Have You Prepared for the Hour?

This is the hour that each and every one of us will experience and must be aware of. This is the hour that is approaching us at every second of our lives. This will be the deciding time for us as our actions will come to an end. This is, in fact, OUR HOUR! It is the inevitable that every soul must taste. ... more

The Story of Nuh (Noah) - Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir

He was Noah ibn Lamik ibn Mitoshilkh ibn Enoch ibn Yard ibn Mahlabil ibn Qinan ibn Anoush ibn Seth ibn 'Adam, the Father of Mankind 'alayhis-salam.

According to the history of the People of the Book (this refers to the Jews, and Christians, so called by Allah because they ...

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Ashura (10th of Muharram): A Day of Joy or Grief?

In this short article, I hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding this day and explain the position of Ahl as-Sunnah with regards to the above two practices. ... more

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