Ancestors and Tolerance

Since 2012-11-22

Ayoub As-Sekhteyany said: “No man is noble until he possesses two characteristics: immaculate what others possess, and forgive what they do to us”.


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise to Allah solely, and praise and blessings upon whom no prophet is beyond 
Some of the characteristics of this nation’s competent ancestors and leading generation are: tolerance, patience, accepting others, enduring harm, humbleness, devotion for forgiveness, forgiving wrongdoers and turning away from ignorant people.  
Some of their news related to this subject are:
It goes with you instead:
A man told Abi Bakr As-Sideeq, may Allah gratifies him: “I swear to God, I will keep calling you names until they go with you into your grave”.
So Abou Bakr said: “It shall go with you instead of me”.
Bend to offensive words:
Omar Ibn Al Khatab, may Allah gratifies him, said: “If you ever hear an offensive word to you, just bend till it passes through”.
Don’t overweigh in calling us names:
Sofian Ath-Thawry said: Ibn Ayash An-Natouf was insulting Omar Ibn Thar and calling him names. So Omar told him when they met: “Hey you, do not overweigh in calling us names, and leave some space for reconciliation. We do not reward who disobeys Allah about us, except by obeying Allah about him”.
Committing evil deeds:
A man told Amro Ibn Al Aas: “I swear to God, I shall concentrate on harming you”.
Amro replied: “Then you would have committed evil deeds”.
The man said: “As if you are threatening me .. I swear if you scold me with a word I will scold you with ten words”.
Amro said: “And if you tell me ten words I shall tell you none”!!
Gratitude for power:
Aly Ibn Abi Taleb said: “If you are able to conquer your enemy, then let forgiveness be your gratitude method of your power over him”.
Our defects are more:
One day, when Aly Ibn Al Hussein was going out of the mosque a man called him names. All people rose to help Aly, but he said: “Leave him”, and went towards him and said: “Allah did not cover our defects from you .. do you need anything we can help you with?” The man was ashamed, so Aly gave him the black-bordered cloak that he was wearing and ordered to give him a thousand dirham.
Repel evil with good deeds:
Al Shafeiy said:
“Socialize with virtue and forgive who assaults you *** and defend, but repel evil with good deeds”.
Out of their generosity:
Adbullah Ibn Motyi wife told him: “I have never seen meaner than your companions: whenever you are wealthy they are all around you and when you become poor they leave you”..
He said: “This is out of their generosity, as they are around us when we have the strength to cope with them, and they desert us when we are unable to do so”.
Nobility sign:
Ayoub As-Sekhteyany said: “No man is noble until he possesses two characteristics: immaculate what others possess, and forgive what they do to us”.

This is how to blame:
A man wrote to his friend whom he heard had insulted him:
Though I am hurt that you insulted me *** still, I am pleased that you thought about me
Find excuses for your brother:
Ibrahim Ibn Adham said: “Find excuses for your brother out of seventy sources, and if you could not find any, then you get one for him”.
Tolerance makes you enter heaven:
Hothayfa Ibn Al Yamman, may Allah gratifies him, said: “No matter how licentious one is in his religion and clumsy in his life, he goes to heaven because of his tolerance”.
I am Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz:
Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz went to pray Al Eshaa in Bani Omaya mosque while the lamp light was out. So he bumped his feet into a sleeping man. The latter woke up and told him: “Is that a donkey that bumped into me?”
So Omar said: “No .. I am Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz and not a donkey”.
No one knows me but you:
While At-tawaf, a man thronged and squeezed Salem Ibn Abdullah and told him: “You are an evil man”.
So Salem said: “No one knows me but you”.
You are free for Allah sake:
A boy said to Ibn Aoun: “I plucked out the camel’s eye”.
Ibn Aoun said: “May Allah bless you”.
The boy said: “I am telling you that I plucked out the camel’s eye and you tell me: may Allah bless you?!”
So Ibn Aoun replied: “I say, you are free for Allah sake”…

Pray for his robber:
A horse was stolen from Ar-Rabyi Ibn Khothaym, so his companions in the gathering told him: “Pray to Allah against the burglar”. But he said: “No, I shall pray to Allah for him: Oh Allah, if he is rich then let his heart favor the righteous path, and if he is poor then make him rich”.
A man called Al Shaabyi names, so he told him: “If you are right may Allah forgive me, and if you are lying then may Allah forgive you”.
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