Let's Learn how to Perform Wudu? (Ablution)

Since 2012-11-10

Education and discipline is the best gift and greatest favor a father could do to his child, which weighs this world and what it contains. From this perspective we were keen to teach the Muslim youth rules of Wudu’ (ablution) in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet through an interesting and catchy style, step-by-step associated with pictures.


We Praise Allah lord of the Realms and his prayer and peace be upon the most noble of his Messengers our Prophet and on his family and companions.

Childhood is the most crucial period in a person’s life, where the ability of perceiving knowledge rises to the peak. An educator, during this period, could grasp this ability by building their foundation concerning virtuous principles and proper directing of youths minds and conduct…The Messenger of Allah said: “instruct by ease and do not burden…” [Reported by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad]

‹‹علموا ويسروا ولاتعسروا...››
مسند أحمد

Education and discipline is the best gift and greatest favor a father could do to his child, which weighs this world and what it contains. From this perspective we were keen to teach the Muslim youth rules of Wudu’ (ablution) in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet through an interesting and catchy style, step-by-step associated with pictures.

We hereby Ask Allah the Almighty to grant us success and guide us to the righteous path he is The Answerer The Omnipotent over everything.

Picture 1

Recalling of the Wudu’ (ablution) intention, saying Bismillah (in the name of Allah) and washing both hands.

I recall my intention for ablution by heart, clean my mouth with Siwak (cleansing wood stick), then I say “Bismillah” following that by washing my hands to the wrist while rubbing between the fingers thrice.

Picture Two

Mouth rinsing

I rinse my mouth by taking water in my mouth and moving it with my cheeks thrice. I use my right hand to take in water.

Picture 3

Snuffing and blowing out

I Snuff water contained in the right palm into the nose and then eject the water with the left hand (thrice). Mouth rinsing, snuffing, and blowing out is done with one hand scoop thrice.

Picture 4

Washing the Face

I wash my face three times; washing must cover the following; vertically from the tip of the hair edge to the chin, and horizontally from the right ear lobe to the left lobe.

Picture 5

Wash my hands to the Elbow

I wash my hands from the fingertips to the elbow the right hand first then the left three times each.

Picture 6

Wiping the head

I wipe my head from the front (edge of the Hair) to the rear and back to the front, one time.

Picture 7

Ear wiping

I wipe my ear in and out by the residue of head wiping water once.

Picture 8

Washing my feet to the ankles

I wash my feet from the tip of the toe while rubbing between it, to the ankles. The right foot first followed by the left foot three times each.

Description of Wudu’ (Ablution)

Narrated Humran: (the freed slave of 'Uthman bin 'Affan) I saw 'Uthman bin 'Affan asking (for a tumbler of water) to perform ablution (and when it was brought) he poured water from it over his hands and washed them thrice and then put his right hand in the water container and rinsed his mouth and washed his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out. Then he washed his face thrice and (then) forearms up to the elbows thrice, then passed his wet hands over his head and then washed each foot thrice. After that 'Uthman said, "I saw the Prophet performing ablution like this of mine. [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

‹‹عن حمران مولى عثمان بن عفان: أنه رأى عثمان دعا بوضوء ، فأفرغ على يديه من إنائه فغسلهما ثلاث مرات ، ثم أدخل يمينه في الوضوء ، ثم تمضمض واستنشق واستنثر ، ثم غسل وجهه ثلاثا ويديه إلى المرفقين ثلاثا ، ثم مسح برأسه ، ثم غسل كل رجل ثلاثا ، ثم قال: رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يتوضأ نحو وضوئي هذا...››
رواه البخاري

The Supplication made after Wudu’

‘Okba Ibn Amer said I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “If anyone amongst you performs the ablution, and then completes the ablution well and then says: I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His Messenger, the eight gates of Paradise would be opened for him and he may enter by whichever of them he wishes”. [Reported by Muslim]

‹‹ما منكم من أحد يتوضأ فيبلغ ( أو فيسبغ ) الوضوء ثم يقول : أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا عبد الله ورسوله ، إلا فتحت له أبواب الجنة الثمانية ، يدخل من أيها شاء››
رواه مسلم

Ablution invalidators (Factors breaking Wudu’)

1- Whatever passes through excreting passages like wind, urine and stool, or women’s blood.
2- Deep sleep
3- Lack of brain sanity
4- Touching private parts directly with desire
5- Touching a woman with desire
6- Eating camel meat

Virtues of Fasting the month of Sha’ban

Usama Ibn Zaid – May Allah be pleased with him -Narrated that the he said “O Messenger of Allah I didn’t observe you fasting any other month like Sha’ban.” The Messenger of Allah replied saying, “This month is neglected by people, it’s a month between Rajjab and Ramadan, it’s a month where deeds rise to the Lord of the Realms, and I would like to see my deeds rise while I am fasting.” [Reported by Al-Nasa’i and classified as Hasan (Good) by Al-Albani]

‹‹ذاك شهر يغفل الناس عنه بين رجب ورمضان وهو شهر يرفع فيه الأعمال إلى رب العالمين فأحب أن يرفع عملي وأنا صائم››
رواه النسائي وحسنه الألباني

Don’t forget to fast it

He said: The fast of three days a month is like fasting for life and the white days in the morning of thirteen, fourteen and fifteen. [Reported by Al-Nasa’i]

‹‹ صيام ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر صيام الدهر ، وأيام البيض صبيحة ثلاث عشرة ، وأربع عشرة ، وخمس عشرة››
رواه النسائي

Virtues of the night of Mid-Sha’ban (15th)

“Allah looks over (his servants) on the night of Mid Sha’ban, forgiving everyone, except for a Mushrik (polytheist), or quarrelsome person.” [Narrated by Ibn Majjah and strengthened by Al-Albani]

‹‹ إن الله ليطلع في ليلة النصف من شعبان فيغفر لجميع خلقه إلا لمشرك أو مشاحن››
رواه ابن ماجه وقواه الألباني


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