Books Since 2022-05-19

Islamic Perspective on Sex

This book discusses the Islamic approach to sex and how to satisfy sexual desires in the proper and beneficial way. When conducted in the proper and lawful manner sex may be elevated to the rank of worship and a Muslim is rewarded for it as he or she is rewarded when doing other good deeds. ... more

Fascinating complex structures

How does nothing create everything, and how does life emerge from non-living matter? ... more
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Supporting Our Prophet Muhammad

100 Ways We Can Support Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ... more

The Guide for Pilgrim

The Islamic Institute of promoting awareness of Hajj is pleased to introduce to you this brief guide which contains the most important things that must be known by the pilgrim concerning the rituals of his Hajj and 'Umrah. ... more

A Detailed self-evaluation guide

Thinking before Planning: a detailed self-evaluation guide. ... more

The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah

The prophet (peace be upon him) said "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Zul-Hijjah). ... more

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