Advice for New Muslims or those considering Islam

Advice for New Muslims or those considering Islam

Practical tips from fellow convert,
Saraji Umm Zaid.

So, you are a new Muslim. Mabrouk, congratulations. Or perhaps you are thinking about taking your shahada (profession of Islamic faith). I would like to offer some advice, if I may. Having ...
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The Call for the Unity of Religions

Wahdatul Adyaan

(The Call for the Unity of Religions)
According to Quran and Sunnah

Deen - Way of life

Kaffir - "One who rejects", specifically rejects belief in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, in Al-Qadar ...
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A Description of Hellfire (part 1 of 5)

An Introduction

Islam teaches that Hell is a real place prepared by God for those who do not believe in Him, rebel against His laws, and reject His messengers. Hell is an actual place, not a mere state of mind or a spiritual entity. The horrors, pain, anguish, and punishment are all real, but ...

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Definition of udhiyah and ruling thereon

What is meant by udhiyah (sacrifice)? Is it obligatory or Sunnah?

Praise be to Allaah.

The word udhiyah means an animal of the 'an'aam class (i.e., camel, cow, sheep or goat) that is slaughtered during the days of Eid al-Adha because of the Eid and as an act of worship, intending to ...

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Punishments for neglecting jihad for the sake of Allaah

Is there a specific punishment that is deserved by those who neglect jihad for the sake of Allaah?

Praise be to Allaah.

The command to wage jihad for the sake of Allaah, and the warning against neglecting jihad, appear in many verses of the Qur'aan and ahaadeeth.

If the Muslims neglect ...

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We are nearer to Jesus than them

Muhammad Hassan

Summary of the lecture

The Prophets of Allah were all sent with one religion, they, the prophets, from the time of Adam till the seal of Prophets our beloved chosen prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, have been sent with the message of Islam. Hence, the ...

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Origins of Shia

Scholars of Usul Al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) stated the following rule, "One cannot pass a judgment on something unless one has a clear conception of it". Based on this rule, it is meaningless to pass a judgment on Shia unless you have good knowledge about them. It is also ...

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Ruling on celebrating Valentine's Day

What is the ruling on Valentine's Day?

Praise be to Allah.


Valentine's Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 ...

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He hears the call to prayer but he does not respond

Q: What is the ruling on one who hears the adhaan and even the iqaamah and the prayer itself, but does not come to pray? What is the ruling on one who prays Jumu'ah (Friday prayer) only?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

If a person hears the call to prayer but does not respond, his prayer (elsewhere ...

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The Malice of Lying

Lying is a common part of human relationships. People lie for a variety of reasons. They may lie as part of self-presentation, in order to present a more favorable image to others. People may also lie in order to minimize conflict, because lying may make disagreements less obvious. Although ...

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