What do You Know about Ramadan?

Since 2012-11-19

Do you listen to the people around you….what are they talking about?...Why are they happy?...They are saying the crescent has appeared? They are saying it is the blessed month, the month of grace and reward…They are saying it is Ramadan! Then a question jumps to your mind every year….what do we know about Ramadan? Here is the answer…

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the realms, and prayer and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.

Do you listen to the people around you….what are they talking about?...Why are they happy?...They are saying the crescent has appeared? They are saying it is the blessed month, the month of grace and reward…They are saying it is Ramadan!
Then a question jumps to your mind every year….what do we know about Ramadan?
Here is the answer…
Ramadan is the month of the Qur`an, Allah Almighty said: {The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’ân, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong)} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:185]
{شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنْـزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ} البقرة: 185
Transliteration: Shahru Ramađāna Al-Ladhī 'Unzila Fīhi Al-Qur'ānu Hudaan Lilnnāsi Wa Bayyinātin Mina Al-Huda Wa Al-Furqān
In the two authentic books narrated by Ibn-‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) that he said: “The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was most generous in Ramadan when Jibreel (peace be upon him) meets him, Jibreel (peace be upon him) used to meet him in every night in Ramadan to revise the Qur`an. At the time, the Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) was the most generous with good things than a sent wind.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
«كان النَّبيُّ -صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم- أجود النَّاس، وأجود ما يكون في رمضان، حين يلقاه جبريل، وكان جبريل -عليه السَّلام- يلقاه في كلِّ ليلةٍ من رمضان فيدارسه القرآن، فلرسول الله -صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم- أجود بالخير من الرِّيح المرسلة» رواه البخاري ومسلم
Ibn Rajab commented: “This is evident on increasing in the reciting of the Qur`an in Ramadan.”
He (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Fasting and Qur`an intercede for the servant (of Allah), fasting says, “O Allah I have prevented him from food and drink in the morning, let me intercede for him”, And the Qur`an says, “O Allah I prevented him from sleeping at night, let me intercede for him”, whereupon they are permitted to intercede.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani 1429 in Sahih Al-Targhîb]
«الصِّيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد، يقول الصِّيام: ربِّ إنِّي منعته الطَّعام والشَّراب بالنَّهار؛ فشفعني فيه، ويقول القرآن: ربِّ منعته النَّوم بالليل؛ فشفعني فيه، فيشفعان» صحَّحه الألباني 1429 في صحيح التَّرغيب
As you see Ramadan is the month of the Qur`an and a season of blessings, colors of good actions diversify and the slave (of Allah) becomes active, so do you know that my dear brother?
Ramadan is the month of Taraweeh (supererogatory prayer associated with ‘Ishâ` prayer in Ramadan) and Tahajud (night prayer):
The treasures of the night and its hours that are like gems, how adorable, the Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stood up praying (at night) in Ramadan out of faith and hope in reward he will be forgiven of all his sins.” (Agreed upon)
«من قام رمضان إيمانًا واحتسابًا غُفِر له ما تقدَّم من ذنبه» متفقٌ عليه
This is the inundate of the kind and his generosity driving it (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) and in it lies all the bounties: “A Man came to the Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) whereupon he said: “O Messenger of Allah do you see if I testified that there is no God except Allah, prayed the five prayers, gave my obligatory charity (Zakat), fasted Ramadan and stood up praying its night where do I stand? He replied, “With the truthful ones and the martyrs.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Targhîb]
«جاء رجلٌ إلى النَّبيِّ -صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم- فقال: يا رسول الله أرأيت إن شهدت أن لا إله إلا الله وأنَّك رسول الله وصليت الصَّلوات الخمس وأديت الزكاة وصمت رمضان وقمته فممن أنا؟ قال: من الصِّديقين والشُّهداء» صحَّحه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب
He prayer and peace of Allah be upon him said: “Whoever prays at night with ten verses is not considered of the inattentive ones, whoever prays at night with one hundred verses is considered among the submissive and whoever prays at night with one thousand verses is considered of the quintals (Al-Muqanttirîn) collectors (of reward not gold).” [Reported by Abu Dawûd 1398 and authenticated by Al-Albani]
«من قام بعشر آياتٍ لم يكتب من الغافلين، ومن قام بمائة آيةٍ كتب من القانتين، ومن قام بألف آيةٍ كُتب من المقنطرين» رواه أبو داود 1398 وصحَّحه الألباني
Al-Muqanttirîn: The one who is recorded for him a Qinttar (Quintal) of reward.
Ramadan is the month of expiating sins: The Most Kind, blessed this nation with the complete benevolence, and granted it from His grace and favor, and specified this month with His prevailing forgiveness.
The Messenger Of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “May his nose be immersed in the sand the one who I was mentioned in his presence and he didn’t pray on me, may his nose be immersed in the sand the one who Ramadan approached and left and he wasn’t forgiven, may his nose be immersed in the sand the one who his parents became old in his presence (life) and didn’t admit him to paradise.” [Reported by At-Tirmidhi 3545 and Al-Albani sadid good and authentic]
«رغم أنف رجلٍ ذُكرت عنده فلم يصلِّ عليَّ، ورغم أنف رجلٍ دخل عليه رمضان ثمَّ انسلخ قبل أن يغفر له، ورغم أنف رجلٍ أدرك عنده أبواه الكبر فلم يدخلاه الجنَّة» رواه التِّرمذي 3545 وقال الألباني: حسنٌ صحيحٌ
The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stood up praying (at night) in Ramadan out of faith and hope in reward he will be forgiven of all his sins.” (Agreed upon)
«من قام رمضان إيمانًا واحتسابًا غُفِر له ما تقدَّم من ذنبه» متفق عليه
Ramadan is the month of generosity and benevolence: This is the month of generosity, kindness and lofty morals, the Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah is Generous and loves the generous ones, Kind and loves the kind ones, likes the lofty morals and Hates its low ones.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani 1800 in Sahih Al-Jame’]
«إنَّ الله كريم يحبُّ الكرماء، جواد يحبُّ الجودة، يحبُّ معالي الأخلاق، و يكره سفسافها» صحَّحه الألباني 1800 في صحيح الجامع
Our Messenger (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) was the best of people, the bravest of people and his generosity was in all ways.
It was narrated by Ibn Mas’ûd (May Allah be pleased with him): “The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) entered upon Bilal and he had a pile of dates so he said to him, “What is this Bilal?” He replied, “something I saved for tomorrow”, He commented, “don’t you fear that it will have steam in Hellfire on the day of Judgment?! Give in charity Bilal! And don’t fear from the Lord of the throne any scarcity.” [Reported by Al-Albani 1826 in Mishkat Al-Masabeeh and said authentic with other chains of transmission]
«أنَّ النَّبيَّ -صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم- دخل على بلال وعنده صبرةٌ من تمرٍ، فقال: ما هذا يا بلال؟!، قال: شيء ادخرته لغدٍ، فقال: أما تخشى أن ترى له غدًا بخارًا في نار جهنَّم يوم القيامة؟! أنفق بلال! ولا تخش من ذي العرش إقلالًا» رواه الألباني 1826 في تخريج مشكاة المصابيح وقال: صحيح بمجموع طرقه
As for the abundance of his generosity (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) in Ramadan carries a lot of benefits among it the honor of the time and multiplying in reward, aid for the fasting people, ones who are praying at night, and for those combining fasting and charity paradise is imperative for them.
He (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of deeds is bringing happiness to your brother, pay a debt he owes or to feed him bread.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani 1096 in Sahih Al-Jame’]
«أفضل الأعمال أن تدخل على أخيك المؤمن سرورًا أو تقضي عنه دينًا أو تطعمه خبزًا» صحَّحه الألباني 1096 في صحيح الجامع
Ramadan is the month where Paradise opens its gates: Paradise is the abode of the ones certain with Allah’s appointment, the ones who pray at night in Ramadan, fasting its day and feeding the slaves of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When Ramadan comes the gates of Paradise are open, gates of Hellfire is closed and the devils are chained.” [Agreed upon and the wording is for Muslim1079]
«إذا جاء رمضان فتحت أبواب الجنَّة، وغلقت أبواب النَّار، وصفدت الشَّياطين» متفقٌ عليه واللفظ لمسلم 1079
It is Paradise, the dwelling of honor from the Most merciful isn’t there any buyer?...It is Paradise work as much as your yearning to it.
Ramadan is the Month where the gates of Hellfire are closed: In this great month the gates of Hellfire are closed, what a great opportunity to be saved from Hellfire, hell that the Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) seen shattering itself where he said: “By the One who’s Muhammad’s soul in His hand! If you saw what I seen, you would laugh less and weep a lot, they said, “what did you see O Messenger of Allah? He replied, “I saw Paradise and Hellfire.”” [Reported by Muslim 426], is there anyone who grasps this chance of salvation.
«والَّذي نفس محمَّدٍ بيده! لو رأيتم ما رأيت لضحكتم قليلًا ولبكيتم كثيرًا، قالوا: وما رأيت يا رسول الله؟ قال: رأيت الجنَّة والنَّار» رواه مسلم 426
Ramadan is the Month of patience and discipline: O dear brother know that, while you are in the month of patience, that who attaches to one of the attributes of his Lord Almighty it would admit him to His Lord. Fasting contains in it the three meanings of patience: Patience on the pain of hunger and thirst, patience on sins and patience on obedience. Allah Almighty says: {and be patient. Surely, Allâh is with those who are As-Sâbirûn (the patient). } [Surat Al-Anfâl: 46]
{وَاصْبِرُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ} الأنفال: 46
Transliteration: Wa Aşbirū 'Inna Al-Laha Ma`a Aş-Şābirīn
So those patient won with this kindness the good of the worldly life and the hereafter, he (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no provision given to the slave (of Allah) better and more containing than patience.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani]
«ما رزق الله عبدا خيرا له ولا أوسع من الصبر» صحَّحه الألباني
The self through patience is molded by hardship, thus, repelling impurities from it. It is inevitable to discipline ourselves with trials and hunger, so the believer would carry out the assigned matters of creed, until then, their selves will be precious to them in same weight they pay for the sake of its expenses. Expenses here are the high price that the creed treasured by in the selves of its bearers before it treasured in the selves of others.
Ramadan is the month of praise: Praise is the keyword of the people of paradise, Allah Almighty said: {And they will say: “All the praises and thanks be to Allâh Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a reward for the (pious, good) workers!”} [Surat Az-Zumar 39:74]
{وَقَالُوا الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي صَدَقَنَا وَعْدَهُ وَأَوْرَثَنَا الأَرْضَ نَتَبَوَّأُ مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ حَيْثُ نَشَاءُ فَنِعْمَ أَجْرُ الْعَامِلِينَ} الزُّمر: 74
Transliteration: Wa Qālū Al-Ĥamdu Lillahi Al-Ladhī Şadaqanā Wa`dahu Wa 'Awrathanā Al-'Arđa Natabawwa'u Mina Al-Jannati Ĥaythu Nashā'u Fani`ma 'Ajru Al-`Āmilīn
Thanking Allah is levels, which starts with recognizing his favor over us, shyness from disobeying Him and ends with total submission when praising Him, the sincerity of this praise in every movement of your body and drop from the soul. Allah Almighty Has coupled His remembrance through remembrance, He Almighty said: {Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:152]
{فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِي وَلا تَكْفُرُونِ} البقرة: 152
Transliteration: Fādhkurūnī 'Adhkurkum Wa Ashkurū Lī Wa Lā Takfurūn
Then Ramadan is the month of praising Him and feeling shyness, even if we prostrated on the thorns till the day we meet him we wouldn’t have pay Him the respect He deserves of what He gave us. Moreover, what he gave us in Ramadan from His grace and favors; praising Him for Islam and enough with it as a blessing! Or praising for forgiving of our sins and the opening of the gates of Paradise, or for chaining down the devils, or for charity….The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him): “If Allah blessed a slave with a grace then he said “All Praise is due to Allah” Al Hamdu Ilah, then what he gave him is better than what is taken (from him).” [Reported by IbnMajah 3082 and declared good by Al-Albani]
«ما أنعم الله على عبدٍ نعمةً فقال: الحمد لله، إلا كان الَّذي أعطاه أفضل ممَّا أخذ» رواه ابن ماجه 3082 وحسَّنه الألباني
Ramadan is the month of accepted supplication: If it wasn’t Ramadan the time of accepted supplication then which month would be? It is the time of the dry lips and complete obedience, hungry bellies, the time the angels descend is the time when the doors of mercy open, Allah Almighty says: {And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:186]
{وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ} البقرة: 186
Transliteration: Wa 'Idhā Sa'alaka `Ibādī `Annī Fa'innī Qarībun 'Ujību Da`wata Ad-Dā`i 'Idhā Da`āni Falyastajībū Lī Wa Līu'uminū Bī La`allahum Yarshudūn
In addition to that, the Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The best act of worship is supplicating.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani 112 in Sahih Al-Jame’]
«أفضل العبادة الدُّعاء» صحَّحه الألباني 1122 في صحيح الجامع
The Messenger of Allah (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) also said: “Three accepted supplications: a fasters supplication, an oppressed supplication and the supplication of a traveler.” [Authenticated by Al-Albani 112 in Sahih Al-Jame’]
«ثلاث دعوات مستجابات: دعوة الصَّائم، ودعوة المظلوم، ودعوة المسافر» صحَّحه الألباني 3030 في صحيح الجامع
We have to anticipate the honorable days like the day of ‘Arafa, month of Ramadan, Friday, last part of the night, prostration and between the Athan (first call of prayer) and Iqamah (second call of prayer). Ramadan and the time of fasting is an honorable period, also you will find a strong relationship between the opening of the doors of the heavens, mercy and the acceptance of supplications, which are happening in Ramadan.
Ramadan is the month of multiplying reward: Multiplying the reward of actions could be for reasons like the honor of the place where the act is made like the Sacred Masjid and the honor of the time like in the month of Ramadan. The Messenger (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If Ramadan comes perform ‘Umrah as a‘Umrah in it equals a single pilgrimage.” [Reported by Muslim]
«فإذا جاء رمضان فاعتمر فإنَّ عمرةً فيه تعدل حجّة» رواه مسلم 1256
O seeker of righteousness approach! O seeker of evil depart!
Ramadan is the month where the devils are chained: The Messenger (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If Ramadan approaches the doors of Paradise are opened, the doors of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” [Agreed upon and the wording by Muslim 1079]
«إذا جاء رمضان فتحت أبواب الجنَّة، وغلقت أبواب النَّار، وصفدت الشَّياطين» متفقٌ عليه واللفظ لمسلم 1079
What is meant by devils, the leaders of jinn, not all devils are chained, as the name devil apply to some of them not all of them. In Ramadan the impact of devils is less on the fasting person as a sign of lifting any excuse, as if it said to him, “The devils have been restrained for you, so don’t take them as an excuse to neglect acts of obedience and doing sins.”
Ramadan is month of Laylat-ul-Qadr (Night of decree): Laylat-ul-Qadr is night where the door is open, the beloved are approximated, the speech is heard, the answer is given and the working people are rewarded. Allah Almighty says: {The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allâh in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months).} [Surat Al-Qadr 97:3]
{لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ} القدر: 3
Transliteration: Laylatu Al-Qadri Khayrun Min 'Alfi Shahr
Mujahid commented: “Its deeds and praying at night are better than one thousand months of worship”. Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him said: “Laylat-ul-Qadr is in the last ten days of Ramadan, in the odd number nights of the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th -Keeping in mind the what has passed of the even days- the way it had been mentioned in the Ahadith of the Messenger of Allah  -prayer and peace of Allah be upon him-.
Among the supplications stated in this blessed night narrated by ‘A`ishah (may Allah be pleased with her): “I said: “O Messenger of Allah, you see if I knew which night is Laylat-ul-Qadr what do I say in it?”, he replied, “Say ‘O Allah You are Most forgiving, You love forgiving so forgive me.” [Reported by At-Tirmidhi 3513 and authenticated by Al-Albani]
«قلت: يا رسول الله أرأيت إن علمت أي ليلة ليلة القدر ما أقول فيها، قال: قولي اللهمَّ إنَّك عفوٌّ تحبُّ العفوَّ فاعف عنِّي» رواه التِّرمذي 3513 وصحَّحه الألباني
Ramadan is the month of Jihad and conquests: Among the favors of Allah, Glorified and Exalted, on this nation is its most pleasant victories along history was in this month. This month was an icon to giving and endurance, in it was the battle of Badr and the victory of Muslims over the polytheists which took place on the 17th of Ramadan 2nd year of Hijrah. In every Ramadan there is a victory; the conquest of Makkah which is the greatest conquest took place on the 20th 0f Ramadan 8th year of Al-Hijjrah and the idols were demolished, the battle of Al-Buwayb 13th of Hijjrah, opening of Nubia 31st of Hijjrah, opening the island of Rhodes 53rd of Hijjrah, the killing of Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi and demolishing his state in 91st of Hijjrah, the conquests of the Muslims in France, the opening of Amoria on the hands of Al-Mu’tassim on 223 of Hijjrah, the opening of Antakya on 666 Hijri and the victories of the Muslims continue. What we mentioned are only some examples of many victories for the Muslims in this virtuous month.
I ask Allah to accept our fasting and prayers, and to pardon our short comings, and to forgive us for what we have done and what is coming, and we end our supplication with praising Allah.


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