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Virtues of Shabaan

Virtues of Shabaan
عن أسامة بن زيد رضي الله عنه قال: "قلتُ يا رسولَ اللهِ لم أرَكَ تصومُ شهرًا منَ الشهورِ ما تصومُ مِن شعبانَ؟ قال: ذلك شهرٌ يَغفَلُ الناسُ عنه بين رجبٍ ورمضانَ وهو شهرٌ&nb ... more

10+ Hadiths on the Virtues of Shabaan

      The E-Da`wah Committee in Kuwait is pleased to present this short publication which contains a collection of 10+ authentic Prophetic hadiths on the excellence of the mon ... more

Not Satisfied with Life

The more a nation turns away from being concerned about Halal and Haram, the deeper they fall into the cluthches of Satan in other matters.

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Dawah in History

From an Islamic perspective, there is absolutely no compulsion on people to embrace it. People have always entered Islam willingly. The historical presence of non-Muslim minorities living among Muslims is evidence of tolerance in Islam. ... more

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