, may Allah be pleased with him, Reported that he heard the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “It had been written in the mother of the book that I am the seal of prophets while Adam was still in the state of clay, and I will explain it to you; I am Ibrahim’s invocation, the glad tiding of Jesus to his people, and the dream that my mother had seen in it that light had come out of her and illuminated the palaces of Ash-Sham.” [Reported by Ahmad and Authenticated by Albani]
«إنّي عند الله في أم الكتاب لخاتم النبيين، وإن آدم لمنجدلٌ في طينته، وسأنبئكم بتأويل ذلك، دعوة إبراهيم، وبشارة عيسى قومه، ورؤيا أمي التي رأت، انه خرج منها نور أضاءت له قصور الشام» أحمد و صححه الألباني
His father had died while he (the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) was still in the womb of his mother. Some scholars said that he died after months of the prophet’s birth and others said ‘after year.’ However, the first saying is the well-known opinion.
Breastfeeding the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him
The Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him was breastfed by Thuwaiba (slave girl of Abu Lahab) for days, and then they sought for him a wet nurse from the tribe of Bani Sa’d, and Halima As-Sa’dia breastfed him. The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him stayed with Halima in Bani Sa’d for about four years, after the incident where his heart taken out of his chest to cleanse is from the influence of Satan and the self, Halima returned him to his mother after that.
Then his mother had died in Al-Abwaa during her journey to Makkah when he was six years old. When the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, passed by Al-Abwaa in his way to Makkah in the year of the Fath (Conquer), he asked permission from his Lord to visit the grave of his mother; so, Allah permitted him and he wept till those who were surrounding him wept too, and he said: “Visit the graves because it reminds you with death.” [Reported by Muslim]
«زوروا القبور فإنّها تذكر بالموت» رواه مسلم
When his mother died Umm Ayman (a slave girl to him he had inherited from his father) cared for upbringing him under the auspices of his grandfather, Abdel-Muttalib. When the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, became eight years old his grandfather died after giving Bequest to his uncle Abu Talib to put him under his auspices. Abu Talib took care of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, helped and supported him very well when Allah sent him as a messenger; although he (Abu Talib) continued to be a polytheist till his death! So Allah made his help to the prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, a reason for decreasing the level of his torment; according to what had been mentioned in the sound Hadeeth.
Protecting him (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) from the filth of Jahilliya by Allah
Allah Almighty had protected him since his childhood and purified him from the filth of Jahilliya and any demerit. Moreover, He granted him noble manners, till people named him ‘the honest’, because of his purity, truthfulness and honesty. When Quraish wanted to reconstruct the Ka’ba (when the prophet was thirty five years old); they disagreed about who has the right to put the black stone in its place, then they agreed to accept the judgment of the first person who would enter upon them. The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, was the first person to enter upon them, so they said ‘the honest has come’ and declared their acceptance to his judgment. The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, ordered for a piece of clothes to be brought; then he put the stone in the middle of it and ordered every tribe to carry one end of the piece of clothes, then he pushed the stone in its place. [Reported by Ahmad and Al-Hakem]
«فكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالوا: جاء الأمين، فرضوا به، فأمر بثوبٍ، فوضع الحجر في وسطه، وأمر كل قبيلة أن ترفع بجانب من جوانب الثوب، ثم أخذ الحجر فوضعه موضعه» رواه أحمد والحاكم
The marriage of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him
Khadija had married him when he was twenty five years old. This was after his going to Ash-Sham with her slave Maysara in a trade journey. Maysara saw what amazed him in the prophet, and witnessed his truthfulness and honesty. When he returned he told his owner what he had seen; so, she encouraged him to marry her.
Then Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) died three years before the migration; he married none till her death. After the death of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) he married Sawda Bint Zam’aa, then he married ‘Aisha Bint Abu Bakr the truthful (may Allah be pleased with both of them); he had never married a virgin except her. Then he married Hafsa Bint Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with both of them), then Zaynab Bint Khozayma Ibn Al-Hareth (may Allah be pleased with her) and Umm Salama Hind Bint Umayya (may Allah be pleased with her) and Zaynab Bint Jahsh (may Allah be pleased with her), then he Married Juwairyah Bint Al-Hareth (may Allah be pleased with her), then Umm Habiba Bint Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with her), and he married after the conquest of Khaybar Safyah Bint Hoyay Ibn Akhtab (may Allah be pleased with her), then Maymona Bint Al-Hareth (may Allah be pleased with her) who was the last one he had married.
The children of the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him
All his children were from Khadija Bint Khwailed except Ibrahim. Ibrahim was from the Maria from Egypt that had been a slave girl the king of Egypt sent to him as a gift.
His sons: Al-Qasim (the prophet is nicknamed by him) who lived a few days, and At-Tahir and At-Taiyb.
It has been said: “Khadija delivered Abdullah during the period of Islam, so he had been nicknamed At-Tahir and At-Taiyb. As for Ibrahim, he had been born in Al-Madina and lived 22 months and died three months before him.”
His daughters: Zaynab was the eldest; she married Abu Al-‘Aas Ibn Ar-Rabie’ (the son of her maternal aunt), and Ruqayyah; she married ‘Uthman Ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him), and Fatima; she married Ali Ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and delivered to him Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain the masters of paradise’s youth, and Umm Kalthoum; she married ‘Uthman Ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) after the death of Ruqayyah (may Allah be pleased with them all).
An-Nawawy said: “So, the daughters are four with no disagreement. And the sons are three according to the most authentic sayings.”
Beginning of revelation: The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, had been sent with the message when he was forty years old. The angel came to him in the cave of Hira on Monday 17th Ramadan (other opinions state that it was on the night of 25th of Ramadan).
It is reported that “The angel came to him in it and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read." (The Prophet added), "The angel embraced me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and again asked me to read, and I replied, "I do not know how to read," whereupon he embraced me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and asked me again to read, but again I replied, "I do not know how to read (or, what shall I read?)." Thereupon he embraced me for the third time and pressed me and then released me and said, {Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not} [Al-Alaq 96:1-5]
{اقْرأْ بِاسْمِ رَبّكَ الَّذي خَلَقَ(1) خَلَقَ الإنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ (2) اقْرَأْ ورَبُّكَ الأَكْرَمُ (3) الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ (4) عَلَّمَ الإنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ} العلق: 1-5
Transliteration: Iqra biismi rabbika allathee khalaqa (1) Khalaqa alinsana min AAalaqin (2) Iqra warabbuka alakramu (3) Allathee AAallama bialqalami (4) AAallama alinsana ma lam yaAAlam
Then Allah's Messenger returned with the Inspiration, his neck muscles twitching with terror till he entered upon Khadija and said, "Cover me! Cover me!" They covered him till his fear was over and then he said, "O Khadija, what is wrong with me?" Then he told her everything that had happened and said, 'I fear that something may happen to me." Khadija said, 'Never! But have the glad tidings, for by Allah, Allah will never disgrace you as you keep good ties of kinship, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guest generously and assist the deserving, calamity-afflicted ones."” [Reported by Bukhari]
«فجاءه الملك فيه، فقال: اقرأ، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (فقلت: ما أنا بقارئ، فأخذني فغطني حتى بلغ مني الجهد، ثم أرسلني فقال: اقرأ، فقلت: ما أنا بقارئ، فأخذني فغطني الثانية حتى بلغ مني الجهد، ثم أرسلني فقال: اقرأ، فقلت: ما أنا بقارئ، فأخذني فغطني الثالثة حتى بلغ مني الجهد، ثم أرسلني فقال: اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق - حتى بلغ - علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم). فرجع بها ترجف بوادره، حتى دخل على خديجة، فقال: (زملوني زملوني). فزملوه حتى ذهب عنه الروع، فقال: (يا خديجة، ما لي). وأخبرها الخبر، وقال: (قد خشيت على نفسي). فقالت له: كلا، أبشر، فوالله لا يخزيك الله أبدا، إنك لتصل الرحم، وتصدق الحديث، وتحمل الكل، وتقري الضيف، وتعين على نوائب الحق» أخرجه البخاري
“The revelation was intermitted for me for a small span of time, then while I was walking I heard a voice from the sky, and raising my head I saw the angel who had come to me in Hira', sitting on a Throne between heaven and earth I was terror-stricken on that account and came back (to his family) and said: “Wrap me up, wrap me up!” So they wrapped me up, and the Blessed and Exalted Allah sent down: {O you (Muhammad prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) enveloped in garments! Arise and warn! And magnify your Lord (Allâh)! And purify your garments!} [Al-Muddaththir 74:1-4]
{يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ (1) قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ (2) وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّر (3) وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّر} المدثر: 1-4
Transliteration: Ya ayyuha almuddaththiru (1) Qum faanthir (2)Warabbaka fakabbir (3) Wathiyabaka fatahhir  “ [Authenticated by Albani]
«فتر الوحي عني فترة، فبينا أنا أمشي سمعت صوتا من السماء، فرفعت بصري قبل السماء، فإذا أنا بالملك الذي أتاني في غار حراء، على سرير بين السماء والأرض، فجنبت منه فرقا، حتى هويت إلى الأرض، فأتيت خديجة، فقلت: دثروني دثروني، فدثرت، فجاء جبريل فقال : {يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ ﴿١﴾ قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ ﴿٢﴾ وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ ﴿٣﴾ وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ ﴿٤﴾ وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ}» صححه الألباني
Allah Almighty ordered him in these verses to warn his people. So, the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, did his best and preached all people; the old and the young, the free and the slaves, the men and the women, the white and the black. The servants of Allah, whom Allah destined their win and survival in this worldly life and in the hereafter too, had followed him from everywhere. They converted to Islam, and the ignorant people of Makka punished and harmed them constantly. Allah has protected his messenger by his uncle Abu Talib who was noble, honorable and well obeyed among his people; they could not befall him by hurting his nephew after knowing how much he likes him.
Ibn Al-Jawzy said: “He used to secretly preach people to Islam for three years, then Allah revealed upon him {Therefore proclaim openly (Allâh’s Message - Islâmic Monotheism) that which you are commanded} [Al-Hijr 15:94]
{فاصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَر} سورة الحجر: 94
Transliteration: FaisdaAA bima tumaru 
So he preached them openly. When Allah revealed: {And warn your tribe (O Muhammad prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) of near kindred} [Ash-Shuara 26:214]
{وَأَنذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الأَقْرَبِينَ} سورة الشعراء: 214


Transliteration: Waanthir AAasheerataka alaqrabeena




Allâh’s Messenger (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) went out, and when he had ascended As-Safa Mountain, he shouted, "Yâ Sabâhâh! (An Arabic expression used when one appeals for help or draws the attention of others to some danger)” The people said, “Who is that?” Then they gathered around him, whereupon he said, “Do you see? If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain to attack you, will you believe me?” They said, “We have never heard you telling a lie.” Then he said, “I am a plain warner to you of a coming severe punishment.” Abû Lahab said: “May you perish! You gathered us only for this reason?” Then Abû Lahab went away. So Sûrat Al-Masad {Perish the hands of Abû Lahab!} (Al-Masad: 1) was revealed. [Agreed upon]
«خرج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى صعد الصفا فهتف «يا صباحاه!» فقالوا: من هذا الذي يهتف؟ قالوا: محمد! فاجتمعوا إليه فقال: «أرأيتم لو أخبرتكم أن خيلاً تخرج بسفح هذا الجبل أكنتم مصدقي؟». قالوا: ما جربنا عليك كذبًا. قال: «فإنّي نذير لكم بين يدي عذاب شديد». فقال أبو لهب: تبًا لك، أما جمعتنا إلاّ لهذا؟ ثم قام، فنزل قوله تعالى: {تَبَّتْ يَدَا أبِي لَهَبٍ وَتَبْ} إلى آخر السورة» متفق عليه
His patience during suffering
The prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, faced the torment of his people by patience and seeking the reward from Allah. Then he ordered his companions to get out to the land of Ethiopia to get rid of the injustice and mistreatment; so, they went out.
Ibn Ishaq said: “When Abu Talib died, Quraish did to the prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, what it could not do during the life of Abu Talib.”
It is Reported in the two Sahihs that while the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him was praying close to remains of slaughtered camel. ‘Uqba Ibn Abu Mu'ayt took the remains of the slaughtered camel and threw it over the back of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. The prophet continued his Sujoud (prostration) till Fatima came and took it from his back, and then he said: “O Allah, punish the people of Quraish.” [Reported by Bukhari]
«بينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ساجد، وحوله ناس من قريش من المشركين، إذ جاء عقبة بن أبي معيط بسلى جزور، فقذفه على ظهر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فلم يرفع رأسه حتى جاءت فاطمة عليها السلام، فأخذت من ظهره، ودعت على من صنع ذلك، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (اللهم عليك الملأ من قريش)...» رواه البخاري
Al-Bukhari Reported that while Allah's Apostle was praying in the courtyard of the ka'ba, 'Uqba Ibn Abu Mu'ait came and seized Allah's Messenger by the shoulder and twisted his garment round his neck and throttled him severely. Abu Bakr came and seized 'Uqba's shoulder and threw him away from Allah's Apostle and said, “Would you kill a man because he says: 'My Lord is Allah?'” [Reported by Bukhari]
«بينا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي في حجر الكعبة، إذ أقبل عقبة بن ابي معيط، فوضع ثوبه في عنقه، فخنقه خنقا شديدا، فأقبل أبو بكر حتى أخذ بمنكبه، ودفعه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: {أَتَقْتُلُونَ رَجُلًا أَن يَقُولَ رَبِّيَ اللَّـهُ}. الآية.» رواه البخاري
His kindness toward his people
When the torment became severe after the death of Abu Talib and Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her); the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, went to At-Taef and called the tribes of Thaqeef to accept Islam, but he received nothing but mocking and harm; moreover, they threw stones over him till his heels started to bleed. Therefore he decided to go back to Makkah. The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him said: “I departed, overwhelmed with excessive sorrow, and proceeded on, and could not relax till I found myself at Qarn ath-Tha’alib where I lifted my head towards the sky to see a cloud shading me unexpectedly. I looked up and saw Jibreel in it. He called me saying, Allah has heard your people's saying to you, and what they have replied back to you, Allah has sent the Angel of the Mountains to you so that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people.' The Angel of the Mountains called and greeted me, and then said, "O Muhammad! Order what you wish. If you like, I will close Al-Akh-Shabain (i.e. two mountains) on them." The Prophet said, "No but I hope that Allah will beget children from them who will worship Allah Alone, and will worship none besides Him.” [Agreed upon]
«انطلقت وأنا مهموم على وجهي، فلم أستفق إلا وأنا بقرن الثعالب، فرفعت رأسي، فإذا أنا بسحابة قد أظلتني، فنظرت فإذا فيها جبريل، فناداني فقال: إن الله قد سمع قول قومك لك، وما ردوا عليك، وقد بعث الله إليك ملك الجبال، لتأمره بما شئت فيهم، فناداني ملك الجبال، فسلم علي، ثم قال: يا محمد، فقال: ذلك فيما شئت، إن شئت أن أطبق عليهم الأخشبين؟ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: بل أرجو أن يخرج الله من أصلابهم من يعبد الله وحده، لا يشرك به شيئا.» متفق عليه
The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him used to go out every season of Hajj to offer himself to the tribes and say: “Who could take me with him to his people, Quraish had prevented me from conveying the message of my Lord!” [Reported by Abu-Dawoud and authenticated by Albani]
«كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعرض نفسه بالموقف فقال ألا رجل يحملني إلى قومه، فإن قريشا قد منعوني أن أبلغ كلام ربي» راه أبو داود وصححه الألباني
Then the prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him met six men, during the season of Hajj, in Al-‘Aqaba and called them to Islam. They accepted it; then they returned to Al-Madina and called their people to Islam and many of them accepted it. Then the first and second homage had been done in Al-‘Aqaba secretly. Then the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him ordered his followers to migrate to Al-Madina; so they migrated to it in huge numbers.
Migration to Al-Medina
Then the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him had gone out with Abu Bakr to Al-Madina. First, they went to the cave of Thawr and stayed there for three days while the people of Quraish were doing their best to find them. Eventually, he arrived to Al-Madina and its people welcomed him and he built his Masjid and house within it.
His forays: Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased) with him said: “When the prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him left Makka, Abu Bakr said ‘They forced their prophet out! To Allah we belong and to Him we will return! They will be perished!’ So Allah revealed {Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged} [Al-Hajj 22:39],
{أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَاتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا} سورة الحج: 39
Transliteration: Othina lillatheena yuqataloona biannahum thulimoo 
And it was the first verse revealed concerning fighting.” The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, launched twenty seven forays, and fought in nine of them; Badr, Uhud, Al-Raysee, the trench, Quraiza, Khaibar, the conquest of Mecca, Honain and At-Taef. Moreover, he sent fifty six military missions.
His Hajj and ‘Umra
After migration to Al-Madina, the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him performed Hajj Alwadaa’ (Farewell Hajj) only. As for the ‘Umra; the first one was the ‘Umra of Al-Hudaybeia that the polytheists prevented him from performing it, the second was the ‘Umra of Al-Qadaa, the third was the ‘Umra of Al-Jurana and the fourth was the ‘Umra that he performed along with his Hajj.
His description
The height of the prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) was medium; he was neither tall nor short. He was white and hairy. His pupils were dark black, and there was no hair on his chest or abdomen except fine line in the midst of the chest and abdomen.
His manners
He was the most generous humankind, the most truthful and the kindest. Allah Almighty says: {And Verily, you (O Muhammad prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) are on an exalted (standard of) character} [Al-Qalam 68:4]
{وإنَّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظيمٍ} سورة القلم: 4


Transliteration: Wainnaka laAAala khuluqin AAatheemin




He was the most courageous person, the chastest, the most modest and the shyest (he was shyer than a virgin girl). He used to accept the gift and reward for it; on the other hand, he had never accepted taking charity. He had never become angry for himself; rather he used to be angry for the sake of his Lord only. He used to eat whatever is presented to him. And he had neither eaten while lying down, nor had he eaten on a table. Sometimes three months would pass without having anything to cook. And he used to sit with the poor and needy people, visits the sick and companies the funerals till burial.
He used to joke but says only the truth, and laugh but without giggling. And he used to serve his family, and said: “The best of you are those who are best toward their families, and I am the best one (among you) toward my family.” [Reported by At-Tirmthi and authenticated by Al-Albani]
«خيركم خيركم لأهله وأنا خيركم لأهلي» الترمذي وصححه الألباني
Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I served the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) for ten years, and he had never said why did you do that? Or why did not you do that?”
He used to be kind with people and show the miracles to them; so, the moon had been split in two halves to him, the water flowed from the spaces between his fingers, the trunk yearned to him, the camel complained for him, and he told them things to happen in the future and it came true.
His virtues
Jabir Ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari reported that the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “I have been given five (things) no other (messenger) had been given: I have been given victory with fear from a distance of a month walk, earth was made for me as a Masjid and purified so whoever a prayer approaches him should pray, war bounty was made permissible for me while not being permissible for whom preceded me, and I have been given intercession, previously a prophet was only sent to his people but I was sent to all mankind.” [Agreed upon]
«أعطيت خمسًا لم يعطهن أحدٌ قبلي: نصرت بالرعب مسيرة شهر، وجعلت لي الأرض مسجدًا وطهورًا، فأيما رجل من أمتي أدركته الصلاة فليصل، وأحلت لي الغنائم ولم تحل قبلي، وأعطيت الشفاعة، وكان النبي يبعث إلى قومه، وبعثت إلى النّاس كافة» متفق عليه
Anas Ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “I will be the first among people to intercede in the Resurrection day, the most followed on Resurrection day and first to knock on the gates of Paradise.” [Reported by Muslim]
 «أنا أول النّاس يشفع يوم القيامة، وأنا أكثر الأنبياء تبعًا يوم القيامة، وأنا أول من يقرع باب الجنة» رواه مسلم
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) as saying: “I shall be pre-eminent amongst the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection and I will be the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted (by Allah).” [Reported by Muslim]
«أنا سيد ولد آدم يوم القيامة. وأول من ينشق عنه القبر. وأول شافع وأول مشفع» رواه مسلم
His worship and the style of his life
‘Aisha reported that when Allah's Messenger (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) occupied himself in prayer, he observed such a (long) qiyam (posture of standing in prayer) that his feet were swollen. ‘Aisha said: “Allah's Messenger you do this (in spite of the fact) that your earlier and later sins have been forgiven for you?” Thereupon, he said: “shouldn’t I be thankful slave.” [Agreed upon]
«كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، إذا صلى، قام حتى تفطر رجلاه. قالت عائشة: يا رسول الله! أتصنع هذا، وقد غفر لك ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخر؟ فقال: يا عائشة ! أفلا أكون عبدا شكورا» متفق عليه
‘Aisha said: “The bed mattress of the Prophet was made of a leather case stuffed with palm fibers.” Omar said: “I saw the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him spend the whole day without having anything to eat, even if it was Daql (tacky date)!” [Muslim]
«قال عمر بن الخطاب: لقد رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يظل اليوم يلتوي، ما يجد دقلا يملأ به بطنه» رواه مسلم
He did not care for this worldly life although he was the best the living and the dead. All praise is due to Allah for being in his Ummah (nation). May Allah help us to obey Him, and gather us on the Day of resurrection as believers who believe in the Quran and the Sunnah. Ameen.
Some of the most prominent events:
Al-Isra and Al-Meraj (The night journey and ascension): They were three years before migration to Al-Madina, and the prayers had been ordained during them.
-        The first year: Migration – building the masjid – establishing the state – having the order of paying the Zakat.
-        The second year: The battle of Badr in which Allah has honored the Muslims and granted them victory.
-        The third year: The battle of Uhud in which Muslims were defeated because of violating the instructions of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, and heading for the booty.
-        The fourth year: The battle of Bani An-Nadeer in which the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, evacuated the Jews of Bani An-Nadeer from Al-Madina, because of violating the treaty that they signed with the Muslims.
-        The fifth year: The battles of Bani Al-Mustalaq, Al-Ahzab and Bani Qurayza.
-        The sixth year: Al-Hudaybia treaty of peace, and the final prohibition of drinking wine.
-        The seventh year: The battle of Khaibar – the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) and the Muslims entered Makkah for performing ‘Umra - the Prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him married Safeya Bint Huyai.
-        The eighth year: The battle of Muta between the Muslims and the Romans – the conquest of Makkah – the battle of Hunain against the tribes of Hawazen and Thaqeef.
-        The ninth year: The battle of Tabouk (the last of the prophet’s battles), and in this year the missions came to the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him and people entered Allah’s religion (Islam) in crowds. This year is called year of the missions’.
-        The tenth year: The Farewell Hajj. More than one hundred thousand person performed Hajj with the prophet prayers and peace of Allah be upon him.
-        The Eleventh year: The death of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, on Monday Rabee’ the first (there are some disagreement about the exact day of death during this month). The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, died when he was sixty three years old; forty before being prophet, and twenty three years as a prophet and messenger. He spent thirteen years of them in Makka, and ten in Al-Medina. Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him and upon his family and company.
Finally, prayers be upon the most generous prophet, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him). And I declare that everything right I had written is from Allah Almighty, and that everything wrong I had written is from me and Satan.
Dar Al-Watan
- Tahzeeb Al-Asmaa wa Al-Lughat by An-Nawawy
- At-Tabsera Wal Hadaek by Ibn Al-Jawzy
- Zad Al-Maad by Ibn Al-Qayim
- The prophetic biography by Az-Zahaby
- Jawame As-Sirah An-Nabawya by Ibn Hazm
- Al-Fusul fi Serat Ar-Rasul by Ibn Katheir
- Sahih As-Sira An-Nabaweya by Ibrahim Al-Ali


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