Give glad tidings to the patient

Since 2012-11-22

Since patience constitutes half of belief, a good manner in a person and a leader that leads the self to the obedience of Allah and repels from disobeying Him; it is necessary to elaborate on its essence, excellence, kinds, levels and the status of people


All praise is due to Allah alone, and prayers and peace of Allah be upon whom there is no prophet after him.
Since patience constitutes half of belief, a good manner in a person and a leader that leads the self to the obedience of Allah and repels from disobeying Him; it is necessary to elaborate on its essence, excellence, kinds, levels and the status of people with it and what spoils it. In a time where hardships spread and afflictions prevailed; where the one who holds fast to his religion is like the one that holds fast to a burning coal and people need patience more than their need to food or drink. Therefore, we ask Allah Almighty to grant to us patience to obey Him and refrain from disobeying Him and accept His destiny. Indeed, He is the One Who is able to do that.
The essence of patience and the status of people with it:
- Patience means preventing the self from impatience, preventing the tongue from complaining and preventing the limbs from slapping ones cheeks or tearing the clothes and the like. It is a good manner that prevents from doing what is bad and evil; furthermore, it is one of self’s powers that lead to its goodness. And it is said that patience means ‘to remain calm with the affliction as you remain calm with wellbeing’. Actually, this means that there is a right for Allah upon the slave when he is sound and when he is afflicted, so he has to accompany the soundness with gratitude and accompany the affliction with patience.
- And when Al-Junaid was asked about it he said: “it is swallowing the bitterness without complaint.” And Tha-Nun said: “it is neglecting violations and being calm when swallowing the bitterness of affliction and showing richness at the appearance of poverty.”
- Patience is like a rein to the self, because it is patience that leads the self to Paradise or Hellfire. If the self did not have a rein, it would go in every direction. And it is mentioned that some of the righteous forefathers said: “hold these selves because they are the leaders to every evil.” May Allah mercy a man made to himself a rein to guide it to obeying Allah and refrain it from disobeying Him; indeed, having patience to abstain from disobeying Allah is much easier than tolerating His punishment.
- Hence, the essence of patience is to dedicate the power of going ahead to whatever brings benefit and to dedicate the power of refraining to whatever brings harm.
- As for the status of people with patience; some of them tolerate doing whatever brings benefit better than tolerating abstaining from whatever brings harm; they can bear the hardships of obedience, but cannot bear refraining themselves from whatever they are ordered to refrain from. On the other hand there are people who tolerate abstaining from the prohibitions better than tolerating the efforts of obedience. Also, there are people who tolerate nothing at all.
Many people tolerate fasting in the summer days and praying in the cold nights, but do not tolerate abstaining themselves from prohibited gaze. On the other hand; many people tolerate abstaining from looking at what is prohibited and gazing in the prohibited pictures, but do not tolerate enjoining the good and forbidding the evil and fighting the infidels and hypocrites; they cannot tolerate doing that. Also, there are more people neither can tolerate this nor can tolerate that. And there are fewer people who can tolerate both. And that is why it is said: ‘patience is the steadiness of person’s mind and religion in the face of the whims and desires.’
The excellence of patience:
There are many excellences for patience; for example, Allah multiplies the reward of the patient and give them their reward in full, because the reward of every deed is known except patience; Allah Almighty said: {Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning} [Surat Az-Zumar: 10].
{إِنَّمَا يُوَفَّى الصَّابِرُونَ أَجْرَهُمْ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ} الزّمر: 10


Transliteration: innama yuwaffaalssabiroona ajrahum bighayri hisabin
Moreover, the patient people are with Allah, He is with them by His guidance and victory; He Almighty said: {Truly! Allâh is with As-Sâbirûn (the patient)} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:153].
{إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ} البقرة: 153


Transliteration: inna Allaha maAAa alssabireena
Abu Ali Ad-Daqaq said: “the patient people won the honor of the two lives, because they gained being with Allah.”
Also, Allah told that He loves the patient; He said: {And Allâh loves As-Sâbirûn (the patient)} [Surat Al-Imran 3:146];
{وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الصَّابِرِينَ} آل عمران: 146


Transliteration: waAllahu yuhibbu alssabireena
Verily, this is the strongest enticement. And He declared that patience is better and emphasized this; He Almighty said: {But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sâbirûn (the patient)} [Surat An-Nahl 16:126].
{وَلَئِنْ صَبَرْتُمْ لَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لِلصَّابِرِينَ} النّحل: 126


Transliteration: walain sabartum lahuwa khayrun lilssabireena
Furthermore, Allah gathered to the patient people three characteristics He did not gather to any people except them; He prayed upon them (i.e. blessed them), gave them mercy and granted them guidance; He Almighty said: {but give glad tidings to As-Sâbirûn (the patient). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Truly! To Allâh we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.” They are those on whom are the Salawât (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:155-157].
{...وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ (155) الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُمْ مُصِيبَةٌ قَالُوا إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ (156) أُولَئِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ صَلَوَاتٌ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَرَحْمَةٌ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُهْتَدُونَ} البقرة: 155-157


Transliteration: wabashshiri alssabireena (155) Allatheena ithaasabathum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiAAoona (156) Olaika AAalayhim salawatun min rabbihim warahmatun waolaika humu almuhtadoona
One of the righteous forefathers said when he was consoled for some evil occurred to him: “why should not I be patient after Allah promised me three things as reward for patience; verily, every one of them is better than the worldly life and whatever in it.”
Also, Allah made success in the worldly life and Hereafter dependent on patience; He said: {O you who believe! Endure and be more patient (than your enemy), and guard your territory by stationing army units permanently at the places from where the enemy can attack you, and fear Allâh, so that you may be successful} [Surat Al-Imran 3:200].
{يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اصْبِرُوا وَصَابِرُوا وَرَابِطُوا وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ} آل عمران: 200


Transliteration: Ya ayyuhaallatheena amanoo isbiroo wasabiroo warabitoo waittaqoo Allaha laAAallakum tuflihoona
Actually, recording all the excellences of patience will take longer time; however, more excellences will be mentioned when we discuss patience in the Book and Sunnah.
Kinds of patience:
According to the sayings of the scholars, there are three kinds of patience; patience for obeying Allah, patience for abstaining from disobeying Him and patience for accepting His destiny. This is because the slave faces, in his life, three states; something he has to do and something he has to abstain from and destiny he has to tolerate. The person always faces these three states all the time and he needs to be patient during them all. These three states are mentioned by Luqman to his son, when he said: {O my son! Aqim-As-Salât (perform As-Salât), enjoin (on people) Al-Ma’rûf - (Islâmic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief in the Oneness of Allâh, polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befalls you} [Surat Luqman 31:17].
{يَا بُنَيَّ أَقِمِ الصَّلاةَ وَأْمُرْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَانْهَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَاصْبِرْ عَلَى مَا أَصَابَكَ} لقمان: 17
Transliteration: Ya bunayya aqimi alssalata wamur bialmaAAroofi wainha AAani almunkari waisbir AAala ma asabaka
As for patience for performing the acts of obedience, it is tolerating the hardships, because the self (by nature) runs away from many acts of obedience. It hates prayer because of laziness and loving relaxation, hates paying Zakat because of misery and stinginess, hates the Hajj and Jihad for the same reasons, hates fasting because of loving food and hating hunger…etc. Therefore, patience for performing the acts of obedience is tolerating the hardships.
The slave needs patience for performing the acts of obedience in three states:
- First: before beginning the act of obedience, by making the intention sound, having sincerity and intending fulfilling what is ordered to be fulfilled and avoiding the reasons of hypocrisy and seeking reputation. And that is why Allah Almighty mentioned the patience before the deed; He said: {Except those who show patience and do righteous good deeds: those, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward (Paradise)} [Surat Hud 11:11].
{إِلا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ} هود: 11
Transliteration: Illa allatheena sabaroo waAAamiloo alssalihati 
- Second: during performing the act of obedience, in order not to forget Allah during the deed or forget fulfilling deed’s etiquettes, supererogatory acts and fundamental acts. The person has to be patient when there are reasons for negligence or remissness, and he has to remember the intention and makes his heart attendant between the Hands of the Worshiped One.
- Third: after ending the act of obedience. The person needs to conceal the deed and not to reveal it for gaining reputation. Moreover, he needs to tolerate not looking at the deed in admiration and to tolerate not doing whatever may nullify the deed; Allah Almighty said: {O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your generosity or by injury} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:264].
{لا تُبْطِلُوا صَدَقَاتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَالأَذَى} البقرة: 264


Transliteration: la tubtiloo sadaqatikum bialmanni waalatha
Therefore, the obedience needs fighting the self and patience, and that is why the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Paradise is surrounded with the hardships…” [Reported by Muslim, 2822]
«حفت الجنة بالمكاره...» رواه مسلم
As for patience of abstaining from prohibited acts; it is well-known. It is holding the self back from following the whims or falling in what is prohibited by Allah. Actually, the things that facilitate this most are abandoning from whatever facilitates committing the sins and neglecting the evil habits, because the evil habits have a special character and if it is joined to the desire, it will be like having two soldiers from the army of Satan united against the servant of Allah in a way that prevents the sense of religion from defeating them. And that is why the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “… and Hellfire was surrounded with the desires.” [Reported by Muslim, 2822]
«...وحفت النّار بالشّهوات» رواه مسلم
As for patience for accepting the affliction; Allah Almighty said: {And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sâbirûn (the patient)} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:155].
{وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُمْ بِشَيْءٍ مِنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِنَ الأَمْوَالِ وَالأَنْفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ} البقرة: 155


Transliteration: Walanabluwannakum bishayin mina alkhawfi waaljooAAi wanaqsin mina alamwali waalanfusi waalththamarati wabashshiri alssabireena
This kind of patience could be obtained by preventing the tongue from complaining to other than Allah Almighty and preventing the heart from impatience or panic and preventing the limbs from slapping ones cheeks or tearing the clothes and the like.
When the slave is patient at the time of affliction, he confesses to Allah that his affliction is from Him and that he seeks the reward of tolerating that affliction from Him. It is narrated on the authority of Umm Salama that the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When someone from among you suffers some calamity, he should say: ‘we belong to Allah and to Him will we return; o Allah, reward me for my affliction and give me something better than it in exchange for it’.” [Reported by Abu Dawud 3119 and At-Tirmidhi 3511 and declared authentic by Al-Albani]
«إذا أصابت أحدكم مصيبة فليقل إنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون اللهمّ عندك أحتسب مصيبتي فآجرني فيها وأبدل لي بها خيرًا منها» رواه أبو داود 3119 والترمذي 3511 وصححه الألباني
Then, when Abu Salama was about to die, he said: “O Allah, give my wife someone better than me.” And when he died Umm Salama said: “we belong to Allah and to Him we will return; O Allah, from You I seek the reward of my calamity” [Reported by At-Tirmithi 3511 and declared authentic by Al-Albani].
«فلما احتضر أبو سلمة قال اللهم اخلف في أهلي خيرا مني فلما قبض قالت أم سلمة إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون عند الله احتسبت مصيبتي فأجرني فيها» رواه الترمذي وصححه الألباني
Consider the result of patience and seeking the reward from Allah and following the Messenger and accepting whatever came from Him; Umm Salama won marriage with the most honorable human being, Muhammad (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him).
Levels of patience:
There are three levels for patience, according to Ibn Al-Qayim (may Allah mercy him);
First: patience by Allah, which means seeking help from Him and seeing Him as the Creator of the events and believing that patience is grace from Him, not an act from the slave himself; He Almighty said: {And endure you patiently (O Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him), your patience is not but from Allâh} [Surat An-Nahl 16:127].
{وَاصْبِرْ وَمَا صَبْرُكَ إِلا بِاللَّهِ} النّحل: 127
Transliteration: Waisbir wama sabruka illa biAllahi
Second: patience for the sake of Allah, which means that patience, is because of loving Allah Almighty and seeking His Countenance and nearness, not showing the strength or seeking praise from people or such things.
Third: patience with Allah, which means considering the orders of Allah and His rulings and tolerating following them. Indeed, this is the strongest and hardest level of patience; it is the patience of the most truthful pious.
Al-Junaid said: “walking from the worldly life to Hereafter is easy for the believer, and deserting the people for gaining nearness with Allah is hard, and going from the self to Allah is very difficult, and being patient with Allah is more difficult.”
Patience in the Holy Quran:
Ibn Al-Qayim (may Allah mercy him) mentioned many verses of the Holy Quran in which patience is mentioned. And it is narrated that Imam Ahmad (may Allah mercy him) said: “Allah Almighty mentioned patience in the Holy Quran in about ninety verses.” And here we mention some of the subjects in which patience is mentioned:
1- Enjoining it; He Almighty said: {And endure you patiently (O Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him), your patience is not but from Allâh} [Surat An-Nahl 16:127],
{وَاصْبِرْ وَمَا صَبْرُكَ إِلا بِاللَّهِ} النّحل: 127
Transliteration: Waisbir wama sabruka illa biAllahi
and He said: {So wait patiently (O Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) for the Decision of your Lord} [Surat At-Tur 52:48].
{وَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ} الطّور: 48
Transliteration: Waisbir lihukmi rabbika
2- Forbidding its opposite (i.e. impatience); He Almighty said: {Therefore be patient (O Muhammad, and peace of Allah be upon him) as did the Messengers of strong will and be in no haste about them (disbelievers)} [Surat Al-Ahqaf 46:35],
{فَاصْبِرْ كَمَا صَبَرَ أُولُو الْعَزْمِ مِنَ الرُّسُلِ وَلا تَسْتَعْجِلْ لَهُمْ} الأحقاف: 35
Transliteration: Faisbir kamasabara oloo alAAazmi mina alrrusuli wala tastaAAjil lahum
and He said: {So wait with patience for the Decision of your Lord, and be not like the Companion of the Fish} [Surat Al-Qalam 68:48].
{وَلا تَكُنْ كَصَاحِبِ الْحُوتِ} القلم: 48
Transliteration: wala takun kasahibi alhooti
3- Praising the patient; He Almighty said: {and who are patient in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting (during the battles). Such are the people of the truth and they are Al-Muttaqûn (the pious)} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:177].
{وَالصَّابِرِينَ فِي الْبَأْسَاءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ وَحِينَ الْبَأْسِ أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ صَدَقُوا وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُتَّقُونَ} البقرة: 177


Transliteration: waalssabireena fee albasai waalddarrai waheena albasi olaika allatheena sadaqoo waolaika humu almuttaqoona
4- Making patience and fearing Allah conditions for the victory and help; Allah Almighty said: {Yes, if you hold on to patience and piety, and the enemy comes rushing at you; your Lord will help you with five thousand angels having marks (of distinction)} [Surat Al-Imran 3:125].
{بَلَى إِنْ تَصْبِرُوا وَتَتَّقُوا وَيَأْتُوكُمْ مِنْ فَوْرِهِمْ هَذَا يُمْدِدْكُمْ رَبُّكُمْ بِخَمْسَةِ آلافٍ مِنَ الْمَلائِكَةِ مُسَوِّمِينَ} آل عمران: 125


Transliteration: Bala in tasbiroo watattaqoo wayatookum min fawrihim hatha yumdidkum rabbukum bikhamsati alafin mina almalaikati musawwimeena
And that is why the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “And know that victory is accompanied with patience.” [Declared authentic by Al-Albani]
«واعلم أنّ النّصر مع الصّبر» صححه الألباني 315 في تخريج كتاب السّنّة
5- Declaring that gaining what is desired and being safe from what is feared and entering Paradise and receiving the greetings of the angels are results to being patient; He said: {And angels shall enter unto them from every gate (saying): “Salâmun ‘Alaikum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!”} [Surat Ar-Rad 13:23-24].
{وَالْمَلائِكَةُ يَدْخُلُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ بَابٍ (23) سَلامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ بِمَا صَبَرْتُمْ فَنِعْمَ عُقْبَى الدَّارِ} الرّعد: 23-24


Transliteration: waalmalaikatu yadkhuloona AAalayhim min kulli babin (23) Salamun AAalaykum bima sabartum faniAAma AAuqba alddari
6- Declaring that the verses of Allah are useful to the patient only; He Almighty said: {And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allâh misleads whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.} [Surat Ibrahim 14:4].
{وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَسُولٍ إِلا بِلِسَانِ قَوْمِهِ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمْ فَيُضِلُّ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ} إبراهيم: 4


Transliteration: Wama arsalna min rasoolin illa bilisani qawmihi liyubayyina lahum fayudillu Allahu man yashao wayahdee man yashao wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu
7- Declaring that the characteristics of goodness and the great rewards will be for none but the patient; He Almighty said: {Woe to you! The Reward of Allâh (in the Hereafter) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this none shall attain except those who are As-Sâbirûn (the patient in following the truth)} [Surat Al-Qasas 28:80],
{وَيْلَكُمْ ثَوَابُ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ لِمَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَلا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلا الصَّابِرُونَ} القصص: 80


Transliteration: waylakum thawabu Allahi khayrun limanamana waAAamila salihan walayulaqqaha illa alssabiroona
and He said: {But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient - and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and of a high moral character) in this world} [Surat Fussilat 41:35].
{وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلا ذُو حَظٍّ عَظِيمٍ} فصلت: 35


Transliteration:Wama yulaqqaha illa allatheena sabaroo wama yulaqqaha illa thoo haththin AAatheemin
8- Making patience and strong belief conditions for being Imam; He Almighty said: {And We made from among them (Children of Israel), leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our Ayât (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)} [Surat As-Sajdah 32:24].
{وَجَعَلْنَا مِنْهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا لَمَّا صَبَرُوا وَكَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا يُوقِنُونَ} السّجدة: 24


Transliteration: WajaAAalna minhum aimmatan yahdoona biamrina lamma sabaroo wakanoo biayatina yooqinoona
9- Allah praised Ayub great praise because of his patience; He said: {Truly! We found him patient. How excellent a slave! Verily he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!} [Surat Sad 38:44].
{إِنَّا وَجَدْنَاهُ صَابِرًا نِعْمَ الْعَبْدُ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ} ص: 44


Transliteration: inna wajadnahu sabiran niAAma alAAabdu innahu awwabun
10- He Almighty coupled between patience and the principles of Islam and characteristics of belief; He coupled patience with prayer in His saying: {And seek help in patience and As-Salât (the prayer)} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:45],
{وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاةِ} البقرة: 45
Transliteration: WaistaAAeenoo bialssabri waalssalati 
and with Fearing Him in His saying: {Verily, he who fears Allâh with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds), and is patient} [Surat Yusuf 12:90],
{إِنَّهُ مَنْ يَتَّقِ وَيَصْبِرْ} يوسف: 90
Transliteration: innahu man yattaqi wayasbir
and with thank in His saying: {Verily, in this are signs for every patient, grateful (person)} [Surat Luqman 31:31],
{إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَاتٍ لِكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُورٍ} لقمان: 31


Transliteration: inna fee thalika laayatin likulli sabbarin shakoorin
and with sympathy and compassion in His saying: {and recommended one another to perseverance and patience, and (also) recommended one another to pity and compassion} [Surat Al-Balad 90:17].
{وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ} البلد: 17


Transliteration: watawasaw bialssabri watawasaw bialmarhamati
and with truthfulness in His saying: {the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allâh has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allâh has forbidden)} [Surat Al-Ahzaab 33:35].
{وَالصَّادِقِينَ وَالصَّادِقَاتِ وَالصَّابِرِينَ وَالصَّابِرَاتِ} الأحزاب: 35
Transliteration: waalssadiqeena waalssadiqati waalssabireena waalssabirati 
And in other verses, Allah declared that patience is the reason of gaining His love, nearness, victory, support and reward. Indeed, any one of these gains is sufficient as honor.
Patience in Sunnah:
In Sunnah, there are many Ahadith demonstrating the excellence of patience and entice having it. Furthermore, these Ahadith mention the rewards that are prepared for the patient in the worldly life and Hereafter. The scholars mentioned these uncountable Ahadith in their books under many titles; and here are some of these Ahadith:
1- It is reported in the two Sahihs that Anas said: “The Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) passed by a woman who was weeping beside a grave. He said to her, “fear Allah and be patient.” She said to him, “Go away, for you have not been afflicted with a calamity like mine.” And she did not recognize him. Then she was informed that he was the Prophet. So, she was frightened as if she was about to die. Then, she went to the house of the Prophet and there she did not find any guard. Then she said to him, “O Messenger of Allah, I did not recognize you.” He said, “Verily, the patience is at the first instance of a calamity.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari, 1283]
عن أنس قال: مرّ النّبيّ -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- بامرأة تبكي عند قبر فقال: «اتّقي الله واصبري» فقالت: إليك عنّي فإنّك لم تُصب بمصيبتي -ولم تعرفه- فقيل لها: إنه النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، فأخذها مثل الموت، فأتت باب النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فلم تجد على بابه بوابين، فقالت: يا رسول الله، لم أعرفك. فقال: «إنّما الصّبر عند الصّدمة الأولى» رواه البخاري 1283
Indeed, the first stroke of a calamity has an effect that trembles and disturbs the heart. If the person tolerated the first shock, it would be weak calamity, and then he will be able to be patient.
2- And it is narrated on the authority of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “… and whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience” [Reported by Al-Bukhari, 1469].
«.. ومن يتصبّر يصبّره الله، وما أعطي أحد عطاء خيرًا وأوسع من الصّبر» رواه البخاري 1469
3- And it is narrated on the authority of Anas that he heard the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) says: “Allah said, ‘If I deprive my slave from his two beloved things (i.e. his eyes), and he remains patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.’” [Reported by Al-Bukhari, 5653]
«إن الله قال: إذا ابتليت عبدي بحبيبتيه -أي عينيه- فصبر، عوضته منهما الجنّة» رواه البخاري 5653
4- And it is reported in the two Sahihs that the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) distributed something (among his followers). A man said, “This distribution has not been done (with justice) seeking Allah’s Countenance.” And when the Messenger of Allah was informed about that he said, “May Allah bestow His Mercy on Moses, for he was harmed more (in a worse manner) than this; yet he endured patiently” [Agreed upon].
«رحم الله موسى، قد أوذي بأكثر من هذا فصبر» متفق عليه
Actually, the Ahadith that talks about the excellence of patience and entice having it are uncountable, and the above mentioned are sufficient.
Among the sayings of the righteous forefathers about patience:
1- Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “we found the best of our life by patience.” And he also said: “we found the best of our life by patience, and if patience was a man, it would be generous one.”
2- Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “the likeness of patience to faith is like the head to the body; if the head is cut, the body will be dead.” Then he raised his voice saying: “indeed, there is no belief to whoever does not have patience.” And he also said: “patience is a mount that would never stumble.”
3- Al-Hassan said: “patience is one of the treasures of good; therefore, Allah never gives it but to a slave who has an exalted status in His sight.”
4- Omar Ibn Abdel-Aziz (may Allah mercy him) said: “Allah had never granted a boon to a slave then took it from him and gave him patience instead of it but what He gave him is better than what He took.”
5- Soliman Ibn Al-Qasim (may Allah mercy him) said: “the reward of every deed is known except the reward of patience.”
6- Maimoun Ibn Mahran (may Allah mercy him) said: “patience is two kinds; patience at having a calamity (i.e. good patience) and patience for not committing a sin (i.e. better patience).” And he also said: “no one has taken something from the body of goodness and whatever is inferior to it, but by patience.”
Things opposite to patience:
As long as patience is preventing the tongue from complaining to other than Allah and preventing the heart from discontent or impatience and preventing the limbs from slapping the cheeks or tearing the clothes or scratching the faces and the like, whatever contrary to this; is opposite to patience. And the following are among the things that are opposite to patience;
1- Complaining to a creature. If the slave complained his Lord to a creature like him, he would have complained the One Who gives mercy and be kind and cure him and Holds in His Hands his harm and benefit to whom does not show mercy nor has the power to present harm or benefit. Actually, this is a result of ignorance and lack of faith.
As for presenting complaint to Allah, it is not against patience. Because Ya’qoub (i.e. Jacob) complained to his Lord, although he promised Him to be patient; he said: {I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allâh} [Surat Yusuf 12:86].
{قَالَ إِنَّمَا أَشْكُو بَثِّي وَحُزْنِي إِلَى اللَّهِ} يوسف: 86
Transliteration: Qala innama ashkoo baththee wahuznee ila Allahi 
As for informing a creature about the status, it is not against patience. This is like telling the doctor about the pain or telling the ruler about the injustice, as long as it is for gaining help or having support for eliminating the harm.
2- As for tearing the clothes or slapping the cheeks or scratching the faces or plucking out the hair or striking one hand by the other or raising the voice at the stroke of a calamity, they are all against patience. And that is why the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) declared innocence from whoever does that.
As for weeping and feeling sadness without making sounds or uttering prohibited speech, it is not against patience. Allah Almighty said about Yaqoub: {And he lost his sight because of the sorrow that he was suppressing} [Surat Yusuf 12:84]; Qatada said: “he (i.e. Yaqoub) did not say but good.”
{وَابْيَضَّتْ عَيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ فَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ} يوسف: 84


Transliteration: waibyaddat AAaynahu mina alhuzni fahuwa katheemun
3- As for declaring the calamity and talking about it, it is against patience. It is said: “it is from the righteousness to conceal the calamities, diseases and charities.” And it is said: “concealing the calamities is the peak of righteousness.”
4- As for impatience, which is feeling discontent at the stroke of a calamity and being niggard at having grace, it is against patience. Allah Almighty said: {Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient; Irritable (discontented) when evil touches him, and niggardly when good touches him} [Surat Al-Maarij :19-21].
{إِنَّ الإِنْسَانَ خُلِقَ هَلُوعًا (19) إِذَا مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ جَزُوعًا (20) وَإِذَا مَسَّهُ الْخَيْرُ مَنُوعًا} المعارج: 19-21


Transliteration: Inna alinsana khuliqa halooAAan (19) Itha massahu alshsharru jazooAAan (20) Waitha massahu alkhayru manooAAan
Ubaid Ibn Umair said: “impatience is not shedding tears and feeling sad; rather impatience is the evil saying and the evil thinking.” One of the righteous forefathers said: “a beloved son to me died, and when I said to his mother, ‘fear Allah and ask the reward from Him and be patient’ she said, ‘my calamity because of losing him is greater than spoiling it by being impatient.’ “
Finally, I ask Allah Almighty to grant to us patience and I ask Him to make us among the patient. And prayers and peace of Allah be upon Muhammad and his family and companions.
Compiled by: the department of researches in Al-Watan House
Al-Watan House



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