MUHAMMAD The Last Prophet A Model For All Time

The Age of IgnoranceBefore ProphethoodAfter ProphethoodIn MadinahThe Decisive Battle of BadrThe Battle of UhudThe Battle of the DitchThe Expedition Against the Banu QurayzahThe Peace Treaty of Hudaybi ... more

Lofty Aspirations (Uluww al Himmah)

A talk delivered by Shaykh Haytham al-Haddad discussing the importance of having high aspirations coupled with knowledge. Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous [al-Qur'an 3:133]

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The hand which gives is better than which takes

the upper hand is the giver and the lower hand is the beggar and it is known that a giver is better than the taker. ... more

Disturbed by Waswaas (Whispers from the Shaytaan) and evil thoughts

When I do Salah (formal prayers) or intend to do good deeds I often get very evil thoughts in my mind. When I concentrate in Salah, and try to focus on the meaning of the words, evil thoughts enter my mind, which make evil suggestions about everything including Allah. I feel very frustrated and angry about this. I know that none forgives sins except Allah alone, but because of my thoughts I feel that there is nothing worse than to have evil thoughts about Allah. After Salah I ask Allah's forgiveness, but feel very bad because I want to stop these evil thoughts, but I can't stop them. These thoughts spoil my enjoyment of Salah, and also make me feel as though I am doomed. Please advise me.

Praise be to Allah.  Evil whispers during prayer and at other times come from the Shaytaan, who is keen to misguide the Muslim and deprive him of good and keep it far away from him. One of the Sahaabah complained to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about ... Continue Reading

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