The Solar and Lunar Eclipse

Since 2012-11-15

Allah's Apostle said, "The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse because of someone's death or life. So when you see them, invoke Allah and pray till the eclipse is clear." [Agre


In the name of Allah...

Praise be to Allah who has bestowed on us the grace of the sun and moon,

Peace be upon our prophet Muhammad the best of those who carried the message for human beings, and peace be upon his family, companions and upon all those who feared standing before their Lord....

The Solar and Lunar Eclipse is an admonition from Allah to the human beings

Allah's Apostle said, "The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse because of someone's death or life. So when you see them, invoke Allah and pray till the eclipse is clear." [Agreed upon and this exact narration is for Muslim]

‹‹إن الشمس والقمر آيتان من آيات الله. يخوف الله بهما عباده . وإنهما لا ينكسفان لموت أحد من الناس . فإذا رأيتم منها شيئا فصلوا وادعوا الله . حتى يكشف مابكم››
متفق عليه واللفظ لمسلم

The solar eclipse

The solar eclipse is a strange phenomenon with which the people were occupied in all ages and they weaved myths and legends about its meaning, as they thought that it refers to one of the following:

1- A kind of fear;
2- Death of one of the great people;
3- The birth of a king or a leader;
4- The falling of a ruler;
5- Warning of a natural disaster;
6- Losing a war or any of their null thoughts.

They are two signs from Allah:

"The sun eclipsed at the life-time of Allah's Apostle on the day when (his son) Ibrahim died. So the people said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibrahim. Allah's Apostle said, "The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life (i.e. birth) of some-one. When you see the eclipse pray and invoke Allah." [Al-Bukhari]

‹‹انكسفت الشمس يوم مات إبراهيم ، فقال الناس: انكسفت لموت إبراهيم. فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : إن الشمس والقمر آيتان من آيات الله ، لا ينكسفان لموت أحد ولا لحياته ، فإذا رأيتموهما فادعوا الله وصلوا حتى ينجلي››
رواه البخاري

In another narration:" so pray whenever you see them." [Narrated by Muslim]

‹‹...فإذا رأيتموها فافزعوا للصلاة››
رواه مسلم

In a third narration: "when you see the eclipse, remember Allah and say Takbir (to say Allah Akbar), pray and give Sadaqa (charity)." [Al-Bukhari]

‹‹...فإذا رأيتم ذلك فادعوا الله ، وكبروا وصلوا وتصدقوا››
رواه البخاري

From the foregoing, we know that the prophet at the time of eclipse prayed and called the people to prayer, so once we saw the solar eclipse at any time of the day even before sunset, we should perform what the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has ordered us of invocation, remembrance of Allah, Takbeer (to say Allah Akbar), asking Allah's forgiveness, giving charity, prayer and then remind and advice people as the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did.

Note: the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed Kosoof (eclipse) prayer one time in Madina on Monday the 29th of Shawal in 10th year A.H after 85 minutes of sunshine.

How does the solar and lunar eclipse happen???

First: the solar eclipse happens when the moon lies between the sun and earth.

Second: the lunar eclipse happens when the earth lies between the sun and moon.

Types of solar eclipses:

· The total eclipse in which the sun disk completely disappears.
· The partial eclipse in which the sun disk partially disappears .
· The annular eclipse in which the sun appears as a flaming ring with blurred center.

Notice: the solar and lunar eclipse time (whether in the past or future) can be accurately known because the earth and moon have a constant speed in their orbit which was created by the Lord of mankind.

* Having the knowledge of eclipses definite times by the astronomical calculations, doesn't mean that they are not a sign of frightening.

The danger of looking at the sun during the eclipse time:

We, specially children, mustn't look at the sun with our naked eyes during the time of eclipse as that may cause permanent damages in eye retina and may lead to blindness because of infrared rays, these damages may appear after a period of time.

Dear brother if you want to watch the eclipse, you should put on a special glass or an x rays panel, at least.

Darkness during the day time:

When the moon begins to pass in front of the sun, darkness gradually spread till it completely covers the sky (in case of total eclipse) and a unique awful scene of darkening during the day time can be watched.

Some phenomena that accompany the total eclipse:

· The flowers will bend and shut itself off as if it were the night.
· Bees are confused.
· Birds stop singing

And other effects that are known only by Almighty Allah, the creator of the earth and heavens.

Dear beloved brothers:

If the flowers are bending at the time of eclipse and may be in a state of prostrating to Almighty Allah, why don't we (Muslims) bow ourselves and prostrate for Almighty Allah instead of being in a state of diversion and inattention at the time of this strange phenomenon. Also if the bees feel with confusion and birds keep silent and stop singing in a state of glorification, exaltation and fear of Allah who created the earth and heavens, where is our glorification for Almighty Allah and our fear of Him?

The moon continues its way till its covering for the sun light is ended and gradually everything regains its natural status with Allah's will…Glory be to Allah…

What is requested from every Muslim at the time solar or lunar eclipse?

There are a lot of things we should do at the time of this strange phenomenon, the most important of which is:

The solar and lunar eclipse (kosoof) prayer.

· Its jurisprudential ruling: proved sunnah;
· Its time: its time begins at the time of eclipse and passes away by the end of eclipse;
· Its way of performance: it consists of two Rakat; in each one, there are two bowing, standing and prostrations.

Remarks about (kosoof) eclipse prayer:

1. It is better to be prayed in congregational prayer in the mosque as the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did.

2. It should be preceded by the following call; As-Salat Jameaa (people are being gathered for prayer).

3. It is prayed without Azan (call to prayer) or Iqama.

4. It is a sunnah to prolong the recitation (of the holy Quran) during prayer.

5. It is also a sunnah to prolong the bowing and prostration.

6. The Imam delivers two khuttba (sermon) after prayer.

7. The Imam prolongs the invocation till the eclipse is cleared.

8. It is permissible to be prayed in congregational or single prayer, with a loud or secret reading, with or without khuttba (sermon).

9. It is prayed in both travelling and residence, by old and young people.

10. Children and women can attend this prayer.

Note: some scholars said: “Muslim isn't requested to pray kosoof (eclipse) prayer unless he sees the eclipse with his naked eyes.”

The prophetic signs in the eclipse ahadith (prophetic traditions):

First: if the prophet was calling for his own glory or seeking for a high position, he would take the chance and agree the people when they said that the sun had eclipsed because of the death of Ibrahim (the prophet's son), but he didn't do that as he refused this null saying.

Second: Although the prophet was sad for his son's death, he conveyed Allah's message, announced the truth and refuted the suspicions and null talking.

Third: naturally, the man is curious especially towards the strange phenomena, so at the time of eclipse the people, especially children look at the sun and that may cause blindness to them. When the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “so pray whenever you see them.”

‹‹...فإذا رأيتموها فافزعوا للصلاة››

He urged the people to be occupied with the eclipse prayer and in this case they will have no time to look at the sun and expose themselves to that dangerous phenomenon. In addition to its great reward for Muslims, prayer is considered a protection for the Islamic society…what a great mercy of Allah…

Fourth: unlike the Eid (feast) prayer that is performed in the open places, the kosoof (eclipse) prayer is performed in the mosques. Protecting the Muslim from looking at the sun may be one of the wisdoms behind that…Glory be to Allah…

Fifth: when the prophet showed that the sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Allah and they do not eclipse because of someone's death or life, he preceded the time and all people in nullification of all the myths that people thought. The prophet also showed this scientific truth which is recently discovered…He is really a prophet sent by Almighty Allah the creator of the earth and heavens.

Sixth: when the prophet said “So invoke and pray till the eclipse is clear”

‹‹...فصلوا وادعوا حتى يكشف ما بكم››
رواه البخاري

He showed that eclipse is a phenomenon begins and will come to an end during specified time. So who has taught the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) this scientific truth although he was an illiterate prophet who can't read or write and knew nothing about astronomy??? …I bear witness that there is deity but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah…

Finally: unlike the sun which is regular in its rise and down, the eclipse doesn't occur periodically but sometimes it occurs once a year, twice a year, once in two years or once every ten years and sometimes it is total and another times is partial, so all that reminds us with Almighty Allah's omnipotence on his creatures.

Dear beloved brothers: the eclipse is considered a warning from Allah for His servants, the Almighty Allah says “ And We send not the signs except as a warning.” [Al-‘Isra’ 17:]

{...وَمَا نُرْسِلُ بِالْآيَاتِ إِلَّا تَخْوِيفًا}
الإسراء: 59

Transliteration: wama nursilu bialayati illa takhweefan

Some people went astray and didn't understand this divine wisdom behind the eclipse, as they saw it an ordinary matter, neglected it and didn't repent to Almighty Allah.

We invoke Almighty Allah to make us among those whom He says about them: "And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers." [Az-Zaariyat 51:55]

{وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَىٰ تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ}
الذاريات: 55

Transliteration: Wathakkir fainna alththikra tanfaAAu almumineena

Note: we hope that the officials in our Islamic world revive this blessed Sunnah (the Kosoof (eclipse) prayer) and tell the people with its time via TV, Radio, Newspapers, internet ….etc, to acquire the great reward with Allah's will.

We ask Allah to accept your righteous deeds, and peace be upon you all.

Translated by website


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